[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 156 (2010), Part 2]
[Page 1596]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

                              {time}  1315
                         JOBS AND PRODUCTIVITY

  (Mr. FRANKS of Arizona asked and was given permission to address the 
House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. You know, sometimes, Mr. Speaker, those of us 
in government in our erudite debate forget that all economy is 
effectively productivity. That is what it is about. And the foundation 
of productivity in this country is jobs.
  Since Democrats took control of this Chamber, almost 7 million jobs 
have been lost. A year ago, Mr. Obama and the Democrats passed a 
trillion-dollar stimulus which was supposed to solve the problem, but 
instead has left us with nearly a 10 percent unemployment rate.
  Mr. Speaker, this left-wing Democrat notion that we can borrow, tax, 
and spend our way into economic prosperity should now be disproven 
thoroughly in the minds of any reasonable person. Yet we learn today 
that inexplicably this administration still plans to shove the 
monstrosity of government-controlled health care down the throats of 
the American people. This will raise costs, decrease quality, rob the 
American people of their God-given freedom, rob our children of their 
future, and it will cost America many, many more jobs, Mr. Speaker. 
Where will the madness end?
