[Congressional Record Volume 162, Number 3 (Wednesday, January 6, 2016)]
[Page H26]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina asked and was given permission to 
address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, on December 23, the 
Augusta Chronicle published an editorial with significant insight:
  ``President Obama finally has a counterterrorism strategy: Photo-ops 
and speeches. After dawdling for several years in the fight against 
ISIS, his advisers must realize that Mr. Obama is losing not only the 
war on terror, but the domestic audience as well.
  ``This administration is a story of one failure after another. The 
President calls ISIS the JV team of terror. He says ISIS is contained, 
the day before the Paris attacks. The morning of the San Bernardino 
terror attack, he says: `Our homeland has never been more protected by 
more effective intelligence and law enforcement professionals at every 
level than they are now.' ''
  The editorial continues: ``American lives are on the line, and this 
President won't identify the enemy or secure our borders and 
communities. And his plan of attack? Photo-ops and speeches and 
unvetted refugees.''
  In conclusion, God bless our troops, and may the President by his 
actions never forget September the 11th in the global war on terrorism.
  Thank you, Peggy Sampson, for your dedicated service.
