[Congressional Record Volume 162, Number 57 (Thursday, April 14, 2016)]
[Page H1687]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                    A SEVEN-PAGE PLAN WILL NOT WORK

  (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina asked and was given permission to 
address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, last month, the Director 
of the Defense Intelligence Agency testified that ISIL-Daesh will 
attempt mass murder within the United States. Sadly, despite these many 
threats, the President has failed to take ISIL seriously, dismissing 
them as the ``JV team'' and describing them as ``contained.''
  It took an act of Congress to compel the President to submit a plan 
to defeat ISIL and violent extremists. Over a month after the February 
deadline, his plan of a pathetic seven pages was released. This is not 
a serious plan to protect American families, eliminating terrorist safe 
  This is not a real plan because it does not directly reference 
radical Islam or jihad once. It is not a real plan because it only 
outlines past activities. It clarifies the President's legacy of 
  Sadly, it is clear that this does not provide a path to defeat ISIL 
and mass murderers. While I have confidence in our servicemembers and 
military leaders, they deserve a clear mission. Seven pages is not 
sufficient, as American families are at risk of attack.
  In conclusion, God bless our troops, and may the President, by his 
actions, never forget September the 11th in the global war on 
