[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 156 (2010), Part 10]
[Page 13394]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

                              {time}  1310

  (Mr. STEARNS asked and was given permission to address the House for 
1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, with the U.S. unemployment rate steadily 
hovering around 10 percent, Americans continue to ask, ``Where are the 
jobs?'' The answer to this crisis from congressional Democrats and the 
Obama administration is, higher taxes, increased government spending, 
and more government regulation.
  The passage of ObamaCare, cap-and-trade in the House, and financial 
regulation has created an atmosphere of tremendous uncertainty, 
especially among small businesses, which employ over half of all the 
private sector employees. Uncertainty, as we all know, is the enemy of 
growth, investment and job creation.
  The way out of this recession and towards job creation is enact 
policies that free up capital, reduce uncertainty, and restore 
confidence in our economy. We cannot do this if the administration and 
Congressional Democrats continue to impose costly regulations, higher 
taxes on job creators, and create uncertainty in the marketplace.
