[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 154 (2008), Part 9]
[Page 12168]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]


  (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given permission to address the House for 
1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, this Congress has placed a significant 
burden on American families. Now they are having to decide whether to 
buy food or gasoline. The price of both has increased significantly in 
the past 6 months.
  Now back in my district they are having to defend themselves from 
opportunistic, gas-grabbing criminals. Thieves are actually posting 
Internet videos discussing how to steal gas from cars. The kind of 
information that used to be shared in the prison yard has made its way 
into the ``broadcast yourself'' genre of Web sites. It is shocking, but 
it is not really surprising, because we have ignored the issue of 
providing a supply of energy in this country.
  Americans may have given up on waiting for the majority party to ease 
the pain at the pump, so Americans may just file this under ``desperate 
times call for desperate measures.''
  The Speaker may be able to ignore the Members who have asked for 
something to be done to address gas prices, primarily on the supply 
side. Eventually the consequences of the blatant disregard for rising 
prices is going to come home. Let's hope, let's hope, that this 
Speaker, this majority party, will take action before our families get 
robbed by thieves in the middle of the night.
