[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 120 (Friday, June 21, 2013)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 37437-37446]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-14698]

Rules and Regulations
                                                Federal Register

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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 120 / Friday, June 21, 2013 / Rules 
and Regulations

[[Page 37437]]


Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2012-1034; Directorate Identifier 2011-NM-051-AD; 
Amendment 39-17383; AD 2013-05-11]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) 
for certain Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. 
That AD currently requires one-time and repetitive inspections of 
specific areas and, when necessary, corrective actions for those 
rudders where production rework has been identified. This new AD adds 
airplanes with certain rudders to the AD applicability; changes an 
inspection type for certain reinforced rudder areas; requires pre-
inspections and repairs if needed; and requires permanent restoration 
of vacuum loss holes. This AD also requires additional inspections for 
certain rudders and repair if needed, and requires replacement of 
certain rudders with new rudders. This AD was prompted by reports of 
surface defects on rudders that were the result of debonding between 
the skin and honeycomb core. We are issuing this AD to detect and 
correct extended de-bonding, which might degrade the structural 
integrity of the rudder. The loss of the rudder leads to degradation of 
the handling qualities and reduces the controllability of the airplane.

DATES: This AD becomes effective July 26, 2013.
    The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by 
reference of certain publications listed in this AD as of July 26, 
    The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by 
reference of certain other publications listed in this AD as of 
December 10, 2010 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 
78883, December 17, 2010)).

ADDRESSES: You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov or in person at the U.S. Department of 
Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sanjay Ralhan, Aerospace Engineer, 
International Branch, ANM-116, Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA, 
1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1405; 
fax (425) 227-1149.



    We issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR 
part 39 to include an AD that would apply to the specified products. 
That NPRM was published in the Federal Register on October 2, 2012 (77 
FR 60064), and proposed to supersede AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 
((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 
2010)). That NPRM proposed to correct an unsafe condition for the 
specified products. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which 
is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community, 
has issued EASA Airworthiness Directive 2010-0164, dated August 5, 2010 
(referred to after this as ``the MCAI''), to correct an unsafe 
condition for the specified products. The MCAI states:

    Surface defects were visually detected on the rudder of one A319 
and one A321 in-service aeroplane.
    Investigation has determined that the defects reported on both 
rudders corresponded to areas that had been reworked in production. 
The investigation confirmed that the defects were a result of de-
bonding between the skin and honeycomb core.
    An extended de-bonding, if not detected and corrected, may 
degrade the structural integrity of the rudder. The loss of the 
rudder leads to degradation of the handling qualities and reduces 
the controllability of the aeroplane.
    EASA AD 2009-0141 required inspections of specific areas and, 
when necessary, the application of corrective actions for those 
rudders where production reworks have been identified.
    This [EASA] AD retains the requirements of EASA AD 2009-0141 
(addressing the populations of rudders affected by AOT A320-55-
1038), which is superseded, and requires:

--a local ultrasonic inspection for reinforced area instead of the 
local thermography inspection, which is maintained for non-
reinforced areas, and
--additional work performance for rudders on which this thermography 
inspection has been performed in the reinforced area, and
--additional work performance for some rudders on which an 
additional area requiring inspections is defined.

    This [EASA] AD also addresses the populations of rudders 
affected by AOT A320-55-1039 and Airbus SB A320-55-1035, A320-55-
1036 and A320-55-1037 which were not included in EASA AD 2009-0141.

Part number (P/N) D554 71000 020 00, serial number (S/N) TS-1494; and 
P/N D554 71002 000 00 0002, S/N TS-2212; are listed in Appendix A of 
the MCAI. These two items are included in this AD, because they were 
not listed in previous AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, 
November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). This AD 
requires the permanent restoration of vacuum loss holes and does not 
allow the temporary restoration with self-adhesive patches, or 
temporary restoration with resin that is specified in the MCAI. You may 
obtain further information by examining the MCAI in the AD docket.


    We gave the public the opportunity to participate in developing 
this AD. We considered the comments received.

Support for the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 2, 2012)

    United Airlines (UAL) stated that it generally agrees with the 
proposed requirements of the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 2, 2012).

Request for Additional Compliance Time

    UAL requested that we add ``a grace period from the AD effective 
date'' for the compliance time for the inspection specified in 
paragraph (y) of the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 2, 2012). UAL

[[Page 37438]]

stated that some rudders used in sampling inspections may be over the 
compliance threshold specified in paragraph (y) of the NPRM. UAL 
proposed an alternative method of inspection for the affected rudders.
    We partially agree. We agree with adding a compliance time of 30 
days after the effective date of this AD for the inspection specified 
in paragraph (y) of this AD. We disagree with the commenter's proposed 
alternate method of inspection because no justification was submitted 
to substantiate that this alternate inspection method would adequately 
address the identified unsafe condition. Under the provisions of 
paragraph (ff) of this AD, we will consider requests for approval of an 
alternate method of compliance (AMOC) if sufficient data are submitted 
to substantiate that an alternate inspection method would provide an 
acceptable level of safety.

Request To Correct Contact Information

    Airbus requested that we change certain contact information. Airbus 
stated that paragraphs (j) and (dd) of the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 
2, 2012) should state that, for negative findings, submit the report to 
SEES1, Customer Services, fax +33 (0)5 61 93 36 14. Airbus also 
requested that we replace EAS with EIAS in paragraph (gg)(2) of the 
    We agree and have changed paragraphs (j) and (dd) of this AD 
accordingly. We have also included the term EIAS in paragraphs (gg)(2) 
and (hh)(5) of this AD.

Request for Permanent Repair Approval

    Airbus requested that we consider each Airbus Repair Approval Sheet 
(RAS) approved under Airbus Design Organization Approval (DOA) 
EASA.21J.031, provided to each rudder after damage is reported, as an 
approved method for permanent repair of rudder damage.
    We agree. Airbus is an EASA delegated agent and therefore a RAS 
approved under Airbus Design Organization Approval (DOA) EASA.21J.031 
would be method of compliance for a repair required by this AD. We have 
not changed this AD in this regard.

Request To Clarify Temporary Repairs

    Airbus requested that we clarify why the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 
2, 2012) does not allow the temporary restoration with self-adhesive 
patches, or the temporary restoration with resin, which are specified 
in the MCAI.
    We agree to clarify. Airbus All Operators Telex (AOT) A320-55A1038, 
Revision 02, dated September 28, 2009, does not provide specific 
procedures for operators to apply and inspect temporary restoration of 
vacuum loss inspection holes. This service information also does not 
specify pass/fail criteria for the detailed visual inspections 
associated with temporary repairs. This service information states that 
details of the hole restoration are provided in technical adaptations. 
We do not have access to technical adaptations for incorporating the 
technical adaptations by reference. Under the provisions of paragraph 
(ff) of this AD, we will consider requests for approval of an AMOC if 
sufficient data are submitted to specify an acceptable process for 
temporary repairs and that those temporary repairs would provide an 
acceptable level of safety. We have not changed the AD in this regard.

Additional Changes Made to This AD

    In the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 2, 2012), we included rudders P/N 
D554 71000 020 00, S/N TS-1494; and P/N D554 71002 000 00 0002, S/N TS-
2212 in table 6 to paragraph (c) of the NPRM. In this final rule, we 
have specified these part/serial numbers in paragraphs (c), (aa), and 
(ee) of this AD, and removed table 6 to paragraph (c) of this AD.
    We have also revised this final rule to change tables 4a, 4b, 5a, 
and 5b to figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this AD; we made no change to the 
content of those tables. These changes were made for formatting 
purposes only.


    We reviewed the available data, including the comments received, 
and determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting 
the AD with the changes described previously--and minor editorial 
changes. We have determined that these changes:
     Are consistent with the intent that was proposed in the 
NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 2, 2012) for correcting the unsafe 
condition; and
     Do not add any additional burden upon the public than was 
already proposed in the NPRM (77 FR 60064, October 2, 2012).

Costs of Compliance

    We estimate that this AD will affect about 721 products of U.S. 
    The actions that are required by AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 
((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 
2010)), and retained in this AD take about 11 work-hours per product, 
at an average labor rate of $85 per work hour. The average labor rate 
is $85 per work-hour. Based on these figures, we estimate the cost of 
the currently required actions on U.S. operators to be $674,135, or 
$935 per product.
    We estimate that it will take about 11 work-hours per product to 
comply with the new basic requirements of this AD. The average labor 
rate is $85 per work-hour. Based on these figures, we estimate the cost 
of the AD on U.S. operators to be $674,135, or $935 per product.
    In addition, we estimate that any necessary follow-on actions would 
take about 12 work-hours and require parts costing $10,000, for a cost 
of $11,020 per product. We have no way of determining the number of 
products that may need these actions.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. ``Subtitle VII: Aviation 
Programs,'' describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's 
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
``Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.

Regulatory Findings

    We determined that this AD will not have federalism implications 
under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct 
effect on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);
    3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska; and
    4. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities

[[Page 37439]]

under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared a regulatory evaluation of the estimated costs to 
comply with this AD and placed it in the AD docket.

Examining the AD Docket

    You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov; or in person at the Docket Operations office 
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, the regulatory evaluation, 
any comments received, and other information. The street address for 
the Docket Operations office (telephone (800) 647-5527) is in the 
ADDRESSES section. Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly 
after receipt.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by 
reference, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

    Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. The FAA amends Sec.  39.13 by removing airworthiness directive (AD) 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)), and adding the following 
new AD:

2013-05-11 Airbus: Amendment 39-17383. Docket No. FAA-2012-1034; 
Directorate Identifier 2011-NM-051-AD.

(a) Effective Date

    This airworthiness directive (AD) becomes effective July 26, 

(b) Affected ADs

    This AD supersedes AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 
68181, November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 

(c) Applicability

    This AD applies to the Airbus airplanes identified in paragraphs 
(c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3), and (c)(4) of this AD, certificated in any 
category, all serial numbers (S/N) having a rudder with a part 
number (P/N) and serial number listed in tables 1, 2, and 3, and 
figures 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 of this AD; and rudders P/N D554 71000 
020 00, S/N TS-1494, and P/N D554 71002 000 00 0002, S/N TS-2212.
    (1) Model A318-111, -112, -121, and -122 airplanes.
    (2) Model A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, and -133 
    (3) Model A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, and -233 
    (4) Model A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -212, -213, -231, and -232 

                   Table 1 to Paragraph (c) of This AD
                         Rudder P/N                           rudder S/N
D554 71000 010 00..........................................      TS-1069
D554 71000 010 00..........................................      TS-1090
D554 71000 012 00..........................................      TS-1227
D554 71000 014 00..........................................      TS-1350
D554 71000 014 00..........................................      TS-1366
D554 71000 014 00..........................................      TS-1371
D554 71000 014 00..........................................      TS-1383
D554 71000 014 00..........................................      TS-1387
D554 71000 016 00..........................................      TS-1412
D554 71000 018 00..........................................      TS-1443
D554 71000 018 00..........................................      TS-1444
D554 71000 018 00..........................................      TS-1468
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1480
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1491
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1495
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1498
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1499
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1500
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1505
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1506
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1507
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1509
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1515
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1528
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1530
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1532
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1535
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1536
D554 71000 020 00..........................................      TS-1538
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1537
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1540
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1541
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1543
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1548
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1549
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1551
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1554
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1555
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1556
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1557
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1559
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1562
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1563
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1564
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1565
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1566
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1567
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1568
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1569
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1570
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1573
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1575
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1578
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1579
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1580
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1581
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1582
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1584
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1593
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1594
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1596
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1599
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1603
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1609
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1621
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1626
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1627
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1635
D554 71001 000 00..........................................      TS-1637
D554 71002 000 00..........................................      TS-2306
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2003
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2005
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2013
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2016
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2019
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2020
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2022
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2024
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2026
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2031
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2033
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2043
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2047
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2048
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2054
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2058
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2059
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2064
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2072
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2075
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2076
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2079
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2083
D554 71002 000 00 0001.....................................      TS-2089
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2090
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2095
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2103
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2116
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2122
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2133
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2142
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2147
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2157
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2158
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2162
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2167
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2174
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2176
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2181
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2189
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2191
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2203
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2205
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2207
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2224
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2229
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2233
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2241
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2246
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2249
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2270
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2275
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2289
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2290
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2294
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2309
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2347
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2348
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2349
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2357
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2361

[[Page 37440]]

D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2380
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2383
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2390
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2394
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2396
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2401
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2406
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2461
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2468
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2516
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2537
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2543
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2546
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2619
D554 71002 000 00 0002.....................................      TS-2684
D554 71002 000 00 0003.....................................      TS-2752
D554 71002 000 00 0003.....................................      TS-2869
D554 71002 000 00 0003.....................................      TS-2876
D554 71002 000 00 0003.....................................      TS-2970
D554 71002 000 00 0003.....................................      TS-2971
D554 71002 000 00 0003.....................................      TS-2987
D554 71004 000 00 0000.....................................      TS-3083
D554 71004 000 00 0000.....................................      TS-3197

    Note 1 to paragraph (c) of this AD:  For table 1 to paragraph 
(c) of this AD, only rudder P/N D554 71000 010 00 having affected 
rudder S/Ns TS-1069 and TS-1090, and rudder P/N D554 71000 012 00 
having affected rudder S/N TS-1227, have a core density of 24 
kilogram (kg)/meters cubed (m\3\).

                   Table 2 to Paragraph (c) of This AD
                         Rudder P/N                           rudder S/N
D554-71000-014-00..........................................      TS-1278
D554-71002-000-00-0001.....................................      TS-2081
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2125
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2129
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2160
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2201
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2328
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2425
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2511
D554-71002-000-00-0003.....................................      TS-2768
D554-71002-000-00-0003.....................................      TS-2999
D554-71002-000-00-0003.....................................      TS-3004
D554-71002-000-00-0003.....................................      TS-3051
D554-71004-000-00-0001.....................................      TS-3288

                   Table 3 to Paragraph (c) of This AD
                         Rudder P/N                           rudder S/N
D554-71000-008-00..........................................      TS-1032
D554-71000-010-00..........................................      TS-1092
D554-71000-014-00..........................................      TS-1314
D554-71000-018-00..........................................      TS-1445
D554-71000-020-00..........................................      TS-1520
D554-71002-000-00-0001.....................................      TS-2037
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2109
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2123
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2124
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2424
D554-71002-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-2559
D554-71002-000-00-0003.....................................      TS-3061
D554-71004-000-00-0001.....................................      TS-3694
D554-71004-000-00-0001.....................................      TS-3709
D554-71004-000-00-0002.....................................      TS-4148

    Note 2 to paragraph (c) of this AD:  For table 3 to paragraph 
(c) of this AD, only rudder P/N D554-71000-008-00 having affected 
rudder S/N TS-1032, and rudder P/N D554-71000-010-00 having affected 
rudder S/N TS-1092, have a core density of 24 kg/m\3\.

Figure 1--Rudder P/N With Any S/N Listed in Figure 2 of This AD

          Rudder P/N With Any S/N Listed in Figure 2 of This AD

Figure 2--Affected S/Ns for Rudders Listed in Figure 1 of This AD

                             Affected S/N for Rudders Listed in Figure 1 of This AD
TS-1368          TS-1616          TS-2080         TS-2159         TS-2222         TS-2276         TS-2327
TS-1389          TS-1619          TS-2082         TS-2163         TS-2223         TS-2279         TS-2330
TS-1496          TS-1622          TS-2084         TS-2168         TS-2227         TS-2280         TS-2331
TS-1501          TS-1632          TS-2085         TS-2169         TS-2228         TS-2281         TS-2332
TS-1503          TS-1639          TS-2086         TS-2170         TS-2230         TS-2284         TS-2333
TS-1508          TS-2004          TS-2094         TS-2172         TS-2231         TS-2285         TS-2334
TS-1516          TS-2008          TS-2096         TS-2175         TS-2232         TS-2286         TS-2336
TS-1527          TS-2010          TS-2097         TS-2177         TS-2234         TS-2293         TS-2337
TS-1529          TS-2012          TS-2098         TS-2179         TS-2235         TS-2297         TS-2338
TS-1534          TS-2014          TS-2100         TS-2182         TS-2236         TS-2298         TS-2339
TS-1545          TS-2017          TS-2101         TS-2183         TS-2238         TS-2299         TS-2340
TS-1547          TS-2018          TS-2106         TS-2185         TS-2240         TS-2302         TS-2341
TS-1553          TS-2023          TS-2113         TS-2192         TS-2242         TS-2303         TS-2343
TS-1560          TS-2025          TS-2115         TS-2193         TS-2244         TS-2304         TS-2346
TS-1561          TS-2029          TS-2118         TS-2195         TS-2245         TS-2305         TS-2352
TS-1571          TS-2032          TS-2126         TS-2199         TS-2248         TS-2307         TS-2353
TS-1572          TS-2034          TS-2130         TS-2200         TS-2250         TS-2310         TS-2354
TS-1574          TS-2039          TS-2131         TS-2204         TS-2251         TS-2311         TS-2355
TS-1576          TS-2040          TS-2132         TS-2206         TS-2252         TS-2312         TS-2356
TS-1577          TS-2041          TS-2134         TS-2208         TS-2254         TS-2313         TS-2358
TS-1583          TS-2046          TS-2136         TS-2209         TS-2258         TS-2315         TS-2360
TS-1585          TS-2050          TS-2140         TS-2210         TS-2259         TS-2316         TS-2362
TS-1588          TS-2051          TS-2143         TS-2211         TS-2260         TS-2319         TS-2363
TS-1591          TS-2052          TS-2144         TS-2213         TS-2261         TS-2320         TS-2364
TS-1600          TS-2053          TS-2145         TS-2216         TS-2262         TS-2321         TS-2365
TS-1602          TS-2056          TS-2149         TS-2217         TS-2265         TS-2322         TS-2366
TS-1607          TS-2060          TS-2152         TS-2218         TS-2268         TS-2323         TS-2367
TS-1608          TS-2069          TS-2154         TS-2220         TS-2271         TS-2325         TS-2370
TS-1614          TS-2070          TS-2155         TS-2221         TS-2272         TS-2326         TS-2371
TS-2372          TS-2483          TS-2583         TS-2665         TS-2743         TS-2813         TS-2878
TS-2373          TS-2484          TS-2584         TS-2666         TS-2744         TS-2814         TS-2879

[[Page 37441]]

TS-2374          TS-2486          TS-2585         TS-2667         TS-2745         TS-2815         TS-2880
TS-2377          TS-2488          TS-2586         TS-2668         TS-2747         TS-2816         TS-2881
TS-2381          TS-2491          TS-2587         TS-2671         TS-2749         TS-2818         TS-2882
TS-2382          TS-2493          TS-2590         TS-2674         TS-2751         TS-2819         TS-2885
TS-2387          TS-2494          TS-2591         TS-2675         TS-2753         TS-2821         TS-2886
TS-2388          TS-2498          TS-2592         TS-2676         TS-2754         TS-2822         TS-2890
TS-2392          TS-2499          TS-2593         TS-2677         TS-2755         TS-2823         TS-2891
TS-2393          TS-2501          TS-2596         TS-2679         TS-2756         TS-2824         TS-2892
TS-2395          TS-2505          TS-2597         TS-2680         TS-2757         TS-2826         TS-2893
TS-2397          TS-2506          TS-2601         TS-2681         TS-2758         TS-2827         TS-2896
TS-2398          TS-2508          TS-2602         TS-2682         TS-2759         TS-2828         TS-2897
TS-2399          TS-2510          TS-2603         TS-2683         TS-2760         TS-2830         TS-2898
TS-2407          TS-2512          TS-2605         TS-2685         TS-2762         TS-2831         TS-2899
TS-2408          TS-2514          TS-2606         TS-2688         TS-2765         TS-2832         TS-2900
TS-2409          TS-2517          TS-2611         TS-2689         TS-2771         TS-2833         TS-2903
TS-2410          TS-2518          TS-2612         TS-2691         TS-2772         TS-2834         TS-2904
TS-2411          TS-2521          TS-2614         TS-2695         TS-2773         TS-2835         TS-2906
TS-2412          TS-2522          TS-2615         TS-2697         TS-2775         TS-2836         TS-2907
TS-2415          TS-2527          TS-2616         TS-2698         TS-2776         TS-2837         TS-2908
TS-2417          TS-2529          TS-2617         TS-2699         TS-2778         TS-2838         TS-2909
TS-2421          TS-2532          TS-2620         TS-2700         TS-2779         TS-2839         TS-2910
TS-2422          TS-2536          TS-2625         TS-2701         TS-2780         TS-2840         TS-2911
TS-2423          TS-2540          TS-2626         TS-2707         TS-2782         TS-2843         TS-2913
TS-2427          TS-2544          TS-2628         TS-2710         TS-2783         TS-2844         TS-2914
TS-2428          TS-2545          TS-2629         TS-2711         TS-2784         TS-2845         TS-2916
TS-2435          TS-2547          TS-2630         TS-2712         TS-2785         TS-2846         TS-2917
TS-2437          TS-2551          TS-2631         TS-2713         TS-2786         TS-2848         TS-2919
TS-2440          TS-2552          TS-2632         TS-2714         TS-2788         TS-2849         TS-2920
TS-2444          TS-2553          TS-2634         TS-2716         TS-2790         TS-2850         TS-2922
TS-2446          TS-2554          TS-2635         TS-2717         TS-2791         TS-2851         TS-2923
TS-2447          TS-2555          TS-2636         TS-2719         TS-2792         TS-2852         TS-2924
TS-2453          TS-2558          TS-2637         TS-2722         TS-2793         TS-2853         TS-2925
TS-2455          TS-2562          TS-2640         TS-2724         TS-2794         TS-2854         TS-2927
TS-2458          TS-2563          TS-2641         TS-2725         TS-2795         TS-2855         TS-2928
TS-2460          TS-2566          TS-2642         TS-2726         TS-2796         TS-2856         TS-2929
TS-2463          TS-2568          TS-2644         TS-2727         TS-2797         TS-2857         TS-2930
TS-2466          TS-2570          TS-2647         TS-2728         TS-2799         TS-2860         TS-2932
TS-2467          TS-2571          TS-2648         TS-2732         TS-2801         TS-2861         TS-2933
TS-2471          TS-2572          TS-2650         TS-2734         TS-2803         TS-2862         TS-2934
TS-2472          TS-2573          TS-2651         TS-2735         TS-2804         TS-2863         TS-2935
TS-2474          TS-2574          TS-2653         TS-2736         TS-2805         TS-2864         TS-2937
TS-2476          TS-2575          TS-2656         TS-2738         TS-2807         TS-2865         TS-2938
TS-2477          TS-2576          TS-2657         TS-2739         TS-2808         TS-2868         TS-2939
TS-2478          TS-2579          TS-2658         TS-2740         TS-2810         TS-2872         TS-2943
TS-2481          TS-2580          TS-2659         TS-2741         TS-2811         TS-2874         TS-2944
TS-2482          TS-2581          TS-2662         TS-2742         TS-2812         TS-2877         TS-2946
TS-2948          TS-3040          TS-3113         TS-3177         TS-3249         TS-3689         TS-3928
TS-2949          TS-3043          TS-3114         TS-3178         TS-3250         TS-3690         TS-3936
TS-2950          TS-3046          TS-3116         TS-3179         TS-3251         TS-3695         TS-3939
TS-2951          TS-3049          TS-3119         TS-3180         TS-3252         TS-3699         TS-3942
TS-2953          TS-3050          TS-3120         TS-3181         TS-3253         TS-3702         TS-3950
TS-2954          TS-3052          TS-3121         TS-3182         TS-3255         TS-3703         TS-3958
TS-2955          TS-3054          TS-3122         TS-3183         TS-3256         TS-3704         TS-3961
TS-2957          TS-3055          TS-3123         TS-3184         TS-3257         TS-3706         TS-3968
TS-2958          TS-3056          TS-3124         TS-3185         TS-3259         TS-3708         TS-3987
TS-2959          TS-3058          TS-3125         TS-3186         TS-3262         TS-3710         TS-3993
TS-2960          TS-3060          TS-3126         TS-3188         TS-3271         TS-3717         TS-3995
TS-2962          TS-3065          TS-3127         TS-3189         TS-3276         TS-3718         TS-4003
TS-2964          TS-3066          TS-3129         TS-3191         TS-3278         TS-3734         TS-4027
TS-2965          TS-3071          TS-3131         TS-3193         TS-3282         TS-3743         TS-4031
TS-2968          TS-3072          TS-3132         TS-3194         TS-3286         TS-3761         TS-4087
TS-2969          TS-3074          TS-3133         TS-3195         TS-3289         TS-3772         TS-4099
TS-2973          TS-3075          TS-3134         TS-3198         TS-3290         TS-3780         TS-4118
TS-2976          TS-3076          TS-3135         TS-3200         TS-3291         TS-3789         TS-4145
TS-2980          TS-3077          TS-3138         TS-3201         TS-3292         TS-3805         TS-4146
TS-2984          TS-3078          TS-3139         TS-3202         TS-3295         TS-3820         TS-4147
TS-2985          TS-3079          TS-3140         TS-3204         TS-3297         TS-3821         TS-4163
TS-2986          TS-3080          TS-3141         TS-3205         TS-3306         TS-3822         TS-4167
TS-2988          TS-3081          TS-3142         TS-3207         TS-3309         TS-3824         TS-4175
TS-2991          TS-3082          TS-3143         TS-3210         TS-3310         TS-3825         TS-4178
TS-2998          TS-3084          TS-3144         TS-3215         TS-3317         TS-3839         TS-4181
TS-3001          TS-3087          TS-3145         TS-3216         TS-3320         TS-3841         TS-4186
TS-3002          TS-3088          TS-3148         TS-3217         TS-3328         TS-3843         TS-4195
TS-3003          TS-3089          TS-3149         TS-3218         TS-3388         TS-3844         TS-4212

[[Page 37442]]

TS-3005          TS-3090          TS-3151         TS-3219         TS-3392         TS-3846         TS-4232
TS-3006          TS-3091          TS-3154         TS-3221         TS-3395         TS-3849         TS-4271
TS-3009          TS-3093          TS-3155         TS-3222         TS-3429         TS-3850         TS-4331
TS-3011          TS-3094          TS-3156         TS-3223         TS-3441         TS-3851         TS-4345
TS-3016          TS-3096          TS-3158         TS-3224         TS-3516         TS-3853         TS-4366
TS-3018          TS-3097          TS-3159         TS-3226         TS-3561         TS-3855         TS-4396
TS-3020          TS-3098          TS-3160         TS-3227         TS-3567         TS-3857         TS-4401
TS-3021          TS-3100          TS-3161         TS-3232         TS-3574         TS-3860         TS-4420
TS-3025          TS-3101          TS-3162         TS-3234         TS-3590         TS-3862         TS-4461
TS-3026          TS-3102          TS-3164         TS-3235         TS-3591         TS-3863         TS-4480
TS-3027          TS-3103          TS-3166         TS-3236         TS-3595         TS-3871         TS-4636
TS-3028          TS-3104          TS-3167         TS-3237         TS-3598         TS-3878         TS-4651
TS-3030          TS-3105          TS-3168         TS-3240         TS-3609         TS-3879         TS-4678
TS-3031          TS-3106          TS-3169         TS-3241         TS-3625         TS-3882         TS-4696
TS-3032          TS-3107          TS-3170         TS-3242         TS-3638         TS-3883         TS-4770
TS-3033          TS-3108          TS-3171         TS-3243         TS-3650         TS-3885         N/A
TS-3034          TS-3109          TS-3172         TS-3244         TS-3669         TS-3910         N/A
TS-3035          TS-3110          TS-3174         TS-3245         TS-3684         TS-3914         N/A
TS-3037          TS-3111          TS-3175         TS-3247         TS-3685         TS-3921         N/A
TS-3038          TS-3112          TS-3176         TS-3248         TS-3687         TS-3924         N/A

Figure 3--Rudder P/N With Any S/N Listed in Figure 4 of This AD

          Rudder P/N With Any S/N Listed in Figure 4 of This AD

Figure 4--Rudder S/N With Any P/N Listed in Figure 3 of This AD

          Rudder S/N With Any P/N Listed in Figure 3 of This AD

(d) Subject

    Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 55, Stabilizers.

(e) Reason

    This AD was prompted by reports of surface defects on rudders 
that were the result of debonding between the skin and honeycomb 
core. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct extended de-
bonding, which might degrade the structural integrity of the rudder. 
The loss of the rudder leads to degradation of the handling 
qualities and reduces the controllability of the airplane.

(f) Compliance

    You are responsible for having the actions required by this AD 
performed within the compliance times specified, unless the actions 
have already been done.

(g) Retained Repetitive Inspections of Rudders With a Core Density of 
24 kg/m\3\

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (g) of AD 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). For rudders identified 
in table 1 to paragraph (c) of this AD with a honeycomb core density 
of 24 kg/m\3\ (rudder P/N D554 71000 010 00 having affected rudder 
S/Ns TS-1069 and TS-1090, and rudder P/N D554 71000 012 00 having 
affected rudder S/N TS-1227), do the actions specified in paragraphs 
(g)(1), (g)(2), (g)(3), and (g)(4) of this AD, in accordance with 
Airbus All Operators Telex (AOT) A320-55A1038, Revision 01, dated 
June 10, 2009; or Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated 
September 28, 2009; for the locations defined in the applicable AOT 
specified in this paragraph.
    (1) Within 200 days after December 10, 2010 (the effective date 
of AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 
2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010))): Perform a 
vacuum loss inspection on the rudder reinforced area.
    (2) Within 20 months after December 10, 2010 (the effective date 
of AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 
2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010))): Perform an 
elasticity laminate checker (ELCH) inspection on the rudder trailing 
edge area. Repeat the inspection two times, at intervals not to 
exceed 4,500 flight cycles, but not sooner than 4,000 flight cycles 
after the last inspection.
    (3) Within 200 days after December 10, 2010 (the effective date 
of AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 
2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010))): Perform an ELCH 
inspection of the other areas (splice/lower rib/upper edge/leading 
edge/other specified locations). Repeat the inspection at intervals 
not to exceed 1,500 flight cycles or 200 days, whichever comes 
    (4) Within 20 months after December 10, 2010 (the effective date 
of AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 
2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010))): Perform a 
vacuum loss inspection of the other areas (splice/lower rib/upper 
edge/leading edge/other specified locations). Accomplishment of the 
action specified in paragraph (g)(4) of this AD terminates the 
requirements of paragraph (g)(3) of this AD.

(h) Retained Repetitive Inspections of Rudders Without a Core Density 
of 24 kg/m\3\

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (h) of AD 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). For rudders that do not 
have a honeycomb core density of 24 kg/m\3\ (all rudders identified 
in table 1 to paragraph (c) of this AD, except rudder P/N D554 71000 
010 00 having affected rudder S/Ns TS-1069 and TS-1090, and rudder 
P/N D554 71000 012 00 having affected rudder S/N TS-1227), do the 
actions specified in paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3), and (h)(4) 
of this AD, in accordance with Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 01, 
dated June 10, 2009; or Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated 
September 28, 2009; for the locations defined in the applicable AOT 
specified in this paragraph. As of the effective date of this AD, 
use only Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated September 28, 
2009. For this paragraph, ``reference date'' is defined as December 
10, 2010 (the effective date of AD 2010-23-07), or the date when the 
rudder will accumulate 20,000 total flight cycles from its first 
installation on an airplane, whichever occurs later.
    (1) Within 200 days after the reference date, perform a vacuum 
loss inspection on the rudder reinforced area.
    (2) Within 20 months after the reference date, perform an ELCH 
inspection on the rudder trailing edge area. Repeat the inspection 
two times at intervals not to exceed 4,500 flight cycles, but not 

[[Page 37443]]

than 4,000 flight cycles after the last inspection.
    (3) Within 200 days after the reference date, perform an ELCH 
inspection of the other areas (splice/lower rib/upper edge/leading 
edge/other specified locations). Repeat the inspection at intervals 
not to exceed 1,500 flight cycles or 200 days, whichever comes 
    (4) Within 20 months after the reference date, perform a vacuum 
loss inspection of the other areas (splice/lower rib/upper edge/
leading edge/other specified locations). Accomplishment of the 
actions specified in this paragraph terminates the requirements of 
paragraph (h)(3) of this AD.

(i) Retained Corrective Actions for De-Bonding

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (i) of AD 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). In case of de-bonding 
found during any inspection required by paragraph (g) or (h) of this 
AD, before further flight, contact Airbus for further instructions 
and apply the associated instructions and corrective actions in 
accordance with the approved data provided, or repair the debonding 
using a method approved by either the Manager, International Branch, 
ANM-116, Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA, or the European 
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (or its delegated agent). After the 
effective date of this AD, repair the debonding using only a method 
approved by either the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116; or 
the EASA (or its delegated agent).

(j) Retained Reporting for Findings From Actions Required by Paragraphs 
(g) and (h) of This AD

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (j) of AD 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). At the applicable time 
specified in paragraph (j)(1) or (j)(2) of this AD, submit a report 
of the findings (both positive and negative) of each inspection 
required by paragraphs (g) and (h) of this AD. The report must 
include the inspection results, as specified in Airbus Technical 
Disposition TD/K4/S2/27086/2009, Issue E, dated September 17, 2009. 
For positive findings, submit the report to either the Manager, 
Seer1/Seer2/Seer3 Customer Services, fax +33 (0)5 61 93 28 73, email 
[email protected], 
[email protected], or 
[email protected]; or AIRTAC (Airbus 
Technical AOG Center) Customer Services, telephone +33 (0)5 61 93 34 
00, fax +33 (0)5 61 93 35 00, email [email protected]. For negative 
findings, submit the report to Nicolas Seynaeve, Sees1, Customer 
Services; telephone +33 (0)5 61 93 34 38; fax +33 (0)5 61 93 36 14; 
email [email protected]; except, as of the effective date 
of this AD, only submit the report to SEES1, Customer Services, fax 
+33 (0)5 61 93 36 14.
    (1) For any inspection done on or after December 10, 2010 (the 
effective date of AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, 
November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010))): 
Submit the report within 30 days after the inspection.
    (2) For any inspection done before December 10, 2010 (the 
effective date of AD 2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, 
November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010))): 
Submit the report within 30 days after December 10, 2010.

(k) Retained Inspection in Additional Areas

    This paragraph restates the provisions of paragraph (k) of AD 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496, ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). All rudders that have 
passed the inspection specified in paragraphs (g)(1), (g)(2), 
(g)(3), (g)(4), (h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3), and (h)(4) of this AD before 
December 10, 2010 (the effective date of AD 2010-23-07), in 
accordance with Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, dated April 22, 2009; or 
Airbus Technical Disposition TD/K4/S2/27051/2009, Issue B, dated 
February 25, 2009; are compliant with this AD only for the areas 
inspected. Additional areas defined in Section 0, ``Reason for 
Revision,'' of Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 01, dated June 10, 
2009; or Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated September 28, 
2009; must be inspected as specified in paragraph (g) or (h) of this 
AD. For all areas, the repetitive inspections required by paragraph 
(g) or (h) of this AD remain applicable.

(l) Retained Parts Installation Limitations

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (l) of AD 
2010-23-07, Amendment 39-16496 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); 
corrected (75 FR 78883, December 17, 2010)). After December 10, 2010 
(the effective date of AD 2010-23-07), no rudder listed in table 1 
to paragraph (c) of this AD may be installed on any airplane, unless 
the rudder is inspected in accordance with paragraph (g) or (h) of 
this AD, as applicable, and all applicable actions specified in 
paragraph (i) of this AD are done.

(m) New Restoration of Vacuum Loss Holes

    If no de-bonding is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (g) or (h) of this AD: Before further flight, restore the 
vacuum loss holes by doing a permanent restoration with resin, in 
accordance with Note 3 of Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, 
dated September 28, 2009. Before doing the resin injection, do a 
local ultrasound inspection in reinforced areas, and a thermography 
inspection in other areas, for damage, in accordance with Note 3 of 
Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated September 28, 2009. If 
any damage is found during any inspection required by this 
paragraph: Before further flight, repair the damage using a method 
approved by either the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116; or 
the EASA (or its delegated agent).

(n) New X-Ray, ELCH, Vacuum Loss, or Thermography Inspection

    For rudders identified in table 2 to paragraph (c) of this AD, 
do the actions specified in paragraphs (n)(1) and (n)(2) of this AD, 
in accordance with Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 2009, 
for the locations defined in that AOT. For this paragraph, 
``reference date'' is defined as the effective date of this AD or 
the date when the rudder will accumulate 20,000 total flight cycles 
from its first installation on an airplane, whichever occurs later.
    (1) Within 20 months after the effective date of this AD, or 
within 200 days after the reference date, whichever occurs first: 
Perform x-ray, and/or ELCH, and/or vacuum loss, and/or thermography 
inspections for damage, as applicable to rudder part number and 
serial number, in accordance with the instructions of paragraph of Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 2009.
    (2) At the applicable time specified in paragraph (n)(2)(i) or 
(n)(2)(ii) of this AD, send the developed x-ray films and the film 
layout arrangement, if applicable, to Attn: SDC32 Technical Data and 
Documentation Services, Airbus Customer Services Directorate, 1 Rond 
Point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France; fax (+33) 5 61 
93 28 06; email [email protected].
    (i) If the inspection was done on or after the effective date of 
this AD: Submit the x-ray films and the film layout arrangement 
within 10 days after the inspection.
    (ii) If the inspection was done before the effective date of 
this AD: Submit the x-ray films and the film layout arrangement 
within 10 days after the effective date of this AD.
    (3) If any damage is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (n) of this AD: Before further flight, repair the damage 
using a method approved by either the Manager, International Branch, 
ANM-116; or the EASA (or its delegated agent).

(o) New ELCH Inspection, Vacuum Loss Inspection, and Repairs

    For rudders identified in table 2 to paragraph (c) of this AD: 
Within 1,500 flight cycles or 200 days after doing the requirements 
of paragraph (n)(1) of this AD, whichever occurs first, do the 
actions specified in paragraphs (o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD.
    (1) Perform an ELCH inspection for damage on the rudder trailing 
edge area, in accordance with the instructions of paragraph of Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 2009. In 
case of no finding, repeat the inspection two times, at intervals 
not to exceed 4,500 flight cycles but not sooner than 4,000 flight 
cycles after the last inspection.
    (2) Perform a vacuum loss inspection for damage of the other 
areas (splice/lower rib/upper edge/leading edge/other specified 
locations), in accordance with the instructions of paragraph of Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 2009.
    (3) If any damage is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (o) of this AD: Before further flight, repair the damage 
using a method approved by either the Manager, International Branch, 
ANM-116; or the EASA (or its delegated agent).

[[Page 37444]]

(p) New Restorations/Inspections/Repairs of Certain Vacuum Loss Holes 
for Certain Rudders

    If no damage is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (o) of this AD: Before further flight, restore the vacuum 
loss holes by doing a permanent restoration with resin, in 
accordance with Note 3 of Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 
2009. Before doing the resin injection, do a local ultrasound 
inspection in reinforced areas, and a thermography inspection in 
other areas, for damage, in accordance with Note 3 of Airbus AOT 
A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 2009. If any damage is found during 
any inspection required by this paragraph: Before further flight, 
repair the damage using a method approved by either the Manager, 
International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA (or its delegated agent).

(q) New Rudder Replacement for Rudders Identified in Table 3 to 
Paragraph (c) of This AD

    For rudders identified in table 3 to paragraph (c) of this AD, 
do the actions specified in paragraphs (q)(1) and (q)(2) of this AD, 
in accordance with the instructions of Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, 
dated November 4, 2009, for the locations defined in that AOT. For 
this paragraph, ``reference date'' is defined as the effective date 
of this AD or the date when the rudder will accumulate 20,000 total 
flight cycles from its first installation on an airplane, whichever 
occurs later.
    (1) For rudders identified in table 3 to paragraph (c) of this 
AD with a honeycomb core density of 24 kg/m\3\ (rudder P/N D554-
71000-008-00 having affected rudder S/N TS-1032 and rudder P/N D554-
71000-010-00 having affected rudder S/N TS-1092): Within 200 days 
after the effective date of this AD, replace the rudder with a new 
rudder, in accordance with a method approved by the Manager, 
International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA (or its delegated agent).
    (2) For rudders identified in table 3 to paragraph (c) of this 
AD that do not have a honeycomb core density of 24 kg/m\3\ (all 
except rudder P/N D554-71000-008-00 having affected rudder S/N TS-
1032 and rudder P/N D554-71000-010-00 having affected rudder S/N TS-
1092): Within 20 months after the effective date of this AD or 
within 200 days after the reference date, whichever occurs first, 
replace the rudder with a new rudder, in accordance with a method 
approved by the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA 
(or its delegated agent).

(r) New Vacuum Loss Inspection for Reinforced Areas of Rudder 
Identified in Figures 1 and 2 of This AD

    For rudders identified in figures 1 and 2 of this AD: At the 
later of the times specified in paragraphs (r)(1) and (r)(2) of this 
AD, perform a vacuum loss inspection on the rudder reinforced area 
for damage, in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of 
Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated July 2, 
2010 (for Model A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin 
A320-55-1036, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A318 and 
A321 series airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, 
Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes).
    (1) Before the rudder accumulates 17,000 total flight cycles 
from its first installation on an airplane without exceeding 20 
months from the effective date of this AD.
    (2) Within 200 days after the effective date of this AD.

(s) New ELCH Inspection for Rudder Trailing Edge Area

    For rudders identified in figures 1 and 2 of this AD: Within 20 
months after the effective date of this AD, perform an ELCH 
inspection for damage on the rudder trailing edge area, in 
accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service 
Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model 
A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1036, 
Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A318 and A321 series 
airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, Revision 01, 
dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes). Repeat the 
inspection two times at intervals not to exceed 4,500 flight cycles, 
but not sooner than 4,000 flight cycles after the last inspection.

(t) New ELCH Inspection for Additional Rudder Areas

    For rudders identified in figures 1 and 2 of this AD: At the 
later of the times specified in paragraphs (t)(1) and (t)(2) of this 
AD, perform an ELCH inspection for damage of the other areas 
(splice/lower rib/upper edge/leading edge/other specified locations) 
for damage, in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of 
Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated July 2, 
2010 (for Model A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin 
A320-55-1036, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A318 and 
A321 series airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, 
Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes). 
Repeat the inspection thereafter at intervals not to exceed 1,500 
flight cycles or 200 days, whichever comes first.
    (1) Before the rudder accumulates 17,000 total flight cycles 
from its first installation on an airplane without exceeding 20 
months from the effective date of this AD.
    (2) Within 200 days after the effective date of this AD.

(u) New Vacuum Loss Inspection for Certain Areas of Rudders Identified 
in Figures 1 and 2 of This AD

    For rudders identified in figures 1 and 2 of this AD: Within 20 
months after the effective date of this AD, perform a vacuum loss 
inspection for damage of the lower rib, upper edge, leading edge, 
and other specified locations, in accordance with the Accomplishment 
Instructions of Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, 
dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service 
Bulletin A320-55-1036, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model 
A318 and A321 series airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-
1037, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series 
airplanes). Accomplishment of the actions specified in this 
paragraph terminates the requirements of paragraph (t) of this AD.

(v) New Corrective Actions for Certain Inspections

    In case of damage found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (r), (s), (t), or (u) of this AD: Before further flight, 
repair the damage using a method approved by either the Manager, 
International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA (or its delegated agent).

(w) New Restorations/Inspections/Repairs of Certain Vacuum Loss Holes 
for Certain Other Rudders

    If no damage is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (r) or (u) of this AD: Before further flight, restore the 
vacuum loss holes by doing a permanent restoration with resin, in 
accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service 
Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model 
A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1036, 
Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A318 and A321 series 
airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, Revision 01, 
dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes). Before doing 
the resin injection, do a local ultrasound inspection in reinforced 
areas, and a thermography inspection in other areas, for damage, in 
accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service 
Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model 
A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1036, 
Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A318 and A321 series 
airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, Revision 01, 
dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes). If any damage 
is found during any inspection required by this paragraph: Before 
further flight, repair the damage using a method approved by either 
the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA (or its 
delegated agent).

(x) Credit for Certain Previous Actions

    This paragraph provides credit for the inspections required by 
paragraphs (r), (s), (t), (u), and (w) of this AD only for the 
inspected area for rudders identified in figures 1 and 2 of this AD, 
if the area passed the inspection before the effective date of this 
AD using Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1035, dated February 17, 
2010 (for Model A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin 
A320-55-1036, dated February 17, 2010 (for Model A318 and A321 
series airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, dated 
February 17, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes); which are not 
incorporated by reference in this AD. For all other inspected areas, 
the repetitive inspections required by paragraph (s), (t), and (w) 
of this AD are still required.

(y) New ELCH Inspection and Repairs for Certain Rudders

    For rudders identified in figures 3 and 4 of this AD: Within 
4,500 flight cycles but not sooner than 4,000 flight cycles after 
the sampling inspection, or within 30 days after

[[Page 37445]]

the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later, perform an 
ELCH inspection for damage on the rudder trailing edge area, in 
accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service 
Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model 
A320 series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1036, 
Revision 01, dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A318 and A321 series 
airplanes); or Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, Revision 01, 
dated July 2, 2010 (for Model A319 series airplanes). Repeat the 
inspection within 4,500 flight cycles, but not sooner than 4,000 
flight cycles after the last inspection. If any damage is found 
during any inspection required by paragraph (y) of this AD: Before 
further flight, repair the damage using a method approved by either 
the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA (or its 
delegated agent).

(z) Credit for Certain Other Previous Actions

    This paragraph provides credit for the inspection required by 
paragraph (y) of this AD only for the inspected area for rudders 
identified in figures 3 and 4 of this AD if the area passed the 
inspection before the effective date of this AD using Airbus Service 
Bulletin A320-55-1035, dated February 17, 2010 (for Model A320 
series airplanes); Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1036, dated 
February 17, 2010 (for Model A318 and A321 series airplanes); or 
Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, dated February 17, 2010 (for 
Model A319 series airplanes); which are not incorporated by 
reference in this AD. For all inspection areas, the repetitive 
inspections required by paragraph (y) of this AD are still required.

(aa) New Repetitive Inspections of Certain Rudders

    For rudders P/N D554 71000 020 00, S/N TS-1494; and P/N D554 
71002 000 00 0002, S/N TS-2212: Do the actions specified in 
paragraphs (aa)(1), (aa)(2), (aa)(3), and (aa)(4) of this AD, in 
accordance with Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated 
September 28, 2009. For this paragraph, ``reference date'' is 
defined as the date when the rudder will accumulate 20,000 total 
flight cycles from its first installation on an airplane.
    (1) Within 200 days after the reference date, perform a vacuum 
loss inspection on the rudder reinforced area.
    (2) Within 20 months after the reference date, perform an ELCH 
inspection on the rudder trailing edge area. Repeat the inspection 
two times at intervals not to exceed 4,500 flight cycles, but not 
sooner than 4,000 flight cycles, after the last inspection.
    (3) Within 200 days after the reference date, perform an ELCH 
inspection of the other areas (splice/lower rib/upper edge/leading 
edge/other specified locations). Repeat the inspection at intervals 
not to exceed 1,500 flight cycles or 200 days, whichever comes 
    (4) Within 20 months after the reference date, perform a vacuum 
loss inspection of the other areas (splice/lower rib/upper edge/
leading edge/other specified locations). Accomplishment of the 
actions specified in this paragraph terminates the requirements of 
paragraph (h)(3) of this AD.

(bb) New De-Bonding Corrective Actions

    In case of de-bonding found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (aa) of this AD: Before further flight, contact Airbus for 
further instructions and apply the associated instructions and 
corrective actions in accordance with the approved data provided.

(cc) New Restoration of Vacuum Loss Holes

    If no de-bonding is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (aa) of this AD: Before further flight, restore the vacuum 
loss holes by a permanent restoration with resin, in accordance with 
Note 3 of Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated September 28, 
2009. Before doing the resin injection, do a local ultrasound 
inspection in reinforced areas, and a thermography inspection in 
other areas, for damage, in accordance with Note 3 of Airbus AOT 
A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated September 28, 2009. If any damage 
is found during any inspection required by this paragraph: Before 
further flight, repair the damage using a method approved by either 
the Manager, International Branch, ANM-116; or the EASA (or its 
delegated agent).

(dd) New Reporting for Paragraphs (n), (o), (r), (s), (t), (u), (y), 
and (aa) of This AD

    At the applicable time specified in paragraph (dd)(1) or (dd)(2) 
of this AD, submit a report of the findings (both positive and 
negative) of each inspection required by paragraphs (n), (o), (r), 
(s), (t), (u), (y), and (aa) of this AD. The report must include the 
inspection results, as specified in Airbus Technical Disposition TD/
K4/S2/27086/2009, Issue E, dated September 17, 2009. For positive 
findings, submit the report to either the Manager, Seer1/Seer2/Seer3 
Customer Services, fax +33 (0)5 61 93 28 73, email 
[email protected], 
[email protected], or 
[email protected]; or AIRTAC (Airbus 
Technical AOG Center) Customer Services, telephone +33 (0)5 61 93 34 
00, fax +33 (0)5 61 93 35 00, email [email protected]. For negative 
findings, submit the report to SEES1, Customer Services, fax +33 
(0)5 61 93 36 14.
    (1) For any inspection done on or after the effective date of 
this AD: Submit the report within 10 days after the inspection.
    (2) For any inspection done before the effective date of this 
AD: Submit the report within 10 days after the effective date of 
this AD.

(ee) New Parts Installation Limitation

    As of the effective date of this AD, no rudder listed in table 
1, 2, or 3 of this AD; or figure 1, 2, 3, or 4 of this AD; or a 
rudder identified in paragraph (ee)(1) or (ee)(2) of this AD; may be 
installed on any airplane, unless the rudder is in compliance with 
the requirements of this AD.
    (1) P/N D554 71000 020 00; S/N TS-1494.
    (2) P/N D554 71002 000 00 0002; S/N TS-2212.

(ff) Other FAA AD Provisions

    The following provisions also apply to this AD:
    (1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, 
International Branch, ANM-116, has the authority to approve AMOCs 
for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in 14 CFR 
39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, send your request to your 
principal inspector or local Flight Standards District Office, as 
appropriate. If sending information directly to the International 
Branch, send it to ATTN: Sanjay Ralhan, Aerospace Engineer, 
International Branch, ANM-116, Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA, 
1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-
1405; fax (425) 227-1149. Information may be emailed to: [email protected]. Before using any approved AMOC, notify your 
appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, 
the manager of the local flight standards district office/
certificate holding district office. The AMOC approval letter must 
specifically reference this AD.
    (2) Airworthy Product: For any requirement in this AD to obtain 
corrective actions from a manufacturer or other source, use these 
actions if they are FAA-approved. Corrective actions are considered 
FAA-approved if they are approved by the State of Design Authority 
(or their delegated agent). You are required to assure the product 
is airworthy before it is returned to service.
    (3) Reporting Requirements: A federal agency may not conduct or 
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a 
person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a 
collection of information subject to the requirements of the 
Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information 
displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number 
for this information collection is 2120-0056. Public reporting for 
this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 5 
minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, 
completing, and reviewing the collection of information. All 
responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Comments 
concerning the accuracy of this burden and suggestions for reducing 
the burden should be directed to the FAA at: 800 Independence Ave. 
SW., Washington, DC 20591, Attn: Information Collection Clearance 
Officer, AES-200.

(gg) Related Information

    (1) Refer to MCAI EASA Airworthiness Directive 2010-0164, dated 
August 5, 2010, for related information.
    (2) Service information identified in this AD that is not 
incorporated by reference may be obtained at the addresses specified 
in paragraph (hh)(5) and (hh)(6) of this AD.

(hh) Material Incorporated by Reference

    (1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the 
incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service information listed 
in this paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
    (2) You must use this service information as applicable to do 
the actions required by this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
    (3) The following service information was approved for IBR on 
July 26, 2013.
    (i) Airbus All Operators Telex (AOT) A320-55A1038, dated April 
22, 2009. The

[[Page 37446]]

first page of this document contains the document number and date; 
no other pages contain this information.
    (ii) Airbus AOT A320-55A1039, dated November 4, 2009. The first 
page of this document contains the document number and date; no 
other pages contain this information.
    (iii) Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1035, Revision 01, dated 
July 2, 2010.
    (iv) Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1036, Revision 01, dated 
July 2, 2010.
    (v) Airbus Service Bulletin A320-55-1037, Revision 01, dated 
July 2, 2010.
    (vi) Airbus Technical Disposition TD/K4/S2/27051/2009, Issue B, 
dated February 25, 2009.
    (4) The following service information was approved for IBR on 
December 10, 2010 ((75 FR 68181, November 5, 2010); corrected (75 FR 
78883, December 17, 2010)).
    (i) Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 01, dated June 10, 2009. 
The first page of this document contains the document number, 
revision level, and date; no other pages contain this information.
    (ii) Airbus AOT A320-55A1038, Revision 02, dated September 28, 
2009. The first page of this document contains the document number, 
revision level, and date; no other pages contain this information.
    (iii) Airbus Technical Disposition TD/K4/S2/27086/2009, Issue E, 
dated September 17, 2009. The first page of this document contains 
the document number, revision level, and date; no other pages 
contain this information.
    (5) For service information identified in this AD, contact 
Airbus, Airworthiness Office--EIAS, 1 Rond Point Maurice Bellonte, 
31707 Blagnac Cedex, France; telephone +33 5 61 93 36 96; fax +33 5 
61 93 44 51; email [email protected]; Internet http://www.airbus.com.
    (6) You may review copies of the service information at the FAA, 
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA. 
For information on the availability of this material at the FAA, 
call 425-227-1221.
    (7) You may view this service information that is incorporated 
by reference at the National Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at 
NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on March 1, 2013.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 2013-14698 Filed 6-20-13; 8:45 am]