[Congressional Record Volume 147, Number 169 (Friday, December 7, 2001)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E2232]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                     IN HONOR OF SHARONNIE M. PERRY


                          HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS

                              of new york

                    in the house of representatives

                       Thursday, December 6, 2001

  Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in recognition of the outstanding 
community service of Sharonnie M. Perry.
  Sharronie Perry was bom in Bedford Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, New York. 
She is the mother of two sons, Da-Shawn and Jah-Son and the proud 
grandmother of Jayla and Jah-Son.
  Serving her church and her community for over thirty years, Sharonnie 
has distinguished herself as a hard worker committed to service. She is 
part of numerous community organizations, including Our Lady of Charity 
Church, The Knights of Peter Claver Auxiliary Court 229 and Solid 
Ground Ministries where she works closely with Father James E. Goode 
and Grandlady Carmela Rodriguez. Involving herself in the politics of 
the community. She has served as a campaign manager for some of 
Brooklyn's most powerful elected officials from all levels of 
government. Sharonnie is currently the District Director in my Fulton 
Street Office as well as the Chairperson of Community Board 5.
  Following her motto: ``I have come to serve and not be served'', 
Sharonnie has received numerous awards and acknowledgements for her 
tireless efforts. By extending her hands to those in need and 
dedicating her life to her brothers and sister. Sharonnie has brought 
hope to those on the verge of giving up. As Co-Chair of the Ladies HIV/
AIDS and Homeless Ministry, she helps to provide meals, shelter and the 
comfort of visitation to those many choose to forget. As the founder of 
the First Women's Day to be held in the Catholic Church, Sharonnie 
raised over $75,000 in funds to buy a church van for Our Lady of 
Charity Church and to make renovations in the Malcolm-Bethune Hall.
  Sharonnie has evangelized on both the local and national levels. 
Performing the opening prayer service at the National Convention for 
the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary for the past six years has 
been one of her greatest pleasures. She has had the honor of being 
invited to be the keynote speaker at the Young Black Achievers program 
and the HIV/AIDS prayer service in the Archdiocese of New York. Using a 
very personal and ``hands on''' approach, Sharonnie has been invited 
over and over again to conduct workshops across the City. Most 
recently, she facilitated the HIV/AIDS workshop for the Office of Black 
Catholics in the Bronx. Sharonnie, also conducted a workshop in July 
2001 for the National Gathering of Black Catholic Women sponsored by 
the National Black Sister Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  Mr. Speaker, Sharonnie Perry's contributions to Brooklyn have 
definitely improved the quality of life for her neighbors and her 
community. As such, she is more than worthy of receiving our 
recognition today and I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring this 
truly remarkable woman.
