[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 154 (2008), Part 11]
[Page 14855]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]


  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the 
gentlewoman from North Carolina (Mrs. Myrick) is recognized for 5 
  Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I bring a message from the American people. 
They don't like us. They viewed Congress as a body that's comprised of 
individuals that they elect and expect to reason together in the best 
interests of America and Americans. They don't see that happening. They 
insist they have had it with the politics itself and party.
  Americans are hurting because of fuel costs which are pushing up all 
other costs, including food. Winter is approaching, and the pain will 
grow much worse.
  This crisis is seriously threatening our national security. We are 
sending more money to foreign nations than ever before, many of whom 
don't like us, to put it mildly. We, in government, refused to get our 
financial House in order. We are forcing our Nation to depend on 
foreign oil.
  Oh, and in an aside, emptying our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is not 
a solution. What if we are attacked, disaster? That's why reserves are 
called strategic. Politicians since, and including Jimmy Carter, have 
promised energy solutions.
  Well, where are they? Under Carter we imported about 24 percent of 
our oil, and now we import about 70 percent. The American people are 
tired of hollow promises. They are demanding action now, now, not after 
the election, now. They demand plans for eliminating our dependence on 
oil, beginning with foreign oil, plans to use our own resource from 
offshore drilling to sugar cane conversion, all the while putting 
advanced batteries, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, wind, solar, hydrogen, 
nuclear and any other realistic alternative on a critical fast track.
  Of course, we must do everything we can to protect our environment if 
for no other reason than we all must breathe clean air, consume safe 
food and water, and, of course, protect God's creatures.
  The people know it's their government, and they intend to take 
charge. Simply put, they are mad. Those before us, as well as many 
selfless heroes today, have and are now paying grievously. For this 
great opportunity that we call home, this America, the American people 
worked very hard to keep our Nation strong and productive. They do 
their jobs. The very least we can do as U.S. Congress is do our job.
