
Peace Corps: GSA, 14305 [2JN]


Committee on Appropriations (House): GSA, D85 [25FE]

Committee on Appropriations (Senate): Executive Department Funds, D124 [9MR]

Committee on Government Operations: Establishing Child Care Centers in Federal Buildings, D384 [28MY]

Committee on Environment and Public Works: Authorize Construction of a Federal Office Building and a Trade and Cultural Center on in District of Columbia, D307 [1MY]

———Authorizing Funds for GSA, Focusing on Construction and Acquisition of New Federal Office Space, D432 [17JN]

Committee on Public Works and Transportation: Authorize the Administrator of GSA to Issue Obligations To Finance the Acquisition and Construction of Public Buildings (H.R. 2778), D831 [19NO]

———Budget, D160 [17MR]

———Office Space Needs for Federal Judges, D639 [22SE]

———Proposal to Complete the Federal Triangle in the District of Columbia, D539 [22JY]

———Public Building Code Compliance Act (H.R. 1772), D831 [19NO]

———Public Buildings Act amendments (H.R. 2790), D831 [19NO]