[U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual]
[Chapter 16 - Datelines, Addresses, and Signatures]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

General instructions 

16.2. 	Principal words in datelines, addresses, and titles 
        accompanying signatures are capitalized. 

16.3. 	Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., and all other titles preceding a name, 
        and Esq., Jr., Sr., and 2d following a name in address and 
        signature lines, are set in roman caps and lowercase if the 
        name is in caps and small caps or caps and lowercase; if the 
        name is in caps, they are set in caps and small caps, if small 
        caps are available--otherwise in caps and lowercase. 

16.4. 	At least 2 points of space should appear between dateline and 
        text or address, address and text, text and signature, or 
        signature and address. 

16.5. 	Datelines at the beginning of a letter or paper are set at the 
        right side of the page, the originating office in caps and small 
        caps, the address and date in italic; if the originating office 
        is not given, the address is set in caps and small caps and the 
        date in italic; if only the date is given, it is set in caps and 
        small caps. Such datelines are indented from the right 1 em for 
        a single line; 3 ems and 1 em, successively, for two lines; or 
        5 ems, 3 ems, and 1 em, successively, for three lines. In 
        measures 30 picas or wider, these indentions are increased by 1 

                                                    THE WHITE HOUSE,            
                                      Washington, DC, January 1, 2008. 
                                        THE WHITE HOUSE, July 30, 2008.
                                          TREASURY DEPARTMENT,
                                            OFFICE OF THE TREASURER,
                                      Washington, DC, January 1, 2008.

                                   TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 30, 2008.

                                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE,
                                                       July 30, 2008.

                                                  FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA.
                                      OFFICE OF JOHN SMITH & CO.,
                                        New York, NY, June 6, 2008.

                                  WASHINGTON, May 20, 2008--10 a.m.
                                        THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2008--2 P.M.

                                                   JANUARY 24, 2008.
                                 WASHINGTON, November 28, 2008.
                                        [Received December 5, 2008].

                                     ON BOARD USS ``CONNECTICUT,''
                                                  January 22, 2008.

16.6. Congressional hearings: 

                    TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2008\1\ 

                                    HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES,
                                       COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY,
                                        SUBCOMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION,
                                              CITIZENSHIP, REFUGEES, 
                                  BORDER SECURITY, AND INTERNAL LAW,
                                                       Washington, DC. 
                                                   U.S. SENATE,
                                      COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES,
                                                     Washington, DC.
                                    CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES,
                                        JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING, 
                                                       Washington, DC. 

\1\Normally, dates in House hearings on appropriation bills are set on 
the right in 10-point caps and small caps. 

16.7. 	Datelines at the end of a letter or paper, either above or 
        below signatures, are set on left in caps and small caps for 
        the address and italic for the date. When the word dated is 
        used, dateline is set in roman caps and lowercase. 

          MAY 7, 2008. 
          ROANOKE, VA. 
          ROANOKE, VA, July 1, 2008. 
          Dated July 1, 2008. 
          Dated Albany, March 13, 2008. 

16.8. 	Datelines in newspaper extracts are set at the beginning of 
        the paragraph, the address in caps and small caps and the date 
        in roman caps and lowercase, followed by a period and a 1-em 

          ABOARD USS Ronald Reagan April 3, 2008.--
            NEW YORK, NY, August 21, 2008.--A message received here 
              from * * *. 


16.9. 	Addresses are set fl ush left  at the beginning of a letter or 
        paper in congressional work (or at end in formal usage). 

16.10. 	At beginning or at end: 

          To SMITH & JONES and 
          BROWN & GREEN, Esqs., 
          Attorneys for Claimant. 

          (Attention of Mr. Green.) 

          Hon. DIANNE FEINSTEIN, 
          U.S. Senate. 

          Hon. NANCY PELOSI, 
          U.S. House of Representatives. (Collective address.) 

          The PRESIDENT, 
          The White House. 

16.11. 	A long title following an address is set in italic caps and 
        lowercase, the first line fl ush left and right, overruns 
        indented 2 ems to clear a following 1-em paragraph indention. 

          Hon. DANIEL K. AKAKA, 
          Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, 
            the Federal Workforce and the District of Columbia, U.S. 
            Washington, DC. 

16.12. 	The name or title forming the first line of the address is set 
        in caps and small caps, but Mr., Mrs., or other title preceding 
        a name, and Esq., Jr., Sr., or 2d following a name, are set in 
        roman caps and lowercase; the matter following is set in 
        italic. The words U.S. Army or U.S. Navy immediately following 
        a name are set in roman caps and lowercase in the same line as 
        the name. 

          Lt. Gen. ROBERT L. VAN ANTWERP, Jr., U.S. Army, 
          Chief of Engineers. 

          CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U.S. ARMY. (Full title, all caps and 
            small caps.) 

          Lt. Gen. ROBERT L. VAN ANTWERP, Jr., 
          Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 

          Washington, DC. 

          Hon. LORRAINE C. MILLER, 
          Clerk of the House of Representatives. 

          Hon. ROBERT C. BYRD, 
          U.S. Senator, Washington, DC. 

          Hon. JIM WEBB, 
          Russell Senate Of.ce Building, Washington, DC. 

          House of Representatives. 

16.13. 	General (or collective) addresses are set in italic caps and 
        lowercase, flush left, with overruns indented 2 ems and ending 
        with a colon, except when followed by a salutation, in which 
        case a period is used. 

16.14. 	Examples of general addresses when not followed by salutation 
        (note the use of colon at end of italic line): 

          To the Officers and Members of the Daughters of the American 
  Revolution, Washington, DC: 

          To the American Diplomatic and Consular Officers: 

          To Whom It May Concern: 

          Collectors of Customs: 

          To the Congress of the United States: 

16.15. 	Example of general address when followed by salutation (note 
        the use of period at end of italic line): 

          Senate and House of Representatives
            GENTLEMEN: You are hereby * * *. 

16.16. 	Examples illustrating other types of addresses: 
          To the EDITOR: 

          To JOHN L. NELSON, Greeting: 

          To JOHN L. NELSON, Birmingham, AL, Greeting: 



          (Through the Division Engineer). 

           MY DEAR SIR: I have the honor * * *. 
           MR. REED: I have the honor * * *. 
           DEAR MR. REED: I have the honor * * *. 

          Lt. (jg.) JOHN SMITH, 
          Navy Department: 
           The care shown by you * * *. 

          STATE OF NEW YORK, 

          County of New York, ss: 
           Before me this day appeared * * *. 

          DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ss: 
           Before me this day appeared * * *. 

                            Envelope addresses 

                       U.S. House of Representatives 
                    Committee on Education and Labor 
                     2181 Rayburn House Office Building 
                            Washington, DC 20515 

16.17. 	Signatures, preceded by an em dash, are sometimes run in with 
        last line of text. 

16.18. 	Signatures are set at the right side of the page. They are 
        indented 1 em for a single line; 3 ems and 1 em, successively, 
        for two lines; and 5 ems, 3 ems, and 1 em, successively, for 
        three lines. In measures 30 picas or wider, these indentions 
        are increased by 1 em. 

16.19. 	The name or names are set in caps and small caps; Mr., Mrs., 
        and all other titles preceding a name, and Esq., Jr., Sr., and 
        2d following a name, are set in roman caps and lowercase; the 
        title following name is set in italic. Signatures as they 
        appear in copy must be followed in regard to abbreviations. 

16.20. 	If name and title make more than half a line, they are set as 
        two lines. 

16.21. 	Two to eight independent signatures, with or without titles, 
        are aligned on the left, at approximately the center of the 

                                          ROBERT E. SCHWENK. 
                                          QUEEN E. HUGHES. 
                                          ERICA N. PROPHET. 
                                          ANDRE RODGERS, 
                                              Commander, U.S. Navy
                                         WILLIAM H. COUGHLIN, Chairman. 

16.22. 	More than eight signatures, with or without titles, are set 
        full measure, roman caps and lowercase, run in, indented 5 and 
        7 ems in measures of 26� picas or wider; in measures less than 
        26\1/2\ picas, indent 2 and 3 ems. 

          Brown, Shipley & Co.; Denniston, Cross & Co.; Fruhling & 
          Groschen, Attorneys; C.J. Hambro & Sons; Hardy, 
          Nathan & Co.; Heilbut, Symons & Co.; Harrison Bros. & 
          Co., by George Harrison; Hoare, Miller & Co.; Thomas 
          Eaton Co. 

16.23. 	The punctuation of closing phrases is governed by the sense. 
        A detached complimentary close is made a new paragraph. 

16.24. 	Examples of various kinds of signatures: 

                                    UNITED STATES IMPROVEMENT CO., 
                                    (By) JOHN SMITH, Secretary. 

                                    TEXARKANA TEXTILE MERCHANTS & 
                                      MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, 
                                    JOHN L. JONES, Secretary. 

                                    TEXARKANA TEXTILE MERCHANTS &
                                      MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, 
                                    JOANNE WILDER, 

                                        Board Member and Secretary.
                                                     JOHN W. SMITH. 
                                                     (And 25 others). 

                                                      JOHN SMITH,
                                                Lieutenant Governor.
                                         (For the Governor of Maine).

                                    NORTH AMERICAN ICE CO., 
                                    SYLVIA ROONEY, Secretary. 
                                          JOHN [his thumbmark] SMITH. 
                                 NITA M. LOWEY, 
                                 FRANK WOLF, 
                                   Managers on the Part of the House. 
                                 JOSEPH R. BIDEN, Jr., 
                                 RICHARD LUGAR, 
                                   Managers on the Part of the Senate. 

   I am, very respectfully, yours, 
                                   (Signed) FRED C. KLEINSCHMIDT, 
                                     Assistant Clerk, Court of Claims.

   On behalf of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce: 
                               GEO. W. PHILIPS. 
                               SAML. CAMPBELL. 
   I have the honor to be, 
        Very respectfully, your obedient servant, 
                              (Signed) John R. King 
                              (Typed) JOHN R. KING, 
                                (S).John R. King 
                                JOHN R. KING, 
                                          RICHARD ROE, Notary Public. 
   By the Governor: 
                                    NATHANIEL COX, Secretary of State. 

                                                 JOHN SMITH, Governor. 

   By the President: 
                                 CONDOLEEZZA RICE, Secretary of State. 

   Respectfully submitted. 
                                      MARY FARRELL, U.S. Indian Agent. 
   Yours truly, 

                                            Capt. JAMES STALEY, Jr.,  

   Respectfully yours, 

                                      Mrs. FRANK E. (BETTY) SHEFFIELD. 
   Very respectfully, 

                                        RON GOLDEN, U.S. Indian Agent. 

16.25. 	In quoted matter: 

           ``Very respectfully, 

                                       ``TODD S. GILBERT. 
                                       ``PAUL HARTMAN. 
                                       ``DOLORES HICKS.
                                       ``ALBERT H. JONES. 
                                       ``JOAN C. NUGENT. 
                                       ``BRANDON PROCTOR.''

16.26. 	Examples of various kinds of datelines, addresses, and 

        Re weather reports submitted by the International Advisory 
        Committee of 
          the Weather Council. 

        Mr. JOHN D. DINGELL, 
        Chairman, House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 
        Washington, DC. 

         DEAR MR. DINGELL: We have been in contact with your office, 
                                           JOHN L. ``JACK'' HAYES, 
                                                 Executive Director,
                                             National Weather Service. 


                                  LINCOLN PARK, MI, February 15, 2008. 

        Re Romeo O. Umanos, Susanna M. Umanos, case No. S-254, U.S.
          Citizenship and Immigration Services, application pending. 

        Hon. RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, 
        Chairman, Subcommittee on the Constitution, 
        Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, DC. 

         DEAR MR. FEINGOLD: You have for some time * * *. 
          Sincerely yours, 

                                                    EDWARD PULTORAK,
                                               Architectural Designer. 

        Hon. ZOE LOFGREN, 
        Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees,
          Border Security and International Law of the Committee on 
          the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. 

         DEAR MS. LOFGREN: You have for some time * * *. 


               U.S. DEPARTMENT OF  



            Washington, March 3, 2008. 

        Hon. GENE GREEN, 
        House of Representatives, 
        Washington, DC. 

         DEAR MR. GREEN: We will be glad to
        give you any further information. 
           Sincerely yours, 
              F.W. REICHELDERFER, 

                  Chief of Service. 

                                       NEW YORK, NY, February 8, 2008. 

        To: All supervisory employees of production plants, northern 
          eastern divisions, New York State. 
        From: Production manager. 
        Subject: Regulations concerning vacations, health and welfare 
          and wage contract negotiations. 
         It has come to our attention that the time * * *. 

                                         WASHINGTON, DC, May 16, 2008. 

        The Honorable the SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. 
         DEAR MR. SECRETARY: This is in response to your letter * * *. 
           Very sincerely yours, 

                                                [SEAL].GEORGE W. BUSH. 

                                      EAST LANSING, MI, June 10, 2008. 

        To Whom It May Concern: 
         I have known Kyu Yawp Lee for 7 years and am glad to testify 
           as to his .ne character. He has been employed * * *. 
         Wishing you success in your difficult and highly important 
           job, we are, 
           Sincerely yours, 

                                   AGOSTINO J. GONINO. 
                                   LOUISE M. GONINO. 


                            U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS,
                                        OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF 
                                                   VETERANS AFFAIRS,
                                                       Washington, DC. 

        Hon. PATRICK J. LEAHY, 
        Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, 
        U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. 
         DEAR SENATOR LEAHY: Further reference is made to your reply 
          * * *. 
          Sincerely yours, 

                                            GORDON M. MANSFIELD, 
                                                  Deputy Secretary
                                          (For and in the absence of 
                                           James B. Peake, Secretary). 


                                   WASHINGTON, DC, September 16, 2008. 

        Mr. WILLIAM E. JONES, Jr., 
        Special Assistant to the Attorney General, Attorney for Howard 
          Sutherland, Director, Of.ce of Alien Property. 
         DEAR MR. JONES: In reply to your letter * * *. 
           Yours truly, 

                                          (Signed).THOMAS E. RHODES,
                            Special Assistant to the Attorney General. 
         P.S.--A special word of thanks to you from J.R. Brown for your 


                                      TOKYO, JAPAN, November 13, 2008. 

        Detroit, MI. 
         GENTLEMEN: This letter will testify to the personal character
                      * * *. 
           Very truly yours, 
                                               Mrs. GRACE C. LOHR, 
                                Inspector General Section, HQ, AFFE, 
                                           APO 343, San Francisco, CA. 

16.27. 	The word seal appearing with the signature of a notary or of an 
        organized body, such as a company, is spaced 1 em from the 
        signature. The word seal is to be set in small caps and 

                                                 [SEAL]RICHARD ROE, 
                                                        Notary Public.

                                                   [SEAL]J.M. WILBER.

                                         [SEAL]BARTLETT, ROBINS & CO. 

16.28. 	Presidential proclamations after May 23, 1967, do not utilize 
        the seal except when they pertain to treaties, conventions, 
        protocols, or other international agreements. Copy will be 
        followed literally with respect to the inclusion of and between 
        elements of numerical expressions. 

            NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United 
            States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me 
            by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do 
            hereby proclaim September 27, 2008, as National Hunting and 
            Fishing Day. I call upon the people of the United States to 
            join me in recognizing the contributions of America's 
            hunters and anglers, and all those who work to conserve our 
            Nation's fish and wildlife resources. 

               *        *        *        *        *        *       * 

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
        twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord two 
        thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of 
        America the two hundred and thirty-third. 

                                                       GEORGE W. BUSH.