[Congressional Record Volume 167, Number 82 (Wednesday, May 12, 2021)]
[Page H2249]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                               GAS LINES

  (Mr. TIMMONS asked and was given permission to address the House for 
1 minute.)
  Mr. TIMMONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today because as of this morning at 
9 a.m., 78 percent of the gas stations in my district in Greenville and 
Spartanburg, South Carolina, are out of gas. My constituents are 
calling my office hundreds at a time requesting relief.
  What has happened with the Colonial Pipeline is a cybersecurity 
attack. It is an attack likely from eastern Europe. A group that calls 
themselves DarkSide is seriously impacting the lives of my 
  This Congress has waited far too long to address our weak 
cybersecurity in the overall U.S. economy. We must take steps as a 
country and as a Congress to increase our cybersecurity to protect our 
country from future attacks.
  I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the 
aisle to craft legislation to make sure that what is going on right now 
in the Southeast does not happen again.
