[110th Congress Public Law 75]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ075.110]

[[Page 121 STAT. 724]]

Public Law 110-75
110th Congress

                                 An Act

To authorize the Coquille Indian Tribe of the State of Oregon to convey 
    land and interests in land owned by the Tribe. <<NOTE: Aug. 13, 
                         2007 -  [H.R. 2863]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,
                              INDIAN TRIBE, OREGON.

    (a) In General.--Subject to subsections (b), (c), and (d) 
notwithstanding any other provision of law (including regulations), the 
Coquille Indian Tribe of the State of Oregon (including any agent or 
instrumentality of the Tribe) (referred to in this section as the 
``Tribe''), may transfer, lease, encumber, or otherwise convey, without 
further authorization or approval, all or any part of the Tribe's 
interest in any real property that is not held in trust by the United 
States for the benefit of the Tribe.
    (b) Nonapplicability to Certain Conveyances.--Subsection (a) shall 
not apply with respect to any transfer, encumbrance, lease, or other 
conveyance of any land or interest in land of the Tribe that occurred 
before January 1, 2007.
    (c) Effect of Section.--Nothing in this section is intended to 
authorize the Tribe to transfer, lease, encumber, or otherwise convey, 
any lands, or any interest in any lands, that are held in trust by the 
United States for the benefit of the Tribe.
    (d) Liability.--The United States shall not be held liable to any 
party (including the Tribe or any agent or instrumentality of the Tribe) 
for any term of, or any loss resulting from the term of any transfer, 
lease, encumbrance, or conveyance of land made pursuant to this Act 
unless the United States or an agent or instrumentality of the United 
States is a party to the transaction or the United States would be 
liable pursuant to any other provision of law. This subsection shall not 
apply to land transferred or conveyed by the Tribe to the United States 
to be held in trust for the benefit of the Tribe.

    Approved August 13, 2007.


HOUSE REPORTS: No. 110-274 (Comm. on Natural Resources).
            July 30, considered and passed House.
            Aug. 2, considered and passed Senate.
