Bills and resolutions

Foreign policy: call for an end to the ongoing conflict and support international efforts toward long-term peace, stability, and observance of human rights (see S. Res. 144), S3569 [16MY] (see H. Res. 131), H1825 [21MR]

Remarks in Senate

Foreign policy: call for an end to the ongoing conflict and support international efforts toward long-term peace, stability, and observance of human rights (S. Res. 144), S5302, S5303 [26JN]

Reports filed

Call for End to Ongoing Conflict and Support International Efforts Toward Long-Term Peace, Stability, and Observance of Human Rights in Democratic Republic of the Congo: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) (S. Res. 144), S5148 [25JN]

Nomination of James C. Swan To Be Ambassador to Democratic Republic of the Congo: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate), S6205 [1AU]

Texts of

S. Res. 144, call for an end to the ongoing conflict and support international efforts toward long-term peace, stability, and observance of human rights in Democratic Republic of the Congo, S3581 [16MY], S5302, S5303 [26JN]