
Committee on Finance: Dept. of HHS' Prototype of Counterfeit-Resistant Social Security Card (S. 214), D218 [18AP]

Committee on the Judiciary (House): Immigration and Nationality Act (S. 358), D54 [21FE]

———Immigration Legal Numerical Limitation and Preference Amendments (H.R. 2448), D54 [21FE]

———Legal Immigration Reform Act (H.R. 672), D54 [21FE]

———Preventing Employment Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities (H.R. 4421), D421 [27JN]

———Special Immigration Protection Act (H.R. 2646), D54 [21FE]

Committee on the Judiciary (Senate): Immigration Act's Employer Sanctions and Discrimination, D230 [20AP]

———U.S. Refugee Resettlement Admissions Program, D674 [3OC]