[Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and the Rules of the House of Representatives, 106th Congress]
[106th Congress]
[House Document 105-358]
[Rules of the House of Representatives]
[Pages 757-781]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]


                   Rule XX.--VOTING AND QUORUM CALLS

Sec. 1012. Voting viva voce, by division, by electronic device. 1. (a) The House shall divide after the Speaker has put a question to a vote by voice as provided in clause 6 of rule I if the Speaker is in doubt or division is demanded. Those in favor of the question shall first rise from their seats to be counted, and then those opposed.
(b) If a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner requests a recorded vote, and that request is supported by at least one-fifth of a quorum, the vote shall be taken by electronic device unless the Speaker invokes another procedure for recording votes provided in this rule. A recorded vote taken in the House under this paragraph shall be considered a vote by the yeas and nays. [[Page 758]] vote'' and voting by means of electronic device installed in the Chamber in 1972, were contained in a House resolution on October 13, 1972, and were made effective by adoption of the rules of the 93d Congress (H. Res. 6, Jan. 3, 1973, p. 26). The general provision for demanding a vote by tellers was repealed in the 103d Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 5, 1993, p. 49). The provision providing that a recorded vote taken pursuant thereto shall be considered a vote by the yeas and nays was added in the 105th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 7, 1997, p. ----). Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 5(a) of rule I (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). This provision (former clause 5(a) of rule I) was adopted in 1789 and its present form reflects the revisions and amendments of 1860, 1880 (II, 1311), 1972 (H. Res. 1123, Oct. 13, 1972, pp. 36005-08), and 1993 (H. Res. 5, Jan. 5, 1993, p. 49). From January 22, 1971 (when H. Res. 5 of the 92d Congress was adopted incorporating provisions in the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, 84 Stat. 1140), until October 13, 1972, this rule provided a two-step procedure for ordering ``tellers with clerks'' prior to installation of the electronic voting system, and for the first time permitted Members to be recorded on votes in Committee of the Whole. The last two sentences of this paragraph permitting a single-step ``recorded One of the suppositions on which parliamentary law is founded is that the Speaker will not betray his duty to make an honest count on a division (V, 6002) and the integrity of the Chair in counting a vote should not be questioned in the House (VIII, 3115; July 11, 1985, p. 18550), and the Chair's count of Members demanding a recorded vote is not appealable (June 24, 1976, p. 20390). A vote by division takes no cognizance of Members present but not voting, and consequently the number of votes counted by division has no tendency to establish a lack of a quorum (June 29, 1988, p. 16504). [[Page 759]] is put de novo on the proposition as unfinished business (since a demand for a division may be made by any Member), whereas a demand for the yeas and nays if refused by the House may not be renewed (Mar. 18, 1980, p. 5739). Ordinarily, however, only one demand for a vote by division on a pending question is in order (July 26, 1984, p. 21259; June 29, 1994, p. 15206). In a full House (total membership of 435), a recorded vote is ordered by one-fifth of a quorum (44), but in Committee of the Whole a recorded vote is ordered by 25 (clause 6(e) of rule XVIII), rather than 20 in both cases as in prior practice (V, 5986; Dec. 20, 1974, p. 41793). The former right to demand tellers was not precluded by the fact that the yeas and nays had been refused (V, 5998; VIII, 3103), that a point of no quorum has been made against a division vote on the question on which tellers were requested (VIII, 3104, by a point of no quorum and a call of the House following a division vote on the question on which tellers were demanded (Sept. 25, 1969, p. 27041), or by the intervention of a quorum call following the refusal of the Committee of the Whole to order a recorded vote (Feb. 27, 1974, p. 4447). But only one request for a recorded vote on a pending question is in order (Jan. 21, 1976, p. 508), and a demand for a recorded vote cannot interrupt a vote by division which is in progress (June 10, 1975, p. 18048). While a request for a recorded vote once denied may not be renewed, the request remains pending where the Chair interrupts the count of Members standing in favor of the request in order to count for a quorum pursuant to a point of order that a quorum is not present (Aug. 5, 1982, pp. 19658, 19659). Recognition by the Chair for a parliamentary inquiry, or remarks uttered without recognition, immediately following the Chair's announcement of a voice vote on an amendment is not such intervening business as to prevent a demand for a recorded vote thereon where the Chair has not announced the final disposition of the amendment (May 23, 1984, p. 13928; July 26, 1984, p. 21249; June 10, 1998, p. ----). Where a division vote is demanded on a proposition in the House and the vote thereon is then postponed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this clause a division may again be demanded when the question In Committee of the Whole, a request for a recorded vote on an amendment once denied may not be renewed even where the absence of a quorum is disclosed immediately following the refusal to order a recorded vote (June 6, 1979, p. 13648; Oct. 25, 1983, p. 29227). A record vote may be had in the House on a separate vote on an amendment adopted in the Committee of the Whole by a division vote after a recorded vote has been refused (May 13, 1998, p. ----).
Sec. 1013. Former ordering of tellers and taking of the vote. Under the precedents recorded before the abolition of tellers, it was the duty of the Member to serve as teller when appointed by the Chair (V, 5987); but when Members of one side had declined, the second teller was appointed from the other side (V, 5988) or the position was left vacant (V, 5989). A Delegate could have been appointed teller (II, 1302). Where there was doubt as to the count by tellers, the Chair could have ordered the vote taken again (V, 5991; July 19, 1946, p. 9466), but this must have been done before the result was announced (V, 5993-5995; VIII, 3098). The Chair could have counted without passing between the tellers (V, 5996, 5997; VIII, 3100, 3101).
(c) In case of a tie vote, a question shall be lost. This provision was adopted in 1789. Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, it was found in former clause 6 of rule I (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). Rule XX, clause 2 Rule XX, clause 2 [[Page 760]] clause 3. Except as otherwise permitted under clause 9 or 10 of this rule or under clause 6 of rule XVIII, the minimum time for a record vote or quorum call by electronic device shall be 15 minutes.
Sec. 1014. Use of electronic equipment in recording roll calls. 2. (a) Unless the Speaker directs otherwise, the Clerk shall conduct a record vote or quorum call by electronic device. In such a case the Clerk shall enter on the Journal and publish in the Congressional Record, in alphabetical order in each category, the names of Members recorded as voting in the affirmative, the names of Members recorded as voting in the negative, and the names of Members answering present as if they had been called in the manner provided in
The permissive use of an electronic voting system was incorporated in the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 (sec. 121; 84 Stat. 1140) and was made a part of the standing rules in the 92d Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 22, 1971, p. 144). The electronic system was first utilized in the House on January 23, 1973 (p. 1793). The clause in its essential form was adopted the next year (former clause 5(a) of rule XV) (H. Res. 1123, Oct. 13, 1972, p. 36012). The Speaker has the discretion to continue to use the electronic system, even though the electronic display panels are temporarily inoperative, where the voting stations continue in operation and Members are able to verify their votes, or to use a backup voting procedure, such as calling the roll, where voting stations are inoperative (Speaker O'Neill, Sept. 19, 1985, p. 24245). The Speaker inserted in the Record a detailed statement describing procedures to be followed during votes and quorum calls by electronic device and by the backup procedures therefor (Jan. 15, 1973, pp. 1054- 57). The Speaker may direct that a call of the House be conducted by an alphabetical call of the roll by the Clerk where, in his discretion, he does not utilize the electronic voting device (Mar. 7, 1973, p. 6699), and pursuant to this clause and clause 6 (former clause 4 of rule XV) the Speaker may, in his discretion, direct the Clerk to call the roll, in lieu of taking the vote by electronic device, where a quorum fails to vote on any question and objection is made for that reason (May 16, 1973, p. 15850). The Speaker declines to entertain unanimous-consent requests to correct the Journal and Record on votes taken by electronic device (Apr. 18, 1973, p. 13081; May 10, 1973, p. 15282; June 17, 1986, p. 14038), but the Speaker may announce a change in the result of a vote taken by electronic device where required to correct an error in identifying a signature on a voting card submitted in the well (June 11, 1981). [[Page 761]] time during the conduct of the call (July 17, 1974, p. 23673). Since the Chair has the discretion to close the vote and to announce the result at any time after 15 minutes have elapsed, those precedents guaranteeing Members in the Chamber the right to have their votes recorded even if the Chair has announced the result (i.e., V, 6064, 6065; VIII, 2143), which predate the use of an electronic voting system, do not require the Chair to hold open indefinitely a vote taken by electronic device (Mar. 14, 1978, p. 6838), and in the 103d Congress the Speaker inserted in the Record his announcement that, in order to expedite the conduct of votes by electronic device, the Cloakrooms were directed not to forward to the Chair individual requests to hold a vote open (Speaker Foley, Jan. 6, 1993, p. 106). In the 104th and 105th Congresses the Speaker announced that each occupant of the Chair would have his full support in striving to close each electronic vote at the earliest opportunity and that Members should not rely on signals relayed from outside the Chamber to assume that votes will be held open until they arrive (Speaker Gingrich, Jan. 4, 1995, p. 552; June 10, 1998, p. ----); however, the Chair will not close a vote while a Member is in the well attempting to vote (Feb. 10, 1995, p. 4385; June 22, 1995, p. 16814). At the end of a 15-minute vote, after the electronic voting stations are closed but before the Speaker's announcement of the result, a Member may cast an initial vote or change a vote by ballot card in the well (Speaker Albert, Sept. 23, 1975, p. 29850; Speaker Wright, Oct. 29, 1987, p. 30239). In 1975, Speaker Albert announced that changes could no longer be made at the electronic stations but would have to be made by ballot card in the well (Speaker Albert, Sept. 17, 1975, p. 28903). In 1976, Speaker Albert announced that changes could be made electronically during the first 10 minutes of a 15-minute voting period, but changes during the last 5 minutes would have to be made by ballot card in the well (Speaker Albert, Mar. 22, 1976, p. 7394). In 1977, Speaker O'Neill announced that changes could be made electronically at any time during a vote reduced to five minutes under the rules (Speaker O'Neill, Jan. 4, 1977, pp. 53- 70). On a call of the House, or a vote, conducted by electronic device, Members are permitted a minimum of 15 minutes to respond, but it is within the discretion of the Chair, following the expiration of 15 minutes, to allow additional time for Members to record their presence, or vote, before announcing the result (June 6, 1973, p. 18403; Oct. 9, 1997, p. ----), and since this clause is incorporated by reference into (clause 6 of rule XVIII (former clause 2 of rule XXIII)), the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole need not convert to a regular quorum call precisely at the expiration of 15 minutes if 100 Members have not appeared on a notice quorum call, but he may continue to exercise his discretion under that clause at any A request that the voting display be turned on during debate is not in order (Oct. 12, 1998, p. ----). (b) When the electronic voting system is inoperable or is not used, the Speaker or Chairman may direct the Clerk to conduct a record vote or quorum call as provided in clause 3 or 4. When the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was added as a cross reference to the backup procedures found in clauses 3 and 4(a) and to clarify the Chair's discretion to choose either backup procedure (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). [[Page 762]] -- 3. <> The Speaker may direct the Clerk to conduct a record vote or quorum call by call of the roll. In such a case the Clerk shall call the names of Members, alphabetically by surname. When two or more have the same surname, the name of the State (and, if necessary to distinguish among Members from the same State, the given names of the Members) shall be added. After the roll has been called once, the Clerk shall call the names of those not recorded, alphabetically by surname. Members appearing after the second call, but before the result is announced, may vote or announce a pair. Rule XX, clause 3 Rule XX, clause 3 The first form of this clause (former clause 1 of rule XV) was adopted in 1789, and amendments were added in 1870, 1880, 1890 (V, 6046), 1969 (H. Res. 7, 91st Cong., Jan. 3, 1969, p. 35), and 1972 (H. Res. 1123, 92d Cong., Oct. 13, 1972, pp. 36005-012). The latter amendment, which became effective immediately prior to noon on January 3, 1973, introduced the concept and use of the electronic voting system. Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 1 of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). The names of Members who have not been sworn are not entered on the roll from which the yeas and nays are called for entry on the Journal (V, 6048; VI, 638; VIII, 3122). [[Page 763]] Commencing in 1879 the Clerk, in calling the roll, called Members by the surnames with the prefix ``Mr.'' instead of calling the full names (V, 6047), but since the 62d Congress the practice has been discontinued in the interest of brevity (VIII, 3121). The Speaker's name is not on the voting roll and is not ordinarily called (V, 5970). When he votes his name is called at the close of the roll (V, 5965). In case of a tie which is revealed by a correction of the roll, he has voted after intervening business or even on another day (V, 5969, 6061-6063; VIII, 3075). Where the Speaker through an error of the Clerk in reporting the yeas and nays announces a result different from that actually had, the status of the question is governed by the vote as recorded and subsequent announcement by the Speaker of the changed result is authoritative, or he may entertain a motion for correction of the Journal in accordance with the vote as finally ascertained (VIII, 3162). Under this clause, as under clause 6, the roll is called twice, and those Members appearing after their names are called but before the announcement of the result may vote or announce a live pair. Under the former practice, prior to the amendment adopted on January 3, 1969, a Member who had failed to respond on either the first or second call of the roll could not be recorded before the announcement of the result (V, 6066-6070; VIII, 3134-3150) unless he qualified by declaring that he had been within the Hall, listening, when his name should have been called and failed to hear it (V, 6071-6072; VIII, 3144-3150), and then only on the theory that his name may have been inadvertently omitted by the Clerk (VIII, 3137). Under the former practice where the roll was called by the Clerk, either before announcement of the result (V, 6064) or after such announcement (VIII, 3125), the Speaker could order the vote recapitulated (V, 6049, 6050; VIII, 3128). A Member may not change his vote on recapitulation if the result has been announced (VIII, 3124), but errors in the record of such votes may be corrected (VIII, 3125). A motion that a vote be recapitulated is not privileged (VIII, 3126). The Speaker has declined to order a recapitulation of a vote taken by electronic device (Speaker Albert, July 30, 1975, p. 25841).
Sec. 1016. Bell system. The legislative call system was designed to alert Members to certain occurrences on the floor of the House. The Speaker has directed that the bells and lights comprising the system be utilized as follows (Jan. 23, 1979, p. 701):
Tellers--one ring and one light on left. Since teller votes were discontinued at the beginning of the 103d Congress, this signal is no longer utilized. Recorded vote, yeas and nays, or automatic record vote taken either by electronic system or by use of tellers with ballot cards--two bells and two lights on left indicate a vote in House or in Committee of the Whole by which Members are recorded by name. Bells are repeated five minutes after the first ring. When by unanimous consent waiving the five-minute minimum set by clause 9 (former clause 5(b)(3) of rule I) the House authorized the Speaker to put remaining postponed questions to two- minute electronic votes, two bells were rung (Oct. 4, 1988, pp. 28126, 28148). Recorded vote, yeas and nays, or automatic record electronic vote on recommittal to be immediately followed by possible five-minute vote on final passage--two bells rung at beginning of motion to recommit, followed by five bells, indicate that Chair will order five-minute votes if recorded vote, yeas and nays, or automatic vote is ordered immediately thereafter on final passage or adoption. Two bells repeated five minutes after first ring. [[Page 764]] is ordered on additional amendments on which separate votes have been demanded. Two bells repeated five minutes after first ring. Five bells on each subsequent amendment if roll call ordered. Recorded vote, yeas and nays, or automatic record electronic vote on the first of several amendments reported to the House from the Committee of the Whole--two bells rung at beginning of first amendment on which separate vote is demanded, followed by five bells, indicate that Chair will order five-minute vote if recorded vote, yeas and nays, or automatic vote Recorded vote, yeas and nays, or automatic roll call by call of the roll--two bells, followed by a brief pause, then two bells indicate such a vote taken by a call of the roll in the House. The bells are repeated when the Clerk reaches the ``R's'' in the first call of the roll. Regular quorum call--three bells and three lights on left indicate a quorum call either in the House or in Committee of the Whole by electronic system or by clerks. The bells are repeated five minutes after the first ring. Where quorum call is by call of the roll, three bells followed by a brief pause, then three more bells, with the process repeated when the Clerk reaches the ``R's'' in the first call of the roll, are utilized. Regular quorum call in Committee of the Whole, which will possibly be immediately followed by five-minute electronic recorded vote--three bells rung at beginning of quorum call, followed by five bells, indicate that Chair will order five-minute vote if recorded vote is ordered on pending question. Three bells repeated five minutes after first ring. Notice or short quorum call in Committee of the Whole--one long bell followed by three regular bells, and three lights on left, indicate that the Chair has exercised his discretion under clause 6 of rule XVIII and will vacate proceedings when a quorum of the Committee appears. Bells are repeated every five minutes unless (a) the call is vacated by ringing of one long bell and extinguishing of three lights, or (b) the call is converted into a regular quorum call and three regular bells are rung. Adjournment--four bells and four lights on left. Any five-minute vote--five bells and five lights on left. Postponed votes on (a) motions to suspend the rules; (b) final votes on bills, resolutions, or conference reports; or (c) previous question on questions that are, themselves, susceptible of postponement--two bells, followed by five bells, indicate start of 15-minute vote on first postponed question in each such series. Two bells repeated five minutes after first ring. Five bells on all subsequent five-minute votes in each series on which Speaker has reduced vote time. Recess of the House--six bells and six lights on left. Civil Defense Warning--twelve bells, sounded at two-second intervals, with six lights illuminated. The light on the far right--seven--indicates that the House is in session. Failure of the signal bells to announce a vote does not warrant repetition of the roll call (VIII, 3153-3155, 3157) nor does such a failure permit a Member to be recorded following the conclusion of the call (June 9, 1938, p. 8662). [[Page 765]] may change it to ``yea'' or ``nay'' (V, 6060). But a vote given by a Member may not be withdrawn without leave of the House (V, 5930).
Sec. 1017. Changes and corrections of votes. Before the result of a vote has been finally and conclusively pronounced by the Chair, but not thereafter, a Member may change his vote (V, 5931-5933, 6093, 6094; VIII, 3070, 3123, 3124, 3160), and a Member who has answered ``present''
When a vote actually given fails to be recorded during a call of the roll (V, 6061-6063) the Member may, before the approval of the Journal, demand as a matter of right that correction be made (V, 5969; VIII, 3143). But statements of other Members as to alleged errors in a recorded vote must be very definite and positive to justify the Speaker in ordering a change of the roll (V, 6064, 6099). The Speaker declines to entertain requests to correct the Journal and Record on votes taken by electronic device, based upon the technical accuracy of the electronic system if properly utilized and upon the responsibility of each Member to correctly cast and verify his vote (Apr. 18, 1973, p. 13081; May 10, 1973, p. 15282). By unanimous consent the House may vacate proceedings on a recorded vote conducted in the Committee of the Whole and require a vote de novo where it is alleged that Members were improperly prevented from being recorded (June 22, 1995, p. 16815).
Sec. 1018. Interruptions of the roll call. When once begun the roll call may not be interrupted even by a motion to adjourn (V, 6053; VIII, 3133), a parliamentary inquiry (VIII, 3132), a question of personal privilege (V, 6058, 6059; VI, 554, 564), the arrival of the time fixed for another order of business (V, 6056) or for a recess (V, 6054, 6055; VIII, 3133), or the presentation of a conference report (V, 6443). But it is interrupted for the reception of messages and by the arrival of the hour fixed for adjournment sine die (V, 6715-6718). Incidental questions arising during the roll call, such as the refusal of a Member to vote (V, 5946-5948), are considered after the completion of the call and the announcement of the vote (V, 5947). The rules do not preclude a Member from announcing after a recorded vote on which he failed to answer, how he would have voted if present (Speaker Rayburn, June 27, 1957, p. 10521; contra VIII, 3151), but neither the rules nor the practice permit a Member to announce after a recorded vote how absent colleagues would have voted if present (VI, 200; Apr. 3, 1933, p. 1139; Apr. 28, 1933, p. 2587; May 20, 1933, p. 3834; Mar. 16, 1934, pp. 4691, 4700; Apr. 14, 1937, pp. 3489, 3490; Apr. 15, 1937, p. 3563).
Rule XX, clause 4 Rule XX, clause 4 [[Page 766]] shall be noted, but the doors may not be closed except when ordered by the Speaker. The minimum time for a record vote or quorum call by tellers shall be 15 minutes.
Sec. 1019. Quorum call by clerks. 4. (a) The Speaker may direct a record vote or quorum call to be conducted by tellers. In such a case the tellers named by the Speaker shall record the names of the Members voting on each side of the question or record their presence, as the case may be, which the Clerk shall enter on the Journal and publish in the Congressional Record. Absentees
This paragraph was adopted as part of the general revision of this rule (former rule XV) which was required by the implementation of the electronic voting system (H. Res. 1123, 92d Cong., Oct. 13, 1972, p. 36012). Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 2(b) of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). The Speaker, in his discretion, may direct that the presence of Members be recorded by this procedure in lieu of using the electronic system, or the Chair may, in his discretion, direct that a quorum call be taken by an alphabetical call of the roll (Mar. 7, 1973, p. 6699). The Chairman of the Committee of the Whole also may direct that a quorum call be conducted by depositing quorum tally cards with clerk tellers, rather than by electronic device or a call of the roll (July 13, 1983, p. 18858). Exercising his authority under this paragraph, the Speaker ordered the doors to the Chamber closed and locked during a call of the House and instructed the Doorkeeper to enforce the rule and let no Members leave the Hall (Deschler's Precedents, vol. 5, ch. 20, sec. 6.3). This clause does not give the Speaker the authority to lock the doors during a recorded vote (June 11, 1997, p. ----).
Sec. 1020. Count of those not voting to make a quorum of record on a roll call. (b) On the demand of a Member, or at the suggestion of the Speaker, the names of Members sufficient to make a quorum in the Hall of the House who do not vote shall be noted by the Clerk, entered on the Journal, reported to the Speaker with the names of the Members voting, and be counted and announced in determining the presence of a quorum to do business.
[[Page 767]] to note names of Members under this rule even on a vote for which a quorum is not necessary (VIII, 3152). This clause was adopted in 1890 (IV, 2905), but it merely formalized a principle already established by a decision of the Chair (IV, 2895). It was much in use in the first years after its adoption (III, 2620; IV, 2905-2907); but with the decline of obstruction in the House and the adoption of clause 6 (former clause 4 of rule XV) of this rule the necessity for its use has disappeared to a large extent. Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 3 of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). The Speaker may direct the Clerk Rule XX, clause 5 Rule XX, clause 5
Sec. 1021. The call of the House. 5. (a) In the absence of a quorum, a majority comprising at least 15 Members, which may include the Speaker, may compel the attendance of absent Members.
(b) Subject to clause 7(b) a majority of those present may order the Sergeant-at-Arms to send officers appointed by him to arrest those Members for whom no sufficient excuse is made and shall secure and retain their attendance. The House shall determine on what condition they shall be discharged. Unless the House otherwise directs, the Members who voluntarily appear shall be admitted immediately to the Hall of the House and shall report their names to the Clerk to be entered on the Journal as present. [[Page 768]] The essential portions of this provision were adopted in 1789 and 1795, with minor amendments in 1888, 1890 (IV, 2982), and 1971 (H. Res. 5, 92d Cong., Jan. 22, 1971, p. 144). Later in the 92d Congress several provisions of this rule, including this clause, were amended to reflect the implementation of the electronic voting system (H. Res. 1123, Oct. 13, 1972, pp. 36005-12). The provisions relating to the calling of the roll by the Clerk were deleted. Calls of the House are now taken by the electronic device unless the Speaker, in his discretion orders the use of the alternative procedure in clause 2(b). Together with clause 7 (former clause 6(e)(2) of rule XV) this provision was further amended in the 96th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 15, 1979, pp. 7-16) to conform to the requirement in that provision that further proceedings under the call shall be dispensed with unless the Speaker in his discretion recognizes for a call of the House or a motion to compel attendance under this paragraph. This clause must be read in light of clause 7 (former clause 6(e) of rule XV), which prohibits the point of order that a quorum is not present unless the Speaker has put a question to a vote. Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 2(a) of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ---- ).
Sec. 1022. Ordering and conducting the call. Under this rule a call may not be ordered by less than 15, and without that number present the motion for a call is not entertained (IV, 2983). It must be ordered by majority vote, and a minority of 15 or more favoring a call on such vote is not sufficient (IV, 2984). A quorum not being present no motion is in order but for a call of the House or to adjourn (IV, 2950, 2988; VI, 680), and at this stage the motion to adjourn has precedence over the motion for a call of the House (VIII, 2642).
While the following precedents predate the use of the electronic voting and recording system, they are retained in the Manual because of their general applicability with respect to calls of the House. A roll call under paragraph (a) may not be interrupted by a motion to dispense with further proceedings under the call (IV, 2992), and a recapitulation of the names of those who appear after their names have been called may not be demanded (IV, 2933). But during proceedings under the call the roll may be ordered to be called again by those present (IV, 2991). During a call less than a quorum may revoke leaves of absence (IV, 3003, 3004) and excuse a Member from attendance (IV, 3000, 3001), but may not grant leaves of absence (IV, 3002). The roll is sometimes called for excuses, and motions to excuse are in order during this call (IV, 2997), but neither the motion to excuse nor an incidental appeal are debatable (IV, 2999). After the roll has been called for excuses, and the House has ordered the arrest of those who are unexcused, a motion to excuse an absentee is in order when he is brought to the bar (IV, 3012).
Sec. 1023. Arrest of Members. An order of arrest for absent Members may be made after a single calling of the roll (IV, 3015, 3016), and a warrant issued on direction of those present, such motion having precedence of a motion to dispense with proceedings under the call (IV, 3036). The Sergeant-at-Arms is required to arrest Members wherever they may be found (IV, 3017), and leave for a committee to sit during sessions does not release its Members from liability to arrest (IV, 3020). A motion to require the Sergeant-at-Arms to report progress in securing a quorum is in order during a call of the House (VI, 687). A Member who appears and answers is not subject to arrest (IV, 3019), and in a case where a Member complained of wrongful arrest the House ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms to investigate and amend the return of his warrant (IV, 3021). A Member once arrested having escaped it was held that he might not be brought back on the same warrant (IV, 3022). A privileged motion to compel the attendance of absent Members is in order after the Chair has announced that a quorum has not responded on a negative recorded vote on a motion to adjourn (Nov. 2, 1987, p. 30386).
[[Page 769]] leaves of absence and directed the Sergeant-at-Arms to deduct from the salary of Members compensation for days absent without leave (VI, 30, 198), but this penalty has been of rare occurrence (IV, 3013, 3014, 3025). Form of resolution for the arrest of Members absent without leave (VI, 686). Having rejected a motion to adjourn, less than a quorum of the House rejected a motion directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest absent Members, rejected a second motion to adjourn, and then adopted a motion authorizing the Speaker to compel the attendance of absent members (Nov. 2, 1987, p. 30387). The former practice of presenting Members at the bar during a call of the House (IV, 3030-3035) is obsolete, and Members now report to the Clerk and are recorded without being formally excused unless brought in under compulsion (VI, 684). Those present on a call may prescribe a fine as a condition of discharge, and the House has by resolution revoked all The motion to dispense with further proceedings under the call of the House is not in order when a motion to arrest absent Members is pending (IV, 3029, 3037); is not entertained until a quorum responds on the call, but may be agreed to by less than a quorum thereafter (IV, 3038, 3040; VI, 689; Sept. 11, 1968, p. 26453; Dec. 22, 1970, p. 43311); is neither debatable nor subject to amendment, thus the motion to lay it on the table is not in order (Aug. 27, 1962, p. 17653; Dec. 18, 1970, p. 42504).
Sec. 1024. Motions during a call. During the call, which in later practice has been invoked only in absence of a quorum, incidental motions may be agreed to by less than a quorum (IV, 2994, 3029; VI, 681), and under clause 7 (former clause 6(a)(4) of rule XV) a point of order of no quorum may not be made during the offering, consideration, and disposition of any motion incidental to a call of the House. This includes motions for the previous question (V, 5458), to reconsider and to lay the motion to reconsider on the table (V, 5607, 5608), to adjourn, which is in order even in the midst of the call of the roll for excuses (IV, 2998) or while the House is dividing on a motion for a call of the House (VIII, 2644), and which takes precedence over a motion to dispense with further proceedings under the call (VIII, 2643), and an appeal from a decision of the Chair (IV, 3010, 3037; VI, 681). The yeas and nays may also be ordered (IV, 3010), but a question of privilege may not be raised unless it be something connected immediately with the proceedings (III, 2545). Motions not strictly incidental to the call are not admitted, as for a recess (IV, 2995, 2996), to excuse a Member from voting even when otherwise in order (IV, 3007), to enforce the statute relating to deductions of pay of Members for absence (IV, 3011; VI, 682), to construe a rule or make a new rule (IV, 3008), or to order a change of a Journal record (IV, 3009). A motion for a call of the House is not debatable (VI, 683, 688). The motion to compel the attendance of absent Members, being neither debatable nor amendable, is not subject to a motion to lay on the table (Speaker Wright, Nov. 2, 1987, p. 30389).
Rule XX, clause 6 Rule XX, clause 6 [[Page 770]]
Sec. 1025. The call of the House in the new form. 6. (a) When a quorum fails to vote on a question, a quorum is not present, and objection is made for that cause (unless the House shall adjourn)--
(1) there shall be a call of the House; (2) the Sergeant-at-Arms shall proceed forthwith to bring in absent Members; and (3) the yeas and nays on the pending question shall at the same time be considered as ordered. (b) The Clerk shall record Members by the yeas and nays on the pending question, using such procedure as the Speaker may invoke under clause 2, 3, or 4. Each Member arrested under this clause shall be brought by the Sergeant-at-Arms before the House, whereupon he shall be noted as present, discharged from arrest, and given an opportunity to vote; and his vote shall be recorded. If those voting on the question and those who are present and decline to vote together make a majority of the House, the Speaker shall declare that a quorum is constituted, and the pending question shall be decided as the requisite majority of those voting shall have determined. Thereupon further proceedings under the call shall be considered as dispensed with. [[Page 771]] (c) At any time after Members have had the requisite opportunity to respond by the yeas and nays, but before a result has been announced, the Speaker may entertain a motion that the House adjourn if seconded by a majority of those present, to be ascertained by actual count by the Speaker. If the House adjourns on such a motion, all proceedings under this clause shall be considered as vacated. This clause (former clause 4 of rule XV) was adopted in 1896 (IV, 3041; VI, 690); and amended in 1972 to make its provisions subject to clause 2 (former clause 5) of this rule (H. Res. 1123, 92d Cong., p. 36012). Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 4 of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). Where objection is raised to a vote in the House on the ground that a quorum is not present, and a quorum is in fact not present, the Speaker may direct that the call of the House be taken by electronic device under clause 2 (former clause 5), or may, in his discretion, direct the Clerk to call the roll pursuant to this clause (May 16, 1973, p. 15860). It applies only to votes wherein a quorum is required, and hence does not apply to an affirmative vote on a motion to adjourn (July 25, 1949, p. 10092; Nov. 4, 1983, p. 30946), or motions incidental to a call of the House which may be agreed to by less than a quorum (IV, 2994, 3029; VI, 681), or to a call when there is no question pending (IV, 2990). While a quorum is not required to adjourn, a point of no quorum on a negative vote on adjournment, if sustained, precipitates a call of the House under the rule (VI, 700; June 4, 1951, pp. 6097, 6098; June 15, 1951, p. 6621). Where less than a quorum rejects a motion to adjourn, the House may not consider business but may dispose of motions to compel the attendance of absent Members (Nov. 2, 1987, p. 30387). [[Page 772]] When a Member objects to a vote on the ground that a quorum is not present and makes the point of order under this clause, the Speaker may count the House and determine the presence of a quorum, and is not required to announce his actual count under the first sentence of this clause (Sept. 30, 1981, p. 22456). Where the Speaker ascertains the presence of a quorum by actual count following an objection to a vote under this clause, or on a rejected demand for the yeas and nays and a division vote is then had on the pending question, the division vote is intervening business (see VIII, 2804) permitting another objection to the lack of a quorum, and the Speaker must again count the House (Mar. 17, 1976, p. 6792; Aug. 2, 1979, p. 22006). But where the announced absence of a quorum has resulted in a record vote under this clause (on the Speaker's approval of the Journal), the House may not, even by unanimous consent, vacate the vote in order to conduct another voice vote in lieu of the record vote, since no business, including a unanimous-consent agreement, is in order in the announced absence of a quorum (July 13, 1983, p. 18844; Feb. 24, 1988, p. 2450). The House having authorized the Speaker to compel the attendance of absent Members, the Speaker announced that the Sergeant-at-Arms would proceed with necessary and efficacious steps, and that pending the establishment of a quorum no further business, including unanimous-consent requests for recess authority, could be entertained (Nov. 2, 1987, p. 30389).
Sec. 1026. Conduct of the call in the new form. Under this clause the roll is called over twice, and those appearing after their names are called may vote (IV, 3052). A motion to adjourn may be made before the call begins (IV, 3050). After the roll has been called, and while the proceedings to obtain a quorum are going on, motions to excuse Members are in order (IV, 3051). The Sergeant-at-Arms is required to detain those who are present and bring in absentees (IV, 3045-3048), and he does this without the authority of a resolution adopted by those present (IV, 3049). There is doubt as to whether or not a warrant is necessary but it is customary for the Speaker to issue one on the authority of the rule (IV, 3043; VI, 702). When arrested, Members are arraigned at the bar, and either vote or are noted as present, after which they are discharged (IV, 3044). When a quorum fails to vote on a yea-and-nay vote on a motion which requires a quorum to be present, and a quorum is not present, the Chair takes notice of the fact, and unless the House adjourns, a call of the House is ordered by the Chair under this rule, and the vote is taken on the question de novo (IV, 3045, 3052; VI, 679). An automatic roll call results under this rule when the objection that a quorum is not present and voting is made after a viva voce vote (VI, 697). An automatic roll call under this rule is not in order in Committee of the Whole (Aug. 2, 1966, p. 17844). Pursuant to clause 8, where the Speaker has announced that he will postpone further proceedings on motions to suspend the rules on that day if any votes are objected to under this clause, and objection is then made to any such votes, further proceedings are automatically postponed and the question is put de novo when that vote recurs as unfinished business, when further proceedings are postponed, the point of order that a quorum is not present is considered as withdrawn, since no longer in order (a question not being pending after the Speaker's announcement of postponement). See clause 7, infra.
Rule XX, clause 7 Rule XX, clause 7
Sec. 1027. Quorum; when not required. 7. (a) The Speaker may not entertain a point of order that a quorum is not present unless a question has been put to a vote.
[[Page 773]] Speaker recognizes for a motion to compel attendance of Members under clause 5(b).
Sec. 1028. Speaker's discretion to recognize for motion for call of House. (b) Subject to paragraph (c) the Speaker may recognize a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner to move a call of the House at any time. When a quorum is established pursuant to a call of the House, further proceedings under the call shall be considered as dispensed with unless the
Sec. 1029. Relation of previous question to failure of a quorum. (c) A call of the House shall not be in order after the previous question is ordered unless the Speaker determines by actual count that a quorum is not present.
Paragraphs (a) and (b) were adopted in the 93d Congress (H. Res. 998, Apr. 9, 1974, pp. 10195-99) and amended in the 95th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 4, 1977, pp. 53-70) and in the 96th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 15, 1979, pp. 7-16) to dispense with further proceedings under any call of the House when a quorum appears unless the Speaker at his discretion recognizes for a motion. Paragraph (c) (former clause 2 of rule XVII) was adopted in 1860 (V, 5447). Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, paragraphs (a) and (b) were found in former clause 6 of rule XV and paragraph (c) was found in former clause 2 of rule XVII. The 106th Congress also transferred former clause 6(b) of rule XV to clause 6(d) of rule XVIII (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). Under this clause the Speaker may not entertain a point of order of no quorum when he has not put a question to a vote in the House (Speaker O'Neill, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 891; Jan. 31, 1977, p. 2640; Sept. 30, 1997, p. ----; July 21, 1998, p. ----). The Chair may not entertain a point of order of no quorum pending a request that a committee be permitted to sit under the five-minute rule, since the Chair has not put the question on a pending proposition to a vote (June 18, 1980, p. 15316). But under this clause the Speaker may at any time in his discretion recognize a Member of his choice to move a call of the House (Speaker O'Neill, Jan. 19, 1977, p. 1719; Jan. 31, 1977, p. 2640; Aug. 6, 1986, p. 19370), or may choose not to do so (Sept. 30, 1997, p. ----), even, for example, prior to the call of the Private Calendar, which is in order after approval of the Journal and disposition of business on the Speaker's table (July 8, 1987, p. 18972). The Speaker's refusal to entertain a point of order of no quorum when a pending question has not been put to a vote is not subject to an appeal, since the clause contains an absolute and unambiguous prohibition against entertaining such a point of order (Sept. 16, 1977, p. 29562). During debate on a measure in the House the Speaker will not respond to an inquiry as to the number of Members present in the Chamber, since a point of no quorum is not admissible unless he has put the pending question to a vote (Oct. 28, 1987, p. 29682). [[Page 774]] of order of no quorum during debate only nor a point of order against the enforcement of this clause lies independently under the Constitution (Sept. 8, 1977, p. 28114; Sept. 12, 1977, p. 28800; Feb. 27, 1986, p. 3060). See also clause 7(c) of rule XX, providing that after the previous question is ordered a call of the House shall only be in order if the Speaker determines by actual count of the House that a quorum is not present. In adopting this rule, the House has presumably determined that the mere conduct of debate in the House, where the Chair has not put the pending motion or proposition to a vote, is not such business as requires a quorum under the Constitution (art. I, sec. 5, cl. 1), and neither a point Rule XX, clause 8 Rule XX, clause 8 Postponement of proceedings
1030. Postponing record votes on passage. 8. (a)(1) When a recorded vote is ordered, or the yeas and nays are ordered, or a vote is objected to under clause 6 on any of the questions specified in subparagraph (2), the Speaker may postpone further proceedings on that question to a designated place in the legislative schedule on that legislative day (in the case of the question of agreeing to the Speaker's approval of the Journal) or within two legislative days (in the case of any other question).
(2) The questions described in the subparagraph (1) are as follows: (A) The question of passing a bill or joint resolution. (B) The question of adopting a resolution or concurrent resolution. (C) The question of agreeing to a motion to instruct managers on the part of the House (except that proceedings may not resume on such a motion under clause 7(c) of rule XXII if the managers have filed a report in the House). [[Page 775]] (D) The question of agreeing to a conference report. (E) The question of agreeing to a motion to recommit a bill considered under clause 6 of rule XV. (F) The question of ordering the previous question on a question described in subdivision (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E). (G) The question of agreeing to an amendment to a bill considered under clause 6 of rule XV. (H) The question of agreeing to a motion to suspend the rules. (b) At the time designated by the Speaker for further proceedings on questions postponed under paragraph (a), the Speaker shall resume proceedings on each postponed question in the order in which it was considered. (c) The Speaker may reduce to five minutes the minimum time for electronic voting on a question postponed under this clause, or on a question incidental thereto, that follows another electronic vote without intervening business, so long as the minimum time for electronic voting on the first in any series of questions is 15 minutes. (d) If the House adjourns on a legislative day designated for further proceedings on questions postponed under this clause without disposing of such questions, then on the next legislative day the unfinished business is the disposition of such questions in the order in which they were considered. [[Page 776]] in the 97th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 5, 1981, pp. 98-113) to place all authority for the postponing of further proceedings on certain questions into this clause. This consolidation was accomplished with the addition of the authority to postpone further proceedings on reports from the Committee on Rules and the authority to postpone further proceedings on motions to suspend the rules and pass bills or adopt resolutions. The authority for the Speaker to postpone further proceedings on agreeing to his approval of the Journal until later that legislative day was added in the 98th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 3, 1983, p. 34). The authority for the Speaker to postpone further proceedings on motions to instruct conferees after 20 calendar days in conference was added in the 101st Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 3, 1989, p. 72). The authority for the Speaker to postpone further proceedings on the original motion to instruct conferees was added in the 106th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). In the 104th Congress the list of questions susceptible of postponement was reordered and expanded to include a vote on ordering the previous question on another question that is, itself, susceptible of postponement (sec. 223(a), H. Res. 6, Jan. 4, 1995, p. 469). In the 105th Congress subparagraph (1) was amended to enable postponement of certain questions during consideration of bills called from the Corrections Calendar, i.e., agreeing to an amendment, ordering the previous question on a motion to recommit, and agreeing to a motion to recommit (H. Res. 5, Jan. 7, 1997, p. ----). In the 106th Congress the Speaker's authority to reduce to five minutes the minimum time for electronic voting on a question postponed under this clause was expanded to include questions incidental thereto and to permit the first postponed vote in a series to be a five-minute vote if it immediately follows a 15-minute vote. Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 5(b) of rule I (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). This provision (former clause 5(b) of rule I) was added in the 96th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 15, 1979, p. 7), and subparagraph (1) was amended The Speaker first exercised his authority to postpone a record vote on the approval of the Journal on November 10, 1983 (p. 32097). That authority includes the power to postpone a division vote on the approval of the Journal that is objected to under clause 6 of rule XX (former clause 4 of rule XV) (Sept. 21, 1993, p. 21820). However, on questions not enumerated in this paragraph, such as the initial motion to instruct conferees prior to the 106th Congress, unanimous consent was required to permit the Speaker to postpone such record votes (Oct. 6, 1986, p. 28704). [[Page 777]] been postponed--either de novo if objection to the vote has been made under clause 6 of rule XX (former clause 4 of rule XV) or for a ``yea and nay'' or recorded vote if previously ordered by the House in the order in which the motions had been entered (June 4, 1974, pp. 17521- 47). Clause 8(a) of rule XX (former clause 5(b) of rule I) does not require the Chair's customary announcement at the beginning of consideration of motions to suspend the rules that the Chair intends to postpone possible record votes (Nov. 14, 1995, p. ----). Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XX (former clause 6(e) of rule XV), prohibiting a point of order of no quorum unless the Speaker has put the pending proposition to a vote, the Speaker announces, after postponing a vote on a motion to suspend the rules where objection has been made to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present, that the point of order is considered as withdrawn, since the Chair is no longer putting the question (May 16, 1977, p. 14785). At the conclusion of debate on all motions to suspend the rules on a legislative day, the Speaker announces that he will put the question on each motion on which further proceedings have Under the authority to postpone further proceedings on a specified question to a designated time within two legislative days, the Speaker may simultaneously designate separate times for the resumption of proceedings on separate postponed questions (Mar. 3, 1992, p. 4072). Once the Speaker has postponed record votes to a designated place in the legislative schedule, he may subsequently redesignate the time when the votes will be taken within the appropriate period (June 6, 1984, p. 15080; Oct. 3, 1988, pp. 27782, 27878). [[Page 778]] precedence over a motion to suspend the rules, it may be offered and voted on between motions to suspend the rules on which the Speaker has postponed record votes until after debate on all suspensions (May 17, 1983, p. 12486). Under this clause the Speaker is not required to announce his intention to postpone at the beginning of consideration of a motion to suspend the rules (although that is customarily the courtesy) but may postpone further proceedings after a record vote is ordered or an objection is raised under clause 6 of rule XX (former clause 4 of rule XV) (Feb. 23, 1993, p. 3281). When the House adjourns on the second legislative day after postponement of a question under this clause without resuming proceedings thereon, the question remains unfinished business on the next legislative day (Oct. 1, 1997, p. ----). In recent years special rules adopted by the House have routinely provided the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole authority to postpone and cluster requests for recorded votes. For a discussion of such authority, see Sec. 984, supra. Following the first postponed vote on motions to suspend the rules, the Speaker may in his discretion reduce to not less than five minutes the time for taking votes on any or all of the subsequent motions on which votes have been postponed (June 4, 1974, p. 17547). Having clustered record votes on motions to suspend the rules and then having clustered record votes on passage of other measures considered immediately after debate on the suspension motions, the Speaker may, pursuant to this clause, conduct all the postponed votes in one sequence and reduce to five minutes the time for all electronic votes after the first suspension vote (May 17, 1983, p. 12508; Oct. 2, 1989, p. 22724). But the Chair may decline, in his discretion, to recognize for a unanimous-consent request to reduce to five minutes the first vote in the series, since the bell and light system would not give adequate notice of the initial five-minute vote (Oct. 8, 1985, p. 26666). However, prior to the 106th Congress, where a series of votes had been postponed pursuant to this clause to occur following a 15-minute vote on another measure not a part of that series, the vote on the first postponed measure could have been reduced to five minutes only by unanimous consent (May 24, 1983, p. 13595; July 22, 1996, p. 18410). By unanimous consent waiving the five-minute minimum set by paragraph (c) (former clause 5(b)(3) of rule I), the House has authorized the Speaker to put remaining postponed questions to two-minute electronic votes (Oct. 4, 1988, pp. 28126, 28148). The Speaker may ``cluster'' postponed votes on a motion to suspend the rules and on adoption of a resolution in the order in which those questions were considered on the preceding day (July 19, 1983, p. 19774). The requirement that the Speaker put each question on motions to suspend the rules in the order in which postponed, does not prevent the Speaker from entertaining a unanimous- consent request for the consideration of a similar Senate measure following passage of a House bill and prior to the next postponed vote (Feb. 15, 1983, p. 2175). Since a resolution raising a question of the privileges of the House takes
Sec. 1031. Former pairs. Former clause 2 of rule VIII (proposed to be recodified as clause 8 of rule XX) was adopted in 1880, although the practice of pairing had then existed in the House for many years (V, 5981). The language of the clause was slightly altered by amendment in 1972 to reflect the installation of electronic voting in the 93d Congress (H. Res. 1123, Oct. 13, 1972, pp. 36005-12). It was amended in the 94th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 14, 1975, p. 20) to permit pairs to be announced in the Committee of the Whole. Former clause 2 of rule VIII was deleted in the 106th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). The Rules of the House continue to permit the announcement of a live pair under clause 3 of rule XX (Sec. 1015, supra).
Prior to the 106th Congress, pairs were not announced at a time other than that prescribed by the former rule (V, 6046), and the voting intentions of an absent Member were not otherwise announced by a colleague (VIII, 3151). Prior to the 94th Congress pairs were not permitted in Committee of the Whole (V, 5984; Speaker Albert, Jan. 15, 1973, p. 1054). The House did not consider questions arising out of the breaking of a pair (V, 5982, 5983, 6095; VIII, 3082, 3085, 3087-3089, 3093), or permit a Member to vote after the call on the plea that he had refrained because of misunderstanding as to a pair (V, 6080, 6081). Discussion of the origin of the practice of pairing in the House and Senate (VIII, 3076). On questions requiring a two-thirds majority Members were paired two in the affirmative against one in the negative (VIII, 3088; Nov. 15, 1983, p. 32685). For Speaker Clark's interpretation of the rule and practice of the House of Representatives as to pairs, see VIII, 3089. [[Page 779]] Five-minute votes-- Rule XX, clause 9 Rule XX, clause 9
1032. ``15and5'' voting. 9. The Speaker may reduce to five minutes the minimum time for electronic voting--
(a) after a record vote on a motion for the previous question, on any underlying question that follows without intervening business, or on a question incidental thereto; (b) after a record vote on an amendment reported from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, on any subsequent amendment to that bill or resolution reported from the Committee of the Whole, or on a question incidental thereto; (c) after a record vote on a motion to recommit a bill, resolution, or conference report, on the question of passage or adoption, as the case may be, of such bill, resolution, or conference report, or on a question incidental thereto, if the question of passage or adoption follows without intervening business the vote on the motion to recommit; or (d) as provided in clause 6(b)(3) of rule XVIII, clause 6(f) of rule XVIII, or clause 8 of this rule. [[Page 780]] was added in the 103d Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 5, 1993, p. 49) to permit the Speaker to reduce to five minutes the vote on adoption of a special order of business resolution immediately following a 15-minute recorded vote on ordering the previous question thereon, former clause 5 was organized into paragraphs. In the 104th Congress clause 9(a) (former clause 5(b)(1) of rule XV) was broadened to cover any previous question situation (sec. 223(e), H. Res. 6, Jan. 4, 1995, p. 469). In the 106th Congress the Speaker's authority to reduce to five minutes the minimum time for electronic voting on a question under this clause was expanded to include questions incidental thereto. The 106th Congress also, when the House recodified its rules, transferred this provision from former clause 5(b) of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). The authority now found in clause 9(c) (former clause 5(b)(3) of rule XV) was first added as an undesignated last sentence of former clause 5 in the 96th Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 15, 1979, pp. 7-16) to permit the Speaker to reduce to five minutes the vote on final passage immediately following a 15-minute recorded vote on a motion to recommit. The authority now found in clause 9(b) (former clause 5(b)(2) of rule XV) was first added as an undesignated penultimate sentence of clause 5 in the 101st Congress (H. Res. 5, Jan. 3, 1989, p. 72) to permit the Speaker to reduce to five minutes any record votes on amendments reported to the House from Committee of the Whole after a 15-minute vote on the first of such amendments. When the authority found in clause 9(a) (former clause 5(b)(1) of rule XV) Five-minute votes are now permitted at the discretion of the Chair in six circumstances: (1) under clause 8, on additional questions on which the Speaker has postponed further proceedings immediately following a 15-minute vote; (2) under clause 9(a), on an underlying question (or on a question incidental thereto) immediately following a 15-minute recorded vote on ordering the previous question thereon; (3) under clause 9(b), on second and subsequent separate votes in the House on amendments reported from Committee of the Whole (or on a question incidental thereto) immediately following a 15-minute vote on the first such separate vote; (4) under clause 9(c), on final passage (or on a question incidental thereto) immediately following a 15-minute recorded vote on recommittal; (5) under clause 6(b)(3) of rule XVIII, on a pending question immediately following a regular quorum call in Committee of the Whole; and (6) under clause 6(f) of rule XVIII, on any or all pending amendments immediately following a 15-minute recorded vote on the first such pending amendment in Committee of the Whole. In recent years special rules adopted by the House have routinely provided the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole authority to postpone and cluster requests for recorded votes. For a discussion of such authority, see Sec. 984, supra. This clause does not give the Chair the authority to reduce to five minutes the vote on a motion to recommit occurring immediately after a recorded vote on an amendment reported from the Committee of the Whole, and the Chair will not entertain a unanimous- consent request to reduce that vote to five minutes after Members had already left the Chamber with the expectation that the next vote would be a 15-minute vote (June 29, 1994, p. 15107; July 14, 1999, p. ----). In the 95th Congress, the Speaker announced that changes could be made electronically at any time during a vote reduced to five minutes under the rules (Speaker O'Neill, Jan. 4, 1977, pp. 53-70). [[Page 781]] Automatic yeas and nays Rule XX, clause 10 Rule XX, clause 10
1033. Yeas and nays ordered on certain questions. 10. The yeas and nays shall be considered as ordered when the Speaker puts the question on passage of a bill or joint resolution, or on adoption of a conference report, making general appropriations, or increasing Federal income tax rates (within the meaning of clause 5 of rule XXI), or on final adoption of a concurrent resolution on the budget or conference report thereon.
This clause was adopted in the 104th Congress (sec. 214, H. Res. 6, Jan. 4, 1995, p. 468). Before the House recodified its rules in the 106th Congress, this provision was found in former clause 7 of rule XV (H. Res. 5, Jan. 6, 1999, p. ----). Rule XX, clause 11 Rule XX, clause 11 Ballot votes
1034. Elections by ballot. 11. In a case of ballot for election, a majority of the votes shall be necessary to an election. When there is not such a majority on the first ballot, the process shall be repeated until a majority is obtained. In all balloting blanks shall be rejected, may not be counted in the enumeration of votes, and may not be reported by the tellers.
This rule was first adopted in 1789 and was amended in 1837 (V, 6003). It was renumbered January 3, 1953 (p. 24). The last election by ballot seems to have occurred in 1868 (V, 6003).