[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 156 (2010), Part 3]
[Pages 3556-3557]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]


  Ms. SHEA-PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and agree 
to the resolution (H. Res. 1167) expressing the support of the House of 
Representatives for the goals and ideals of Professional Social Work 
Month and World Social Work Day.
  The Clerk read the title of the resolution.
  The text of the resolution is as follows:

                              H. Res. 1167

       Whereas social work is a profession of hope, grounded in 
     practical problem-solving expertise;
       Whereas social workers inspire community action, and are 
     dedicated to the successful functioning of American society;
       Whereas social workers have education and experience to 
     guide individuals, families, and communities through complex 
     issues and choices;
       Whereas social workers stand up for others to make sure 
     everyone has access to the same basic rights, protections, 
     and opportunities, and have been an important force behind 
     important social movements in the United States;
       Whereas social workers work through private practices, 
     agencies and organizations, hospitals, the military, 
     government, and educational institutions to provide resources 
     and guidance that support social functioning;
       Whereas social workers are on the frontlines, responding to 
     such human needs as homelessness, poverty, family break-up, 
     mental illness, physical and mental disability, substance 
     abuse, domestic violence, and many other issues;
       Whereas Professional Social Work Month and World Social 
     Work Day, which is March 16, 2010, will build awareness of 
     the role of professional social workers and their wide range 
     of social contributions throughout their careers; and
       Whereas the 2010 Social Work Month theme--``Social Workers 
     Inspire Community Action''--showcases the expertise and 
     dedication of professional social workers in helping to 
     improve community life: Now, therefore, be it
       Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
       (1) supports the goals and ideals of Professional Social 
     Work Month and World Social Work Day;
       (2) acknowledges the diligent efforts of individuals and 
     groups who promote the importance of social work and who are 
     observing Professional Social Work Month and World Social 
     Work Day;
       (3) encourages the American people to engage in appropriate 
     ceremonies and activities to further promote awareness of the 
     life-changing role of social workers; and
       (4) recognizes with gratitude the contributions of the 
     millions of caring individuals who have chosen to serve their 
     communities through social work.

  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from 
New Hampshire (Ms. Shea-Porter) and the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. 
Guthrie) each will control 20 minutes.
  The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from New Hampshire.

                             General Leave

  Ms. SHEA-PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I request 5 legislative days during 
which Members may revise and extend and insert extraneous material on 
House Resolution 1167 into the Record.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the 
gentlewoman from New Hampshire?
  There was no objection.
  Ms. SHEA-PORTER. I yield myself such time as I may consume.
  Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support the goals and ideals of 
Professional Social Work Month and World Social Work Day. There are 
more than 600,000 people in the United States who devote their lives to 
social work and to the improvement of the society in which we live by 
obtaining social work degrees. Social workers dedicate their time, 
energy, and career to assisting individuals, families, and communities 
through complicated social issues and complex choices. As many of you 
know, social workers have been instrumental in instigating important 
social movements in the United States and abroad.
  Francis Perkins, who championed the minimum wage laws and reduced the 
work week for women to 48 hours, and Harry Hopkins, who relocated to 
New Orleans in order to work for the American Red Cross as director of 
civilian relief, are two examples of social workers who saw a need to 
change conditions for a community and set out to work in the community 
to help meet that need.
  Social workers use their tools and skills in schools, courtrooms, 
clinics, nursing homes, and the military, just to name a few. However, 
the need for

[[Page 3557]]

social work is expected to grow twice as fast as other occupations, 
especially within the health care sector as our aging demographics 
require more services. Professional Social Work Month and World Social 
Work Day, which is March 16, 2010, build awareness of professional 
social workers and their commitment to people. I urge my colleagues to 
support this resolution honoring those who choose social work as a 
profession to better society.
  I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. GUTHRIE. I yield myself such time as I may consume.
  I rise today in support of House Resolution 1167, expressing support 
for the goals and ideals of Professional Social Work Month and World 
Social Work Day. Social workers are an important part of communities 
throughout the Nation and they inspire community action to improve 
lives. Social workers know the full range of challenges facing families 
of every description, and they help people reach their full potential.
  Social workers make a wide range of social contributions throughout 
their careers. Many social workers work to resolve systemic issues that 
negatively affect a community. Some work in education or research, and 
others serve as heads of nonprofit organizations to create positive 
sustainable changes in communities. Most social workers serve 
individuals and families. Working through private practice, agencies, 
and organizations, they provide resources and guidance that support 
social functioning. Many people who become social workers believe there 
are no limits to human potential, and use their talents to help others.
  Social work is a profession of hope, grounded in practical problem-
solving expertise. Social workers are employed in schools, courtrooms, 
drug treatment clinics, hospitals, senior centers, shelters, nursing 
homes, the military, disaster relief, prisons, and corporations. They 
are on the front lines, developing social programs that are responsive 
to such needs as homelessness, poverty, mental illness, physical and 
mental disability, substance abuse, domestic violence, and many other 
  This year's Social Work Month theme, ``Social Workers Inspire 
Community Action,'' showcases the expertise of these dedicated 
professionals and the impact they have on the improvement of community 
life. Today, we recognize the contributions of millions of caring 
individuals who have chosen to serve their communities through social 
  I ask that my colleagues support this resolution.
  I yield back the balance of my time.
  Ms. SHEA-PORTER. I urge my colleagues to support this resolution, and 
I yield back the balance of my time.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the 
gentlewoman from New Hampshire (Ms. Shea-Porter) that the House suspend 
the rules and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 1167.
  The question was taken.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds 
being in the affirmative, the ayes have it.
  Ms. SHEA-PORTER. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.
  The yeas and nays were ordered.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX and the 
Chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this motion will be 
