[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 186 (Monday, September 26, 2016)]
[Pages 66030-66031]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-23072]



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has submitted 
the following information collection request to the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with 
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The notice for the proposed 
information collection is published to obtain comments from the public 
and affected agencies.
    Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected 
agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are 
encouraged. Your comments should address any of the following: (a) 
Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary 
for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the 
accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of the proposed 
collection of information, including the validity of the methodology 
and assumptions used; (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; (d) Minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or 
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses; and 
(e) Assess information collection costs.
    To request additional information on the proposed project or to 
obtain a copy of the information collection plan and instruments, call 
(404) 639-7570 or send an email to [email protected]. Written comments and/or 
suggestions regarding the items contained in this notice should be 
directed to the Attention: CDC Desk Officer, Office of Management and 
Budget, Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202) 395-5806. Written

[[Page 66031]]

comments should be received within 30 days of this notice.

Proposed Project

    Aggregate Reports for Tuberculosis Program Evaluation (OMB Control 
Number 0920-0457)--Reinstatement Without Change of a Previously 
Approved Collection--National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, 
STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP), Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention (CDC).

Background and Brief Description

    CDC, NCHHSTP, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE) proposes 
a reinstatement without change of the Aggregate Reports for 
Tuberculosis Program Evaluation, previously approved under OMB Control 
Number 0920-0457. This request is for a three-year clearance. There are 
no revisions to the report forms, data definitions, or reporting 
    DTBE is the lead agency for tuberculosis elimination in the United 
States. To ensure the elimination of tuberculosis in the United States, 
CDC monitors indicators for key program activities, such as finding 
tuberculosis infections in recent contacts of cases and in other 
persons likely to be infected and providing therapy for latent 
tuberculosis infection.
    In 2000, CDC implemented two program evaluation reports for annual 
submission: Aggregate report of follow-up for contacts of tuberculosis, 
and Aggregate report of screening and preventive therapy for 
tuberculosis infection (OMB No. 0920-0457). The respondents for these 
reports were the 68 state and local tuberculosis control programs 
receiving federal cooperative agreement funding through DTBE. This 
group will also respond to this collection of information.
    These Aggregate reports emphasize treatment outcomes, high-priority 
target populations vulnerable to tuberculosis, and programmed 
electronic report entry, which transitioned to the National 
Tuberculosis Indicators Project (NTIP), a secure web-based system for 
program evaluation data, in 2010. No other federal agency collects this 
type of national tuberculosis data, and the Aggregate report of follow-
up for contacts of tuberculosis, and Aggregate report of screening and 
preventive therapy for tuberculosis infection are the only data source 
about latent tuberculosis infection for monitoring national progress 
toward tuberculosis elimination with these activities.
    CDC provides ongoing assistance in the preparation and utilization 
of these reports at the local and state levels of public health 
jurisdiction. CDC also provides respondents with technical support for 
NTIP access (Electronic--100%, Use of Electronic Signatures).
    The annual burden to respondents is estimated to be 226 hours.

                                        Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
                                                                         Number of      Number of     burden per
           Type of respondent                       Form name           respondents   responses per    response
                                                                                       respondent     (in hours)
Data clerks and Program Managers          Follow-up and Treatment of            100               1        30/60
 (electronic).                             Contacts to Tuberculosis
                                           Cases Form.
Program Managers (manual)...............  Follow-up and Treatment of             18               1        30/60
                                           Contacts to Tuberculosis
                                           Cases Form.
Data clerks (manual)....................  Follow-up and Treatment of             18               1            3
                                           Contacts to Tuberculosis
                                           Cases Form.
Data clerks and Program Managers          Targeted Testing and                  100               1        30/60
 (electronic).                             Treatment for Latent
                                           Tuberculosis Infection.
Program Managers (manual)...............  Targeted Testing and                   18               1        30/60
                                           Treatment for Latent
                                           Tuberculosis Infection.
Data clerks (manual)....................  Targeted Testing and                   18               1            3
                                           Treatment for Latent
                                           Tuberculosis Infection.

Leroy A. Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review Office, Office of Scientific 
Integrity, Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the 
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2016-23072 Filed 9-23-16; 8:45 am]