[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 70 (Wednesday, April 26, 2023)]
[Page H2041]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  (Mr. HARRIS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, fiscal sanity has returned to Washington, 
D.C. I didn't think I was going to live long enough to see this, but 
today, minutes ago, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2811, the 
Limit, Save, Grow Act.
  We agreed with the majority of the American public that inflation is 
tied to runaway Federal Government spending and that it is about time 
the President realized that his fairyland budget that never, ever, ever 
balances is actually bad for America.
  Maybe this will bring him to the negotiating table so that when we 
raise the credit limit on America on our American credit card, we 
actually do what we would do in our own households--we would actually 
begin to control spending. That is a huge step. It is about time it is 
happening in Washington. Mr. Speaker, I hope it is not too late.
