[House Calendars for September 11, 2014 - 113th Congress, 2nd Session]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                           UNFINISHED BUSINESS

H.R. 2610                            A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, and
  July 30                             Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies for the fiscal year
                                      ending September 30, 2014, and for other purposes. (Pending in the
                                      Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union; Mr. Messer of
                                      Indiana, Chair.)
H.R. 687                             A bill to facilitate the efficient extraction of mineral resources in
  Sept. 26                            southeast Arizona by authorizing and directing an exchange of Federal and
                                      non-Federal land, and for other purposes. (Pending in the Committee of the
                                      Whole House on the State of the Union; Mr. Terry of Nebraska, Chair.)
H.R. 4800                            A bill making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and
  June 11                             Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year
                                      ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes. (Pending in the
                                      Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union; Mr. Hastings of
                                      Washington, Chair.)
H.R. 5161                            A bill to promote the non-exclusive use of electronic labeling for devices
  Sept. 9                             licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. (Pending is the roll
                                      call vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass. )
S 276                                A bill to reinstate and extend the deadline for commencement of
  Sept. 10                            construction of a hydroelectric project involving the American Falls
                                      Reservoir. (Pending is the vote on the motion to suspend the rules and
H.R. 5057                            A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to permit exemptions
  Sept. 10                            for external power supplies from certain efficiency standards, and for
                                      other purposes. (Pending is the vote on the motion to suspend the rules
                                      and pass, as amended.)
H.R. 3522                            A bill to authorize health insurance issuers to continue to offer for sale
  Sept. 10                            current group health insurance coverage in satisfaction of the minimum
                                      essential health insurance coverage requirement, and for other purposes.
                                      (Pending in the House.)



                            TABLE OF CONTENTS


Union Calendar....................................................     1
House Calendar....................................................     2
Private Calendar..................................................     3
Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees.......................     4
Public Laws.......................................................     5
Private Laws......................................................     6
History of Bills and Resolutions:
        House Bills...............................................     7
        House Joint Resolutions...................................     8
        House Concurrent Resolutions..............................     9
        House Resolutions.........................................    10
        Senate Bills..............................................    11
        Senate Joint Resolutions..................................    12
        Senate Concurrent Resolutions.............................    13
        Senate Resolutions........................................    14
Reported Bills Referred under Time Limitations....................    15
Bills in conference...............................................    16
Bills through conference (printed the first legislative day of 
    each week the House is in session)............................    17
Index of Short Titles (printed the first legislative day of each 
    week the House is in session).................................    18
Index (printed the first legislative day of each week the House is 
    in session)...................................................    19
Calendar of year 2013 ............................................    20
Calendar of year 2014 ............................................    20
Status of major bills (first session) ............................    20
Status of major bills (second session) ...........................    20


        Rule XIV, clause 4:
        ``4. After the unfinished business has been disposed of, the 
Speaker shall call each standing committee in regular order and then 
select committees. Each committee when named may call up for 
consideration a bill or resolution reported by it on a previous day and 
on the House Calendar. If the Speaker does not complete the call of the 
committees before the House passes to other business, the next call 
shall resume at the point it left off, giving preference to the last 
bill or resolution under consideration. A committee that has occupied 
the call for two days may not call up another bill or resolution until 
the other committees have been called in their turn.''
        Note.--Call rests with the Committee on Agriculture.

                       CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS

        Rule XV, clause 6:
        ``6. (a) On Wednesday of each week, business shall not be in 
order before completion of the call of those committees (except as 
provided by clause 4 of rule XIV) whose chair, or other member 
authorized by the committee, has announced to the House a request for 
such call on the preceding legislative day.
        (b) A bill or resolution on either the House or the Union 
Calendar, except bills or resolutions that are privileged under the 
Rules of the House, may be called under this clause. A bill or 
resolution called up from the Union Calendar shall be considered in the 
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union without motion, 
subject to clause 3 of rule XVI. General debate on a measure considered 
under this clause shall be confined to the measure and may not exceed 
two hours equally divided between a proponent and an opponent.
        (c) This clause does not apply during the last two weeks of a 
session of Congress.
        (d) Precedents, rulings, or procedures in effect before the One 
Hundred Eleventh Congress regarding the priority of business and the 
availability of other business on Wednesday shall be applied only to the 
extent consistent with this clause.''
        Note.--Call rests with the Committee on Agriculture.

                        SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE DAYS

Calendar Wednesday..............    Wednesday of each week, when 
                                    specifically noticed, except during 
                                    the last 2 weeks of a session 
                                    (clause 6, rule XV).
Discharge Calendar..............    Second and fourth Mondays of each 
                                    month, except during the last 6 days 
                                    of a session (clause 2, rule XV).
District of Columbia business...    Second and fourth Mondays of each 
                                    month (clause 4, rule XV).
Private Calendar................    First and third Tuesdays of each 
                                    month (clause 5, rule XV).
Suspension of rules.............    Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
                                    and during the last 6 days of a 
                                    session (clause 1, rule XV).