CHALLENGER (space shuttle)


Tribute to Astronauts: President Reagan, 402 [28JA]

Bills and resolutions

National Day of Excellence: designate in honor of crew (see S.J. Res. 327)


Asbury Park School District wins award of merit for slide presentation dedicated to astronauts: Barbara J. Hurley, 401 [28JA]


``By the Passion of Their Lives,'' Warren C. Vining III, 21435 [9AU]

Remarks in House

National Challenger Center Day: designate (S.J. Res. 201), 190 [27JA]

National Day of Excellence: designate in honor crew (H.J. Res. 477), 33587 [10NO]

———designate in honor of crew (S.J. Res. 327), 32801 [21OC]

Disaster, 323 [28JA]

Remarks in Senate

National Challenger Center Day: designate (S.J. Res. 365), 28970 [6OC]

National Day of Excellence: designate in honor of crew (S.J. Res. 327), 12414 [25MY]

Disaster, 401-404 [28JA]

Reports filed

National Challenger Center Day: Committee on the Judiciary (S.J. Res. 365), 28359 [5OC]

National Day of Excellence: Committee on the Judiciary (S.J. Res. 327), 28359 [5OC]

Texts of

H.J. Res. 477, National Day of Excellence, 33587 [10NO]

S.J. Res. 327, designate National Day of Excellence in honor of crew, 12414 [25MY], 29530 [7OC], 32801 [21OC]