
Members, 6615 [4AP]

Bills and resolutions

Investigations and studies: funding for expenses (see H. Res. 322)


Alzheimer's disease research (S. 1255): (testimony), D202 [3AP]

Breast Cancer—The Race for the Cure: (testimony), D315 [16MY]

Disability retirement system: (testimony), D586 [12SE]

Elder abuse, D267 [1MY]

Foundation for aging policy in the 90's—The Older Americans Act amendments Act: (testimony), D38 [7FE]

Generic drug safety: (testimony), D90 [1MR]

Hospital charity care and tax exempt status: (testimony), D439 [28JN]

In Poor Health—Federal Commitment to Vulnerable Americans: (testimony), D95 [5MR]

Medicare and medicaid's 25th anniversary: (testimony), D518 [30JY]

Older Americans Act amendments implementation: (testimony), D170 [27MR]

Outreach in the SSI program: (testimony), D216 [5AP]

Plight of Elderly Farmworkers, D241 [24AP]

Private pension and retiree health benefits: (testimony), D514 [27JY]

Public/private partnerships in the Older Americans Act—Opportunities, the risks, D349 [5JN]

Social Security: (testimony), D82 [28FE]

Social Security staff: (testimony), D117 [8MR]

To Expand the Nation's Knowledge and Understanding of Aging—Has The Older Americans Act Fulfilled Its Promise?: (testimony), D580 [11SE]

Women, Caregiving, and Poverty—Options to Improve Social Security: (testimony), D678 [3OC]

Women's health care: (testimony), D495 [24JY]


Committee's budget for 2d session of the 101st Congress, D32 [6FE]

New Homeless Crisis—Old and Poor in the Streets, D642 [26SE]

Women in retirement, D332 [22MY]