[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 145 (1999), Part 6]
[Page 8494]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]


  (Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, how many innocent civilians must die before we 
stop bombing Serbia? We rightfully cherish the lives of our three 
servicemen and rejoice in their return, but how many Serbs will never 
rejoice because of all the death and destruction we have rained down 
upon them by casually dismissing as necessary mistakes of war a war 
that is not real to us yet only too real to those who are needlessly 
  Serb victims are people, too, who love their families and hate the 
war, yet become the victims of this ill-conceived policy of NATO 
aggression. It is a strange argument, indeed, that the capture of our 
three soldiers was illegal and yet our bombing of civilians is not. 
Violence, when not in one's own self-defense, can never be justified, 
no matter how noble the explanation. It only makes things worse.
  The goal of peace and harmony can never be achieved by bombs and 
intimidation. That goal can only be achieved by honest friendship and 
trade when permissible and neutrality when armed conflict prevents it. 
We must not fund this senseless bombing.
