
Committees of the Senate: authorizing expenditures (S. Res. 64), S1093 [4MR], S1104 [5MR]

Bills and resolutions

Committees of the Senate: authorizing expenditures (see S. Res. 64), S1012 [28FE] (see S. Res. 253), S6753 [24SE]

——— majority party appointments (see S. Res. 17), S285 [24JA]

——— minority party appointments (see S. Res. 18), S285 [24JA]

Dept. of Defense: require notification of congressional defense committees about certain sensitive military operations (see H.R. 1904), H2567 [9MY]

Expenditures: authorizing (see S. Res. 42), S871 [26FE] (see S. Res. 232), S6519 [17SE]


East Coast missile defense shield funding, H4922 [23JY]

Impact of budget sequestration on Dept. of Defense, S2262 [22MR]

John O. Brennan’s position on use of waterboarding during interrogations, S1254 [7MR]

Request for further financial disclosure information from Chuck Hagel relative to nomination to be Sec. of Defense, S683 [13FE]

Remarks in House

Dept. of Defense: submit report to Congress on meetings between employees and civilians relative to developing military policy on religious liberty, H3531 [13JN]

Remarks in Senate

Committees of the Senate: authorizing expenditures (S. Res. 64), S1103 [5MR]

——— authorizing expenditures (S. Res. 64), unanimous-consent agreement, S1071 [28FE]

——— authorizing expenditures (S. Res. 253), S7170 [3OC]

——— majority party appointments (S. Res. 17), S296 [24JA]

——— minority party appointments (S. Res. 18), S296 [24JA]

Nomination lists, S870 [26FE], S2748 [17AP], S6068 [30JY]

Reports filed

Activities During the 112th Congress (S. Rept. 113–10), S2454 [8AP]

Air Force Nominations, S437 [31JA], S870 [26FE], S2026 [20MR], S2748 [17AP], S3759, S3760 [22MY], S3985 [6JN], S5263 [26JN], S6068 [30JY], S6517 [17SE], S7724 [31OC], S8845 [16DE]

Army Nominations, S437 [31JA], S870 [26FE], S2026 [20MR], S2748 [17AP], S3759, S3760 [22MY], S3985 [6JN], S5263 [26JN], S6068 [30JY], S6518 [17SE], S7724 [31OC], S8845 [16DE]

Committees of the Senate Expenditures: Committee on Rules and Administration (Senate) (S. Res. 253), S6753 [24SE]

——— Committee on Rules and Administration (Senate) (S. Res. 253) (S. Rept. 113–116), S7829 [5NO]

——— Committee on Rules and Administration (Senate) (S. Res. 64), S1011 [28FE]

——— Committee on Rules and Administration (Senate) (S. Res. 64) (S. Rept. 113–41), S4480 [13JN]

Dept. of Defense Appropriations for Military Activities, Prescribing Personnel Strengths, and Military Construction (S. 1197) (S. Rept. 113–44), S4792 [20JN]

Expenditures (S. Res. 42), S870 [26FE]

Expenditures (S. Res. 232), S6517 [17SE]

Inquiry Into U.S. Costs and Allied Contributions To Support the U.S. Military Presence Overseas (S. Rept. 113–12), S2649 [15AP]

Marine Corps Nominations, S437 [31JA], S870 [26FE], S2026 [20MR], S2748 [17AP], S3759, S3760 [22MY], S3985 [6JN], S6068 [30JY]

Navy Nominations, S438 [31JA], S870 [26FE], S2026 [20MR], S2748, S2749 [17AP], S3759, S3760 [22MY], S3985, S3986 [6JN], S5263, S5264 [26JN], S6068, S6069 [30JY], S6518 [17SE], S7724 [31OC], S8845 [16DE]

Nomination of Alan F. Estevez To Be Principal Deputy Under Sec. of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, S2026 [20MR]

Nomination of Chuck Hagel To Be Sec. of Defense, S657 [12FE]

Nomination of Deborah Lee James To Be Sec. of the Air Force, S6753 [24SE]

Nomination of Dennis V. McGinn To Be Assistant Sec. of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment, S6068 [30JY]

Nomination of Eric K. Fanning To Be Under Sec. of the Air Force, S2026 [20MR]

Nomination of Frank G. Klotz To Be Under Sec. of Energy for Nuclear Security, S6753 [24SE]

Nomination of Frederick Vollrath To Be Assistant Sec. of Defense for Readiness and Force Management, S2026 [20MR]

Nomination of Jamie M. Morin To Be Dept. of Defense Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Director, S7724 [31OC]

Nomination of Jessica Garfola Wright To Be Under Sec. of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, S6753 [24SE]

Nomination of Jo Ann Rooney To Be Under Sec. of the Navy, S7724 [31OC]

Nomination of Jon T. Rymer To Be Dept. of Defense Inspector General, S6068 [30JY]

Nomination of Kenneth L. Mossman to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, S7724 [31OC]

Nomination of Kevin A. Ohlson To Be U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Judge, S6753 [24SE]

Nomination of Marcel J. Lettre II To Be Principal Deputy Under Sec. of Defense for Intelligence, S6753 [24SE]

Nomination of Michael D. Lumpkin To Be Assistant Sec. of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, S7724 [31OC]

Nomination of Stephen W. Preston To Be Dept. of Defense General Counsel, S6068 [30JY]

Nomination of Susan J. Rabern To Be Assistant Sec. of the Navy for Financial Management and Comptroller, S6068 [30JY]


Procedure, S849 [26FE]

Texts of

S. Res. 17, majority party appointments to committees of the Senate, S294, S296 [24JA]

S. Res. 18, minority party appointments to committees of the Senate, S294, S296 [24JA]

S. Res. 42, expenditures, S873 [26FE]

S. Res. 64, committees of the Senate expenditures, S1030S1035 [28FE]

S. Res. 232, expenditures, S6528 [17SE]

S. Res. 253, committees of the Senate expenditures, S6755S6759 [24SE]