Bills and resolutions

Junior Achievement of Sacramento, Inc.: relief (see H.R. 715)

Remarks in House

Anniversary, 20213 [12SE]

Army Depot: tribute, 9590 [17MY]

Community Cable Foundation: tribute, 10452 [31MY]

Community Services Planning Council: tribute, 30688 [21NO]

Matsuyama, Japan: sister city program, 5474 [4AP]

Senate Lions Club: anniversary, 5472 [4AP]

Society for the Blind: tribute, 27811 [7NO]

SSI Outreach project: tribute, 29285 [16NO]

St. Paul's Parish: anniversary, 20217 [12SE]

Suicide Prevention Services: tribute, 8849 [10MY]

Urban League: tribute, 8725 [9MY]

``Women of Sacramento'': exhibit and awards program, 4125 [14MR]

Texts of

H.R. 715, Junior Achievement of Sacramento, Inc., 27714 [7NO]