
Airport and airway capacity expansion, 29553 [28OC]

Budget scorekeeping report: CBO, 5178 [10MR], 5954 [17MR]

CBO cost estimate for Big Cypress National Preserve Addition Act (S. 90), 9455 [23AP]

Continuing resolution amendment: CBO, 24929 [23SE]

Cost estimate for a study on minimum altitude for aircraft flying over national parks, 20586 [21JY]

Magistrates Retirement Parity Act, 13791 [27MY]

Medicare and eligibility of acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients, 17683-17685 [26JN]

Minimum wage on public construction projects, 23202 [7AU]

Naturalization process, 19478 [13JY]

Small Business Investment Act, 35810 [16DE]

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act amendments: CBO, 18965 [8JY]


Nuclear Waste Site Selection Cost Estimate (S. 1668): CBO, 23861 [11SE]

Status of the Budget: CBO, 34553 [9DE]


Economic and Baseline Budget Projections, 20935 [23JY]


Committee on Appropriations (Senate): Legislative Branch Budget, D114 [5MR]

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: FAA Budget (S. 586), D198 [26MR]

Committee on Economics (Joint): Implications of U.S. Trade Trends, D796 [5NO]

Committee on Education and Labor: Impact of Antideficit Law on Programs, D782 [3NO]

Committee on Government Operations: Loan Sales Pilot Program, D311 [4MY]

Committee on Labor and Human Resources: Minimum Health Benefits for all Workers in the U.S. (S. 1265) (testimony), D785 [4NO]

Committee on Public Works and Transportation: Federal Capital Budget, D859 [8DE]

———Federal Fiscal Policy and Effect on State and Local Infrastructure and Capital Construction Financing, D629 [17SE]

Committee on Rules: Analysis of Impact on International Competitiveness of U.S. Business and the Balance of Payments Position (H.R. 1307), D257 [9AP]

Committee on Small Business (House): SBA Budget, D134 [10MR]

Committee on the Budget (Senate): CBO Initial Sequester Report, D721 [15OC]

———Gramm-Rudman Budget Proposals, D510 [14JY]

Committee on Ways and Means: Medicare Part B Premium, D670 [30SE]

———Textile and Apparel Trade Act (H.R. 1154), D394 [2JN]