SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR see also Department of the Interior


National Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust: by, 10607 [29AP]

Articles and editorials

Hodel Squanders Our Birthright, 12397 [13MY]

Is Hodel a Watt in Sheep's Clothing?, 17611 [25JN]

Worse Than Watt, 17610 [25JN], 17956 [27JN]

Communications from

Admission fees at National Parks: report, 4448 (EC711) [2MR]

Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: legislation, 5919 (EC784) [17MR]

———membership, 5557 (EC861) [12MR]

Agricultural water projects benefits policy: report, 20283 (EC1795) [20JY]

Alaska: oil and gas activities on Federal lands, 102 (EC168) [6JA]

———oil and gas report, 27714 (EC2228) [13OC], 28415 (EC2002) [20OC]

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act: report, 335 (EC9) [6JA], 339 (EC158) [6JA]

Belle Fourche Irrigation District, SD: contract, 9080 (EC1189) [21AP]

BIA: employment of Indians, 103 (EC217) [6JA], 335 (EC33) [6JA]

———investigation of allegation of mismanagement in relocation of an office, 14057 (EC1490) [28MY]

Black Revolutionary War Patriots Memorial: legislation, 31634 (EC2390) [10NO], 32037 (EC2150) [17NO]

Bureau of Reclamation: loan, 4915 (EC776) [5MR]

California: distribution of costs associated with grant lands, 9080 (EC1192) [21AP], 9769 (EC1079) [27AP]

———offshore oil and gas leasing report, 5723 (EC905) [16MR]

Chief Joseph Dam project, Oroville-Tonasket Unit: proposed amendments, 15137 (EC1375) [10JN]

Colorado Basin public lands salinity control: report, 20283 (EC1786) [20JY]

Colorado River: report, 10103 (EC1144) [28AP], 10272 (EC1278) [28AP]

Colorado River Basin water quality: report, 14258 (EC1515) [2JN], 15137 (EC1384) [10JN]

Competition advocacy: report, 9770 (EC1108) [27AP]

Continental shelf: excess royalty payments, 2003 (EC442) [27JA]

———leases, 7284 (EC875) [30MR]

Cook Island Inlet Region, Inc.: report, 6774 (EC983) [25MR], 8474 (EC967) [8AP]

Crow Creek Sioux: judgment funds report, 34287 (EC2513) [7DE]

Day Creek Water project, CA: loan application, 11003 (EC1317) [4MY]

Deletion of surface mining regulatory program requirements for Indian tribes: legislation, 19135 (EC1730) [9JY]

Dept. of the Interior law enforcement services: legislation, 23648 (EC2057) [9SE]

Director for Royalty Management: refunds of offshore leases, 7237 (EC1024, EC1025, EC1026) [30MR]

Disposal of public lands under the public benefit discount program for parks and recreation areas: report, 9770 (EC1105) [27AP]

Ellis Island, redevelopment: report, 24133 (EC2100) [16SE], 26154 (EC1941) [1OC]

Emergency striped bass research study: report, 36480 (EC2591) [18DE]

Endangered Species Act appropriations: report, 5862 (EC918) [17MR], 6488 (EC830) [20MR]

Federal and Indian lease revenues: legislation, 23568 (EC1740) [9SE]

Federal Coal Act amendments: transmittal, 33252 (EC2174) [30NO]

Federal Coal Management Program: report, 18096 (EC1680) [29JN], 18803 (EC1502) [7JY]

Public Lands Cleanup Day: report, 34401 (EC2524) [8DE], 34954 (EC2272) [10DE], 36192 (EC2311) [18DE]

Federal Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act: report, 34287 (EC2520) [7DE]

Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act: legislation, 23568 (EC1740) [9SE]

———report, 19898 (EC1764) [15JY]

Freedom of Information Act: report, 9645 (EC1245) [23AP], 9771 (EC1123) [27AP]

Gulf of Mexico: oil and gas leases report, 5722 (EC889) [16MR]

Helium Program: report, 16288 (EC1614) [16JN]

High plains States ground water demonstration program: report, 34630 (EC2539) [9DE], 36191 (EC2299) [18DE]

Increase competition for contracts: report, 9079 (EC1179) [21AP]

Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Art Development: report, 9120 (EC1040) [21AP]

Institute of American Indian Arts: notification, 6773 (EC979) [25MR]

Interest payments on certain Federal and Indian lease revenues: legislation, 23646 (EC2019) [9SE]

Internal accounting and administrative control: report, 1434 (EC354) [20JA]

Isleta Indian land lease: report, 20283 (EC1787) [20JY]

Jedediah Smith Trail, AZ: study report, 32551 (EC2415) [17NO], 33252 (EC2172) [30NO]

Juan Bautista de Anza Trail, AZ/CA: report, 26499 (EC2195) [5OC], 26567 (EC1964) [6OC], 31226 (EC2071) [6NO]

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts: appropriations proposals, 5722 (EC895) [16MR], 6658 (EC855) [24MR]

Korean War: memorial to U.S. Armed Forces members, 31963 (EC2408) [16NO], 32037 (EC2151) [17NO]

Land and mineral management: cost estimates, 27714 (EC2229) [13OC]

Land and Minerals Management Service: leasing systems, 18733 (EC1702) [7JY]

Land and Water Conservation Fund Act: amend, 5140 (EC643) [10MR]

———legislation, 6521 (EC961) [23MR], 8474 (EC966) [8AP]

Law enforcement services in Indian country: legislation, 23569 (EC1801) [9SE]

Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians: judgment funds, 102 (EC166) [6JA], 336 (EC79) [6JA]

Lincoln County, NV: reserve Air Force public lands, 18096 (EC1683) [29JN], 18947 (EC1518) [8JY]

Lowell National Historical Park, MA: funding, 25747 (EC2171) [30SE], 26154 (EC1947) [1OC]

Lower Brule Sioux: judgment funds, 32962 (EC2422) [19NO], 33252 (EC2186) [30NO]

Management of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, AK: report, 18096 (EC1684) [29JN], 18947 (EC1520) [8JY]

Marine Mammal Protection Act: administration, 102 (EC179) [6JA], 336 (EC53) [6JA]

Middle Creek Dam rehabilitation project: report, 22017 (EC1664) [3AU]

Migratory Bird Conservation Commission: report, 339 (EC160) [6JA], 34401 (EC2525) [8DE], 37793 (EC2317) [21DE]

Mineral Lands Leasing Act: legislation, 31963 (EC2410) [16NO]

Mines and mineral resources: report, 10272 (EC1279) [28AP]

Montana Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation: loan, 21631 (EC1890) [30JY]

National battlefields: redesignate, 31963 (EC2409) [16NO]

National battlefields in the national parks: transmittal, 33252 (EC2173) [30NO]

National historic or natural landmarks: damage, 7284 (EC877) [30MR]

National Park Foundation: report, 9080 (EC1193) [21AP], 9120 (EC1029) [21AP]

National Plan for Research in Mining and Mineral Resources: update, 10103 (EC1146) [28AP]

Northern Mariana Islands: legislation, 7238 (EC1037) [30MR], 8474 (EC965) [8AP]

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement: report, 102 (EC169) [6JA], 336 (EC56) [6JA]

Oregon: distribution of costs associated with grant lands, 9080 (EC1192) [21AP], 9769 (EC1079) [27AP]

Oroville-Tonasket Unit, Chief Joseph Dam project: legislation, 14578 (EC1520) [3JN]

Outer Continental Shelf: oil and gas leasing, 9080 (EC1190, EC1191) [21AP], 9081 (EC1220) [21AP], 9769 (EC1075) [27AP], 10103 (EC1145) [28AP]

———refunds of royalty payments, 4008 (EC656, EC657, EC658, EC659, EC660) [24FE]

Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sales: report, 6658 (EC853) [24MR], 6774 (EC984) [25MR]

Overobligation of 1983 appropriations: report, 19676 (EC1744) [14JY]

Petroleum: offshore report, 28415, 28416 (EC2004, EC2005) [20OC]

———report on 5-Year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, 10272 (EC1284) [28AP]

Petroleum and natural gas: compensatory royalty agreements, 2394 (EC467) [2FE]

Phoenix and Sherman Indian High Schools: report, 11003 (EC1306) [4MY]

Phoenix Indian School: BIA, 7284 (EC896) [30MR]

———report, 2990 (EC511) [5FE], 4258 (EC517) [26FE], 11778 (EC1186) [8MY]

Pick-Sloan Basin Program: contract, 9769 (EC1073) [27AP]

Public lands: interchange between BLM and Forest Service, 11077 (EC1175) [5MY]

———legislation, 10022 (EC1264) [27AP]

Public Lands Cleanup Day: report, 102 (EC171) [6JA], 34783 (EC2543) [10DE]

Reclamation Project Act: legislation, 16288 (EC1615) [16JN]

Records system: report, 5722 (EC879) [16MR], 22795 (EC1926) [6AU], 23568 (EC1755) [9SE], 25022 (EC1910) [23SE], 25480 (EC2155, EC2156) [29SE], 26154 (EC1954) [1OC]

Refund of excess royalty payments: report, 1434, 1434, 1434, 1434, 1434, 1435 (EC361, EC362, EC363, EC364, EC365, EC366, EC367, EC368, EC369, EC370, EC371, EC372, EC373, EC374, EC375, EC376, EC377) [20JA], 2735 (EC498) [4FE], 2889 (EC429, EC430) [4FE], 4258 (EC527, EC528, EC529) [26FE], 4260 (EC596, EC597, EC598, EC599, EC600) [26FE], 4448 (EC707, EC708, EC709, EC710) [2MR], 5722 (EC887, EC888) [16MR], 7284 (EC872, EC873, EC874) [30MR], 7938 (EC921, EC922, EC923) [3AP], 9769 (EC1076, EC1077, EC1081, EC1082) [27AP], 11360, 11360, 11361 (EC1341, EC1342, EC1343, EC1344) [6MY], 12134 (EC1391, EC1392, EC1393) [12MY], 13734 (EC1285) [27MY], 14186 (EC1504) [1JN], 14258 (EC1513, EC1514) [2JN], 14917 (EC1552) [8JN], 15136, 15136, 15137 (EC1359, EC1372, EC1373) [10JN], 16957 (EC1636, EC1637) [22JN], 17101 (EC1648) [23JN], 17567 (EC1485, EC1486, EC1487) [25JN], 19054 (EC1714, EC1715, EC1716) [8JY], 19381 (EC1542, EC1543, EC1544) [10JY], 21185 (EC1832) [27JY], 21738 (EC1625, EC1626, EC1627, EC1628, EC1629) [30JY], 22587 (EC1918) [5AU], 23568 (EC1741) [9SE], 23570 (EC1811, EC1812) [9SE], 23646 (EC2014, EC2015, EC2016, EC2017) [9SE], 24676 (EC2134) [21SE], 25747 (EC2169, EC2170) [30SE], 26154 (EC1942, EC1944) [1OC], 27305 (EC1980) [9OC], 27714 (EC2225, EC2226, EC2227) [13OC], 30911 (EC2346) [4NO], 31423 (EC2369, EC2370) [9NO], 31633, 31634 (EC2385, EC2386, EC2387, EC2388, EC2389) [10NO], 32037 (EC2144, EC2145, EC2146, EC2147, EC2148) [17NO], 34954, 34954, 34954, 34954 [10DE], 35740, 35740 [15DE]

Refund of offshore lease revenues: report, 10272 (EC1277) [28AP], 11003 (EC1316) [4MY], 23999 (EC1838, EC1839) [15SE], 24134 (EC2114) [16SE], 24433 (EC1867, EC1868) [17SE], 25022 (EC1896) [23SE], 31227 (EC2093, EC2094, EC2095) [6NO], 36191 (EC2296, EC2297, EC2298) [18DE]

Report, 340 (EC195) [6JA]

Reporting requirements: legislation, 23568 (EC1740) [9SE]

Research and Demonstration Projects in Alternative Coal Mining Technologies: report, 4086 (EC674) [25FE], 4260 (EC603) [26FE]

Rincon Band of Mission Indians: judgment funds, 102 (EC167) [6JA]

Royalty management and collection activities: report, 20518 (EC1568) [21JY]

Salinity Control Program: report, 14258 (EC1515) [2JN], 21249 (EC1597) [28JY]

San Bernardino County, CA: Small Reclamation Projects Act grant application, 11077 (EC1173) [5MY]

San Bernardino County Day Creek project loan: report, 339 (EC181) [6JA]

Second Supplemental Appropriations Act: legislation, 22914 (EC1711) [6AU]

Small Reclamation Projects Act: report, 1070 (EC287) [8JA], 4008 (EC661) [24FE]

Surface mining regulatory program requirements for Indian tribes: transmittal, 19381 (EC1545) [10JY]

Surplus Federal real property disposal: report, 9079 (EC1178) [21AP]

Tongass National Forest, AK: Forest Service legal description and maps, 10022 (EC1258) [27AP]

Trail of Tears: report, 26154 (EC1945) [1OC], 26499 (EC2194) [5OC]

United Water Conservation District, Ventura County, CA: loan, 102 (EC170) [6JA], 338 (EC141) [6JA]

Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District, CO: loan and grant, 4260 (EC602) [26FE], 11003 (EC1318) [4MY], 11077 (EC1174) [5MY]

West Bend Irrigation District, Dillon, MT: notice of deferment of loan payment, 5140 (EC644) [10MR]

Western Gulf of Mexico leasing systems: notice, 18947 (EC1519) [8JY]

Youth Conservation Corps: report, 14186 (EC1494) [1JN], 15137 (EC1385) [10JN]


Committee on Appropriations (House): budget, D76 [23FE]

———budget, focusing on the offices of the Secretary, Solicitor General, and Inspector General (testimony), D286 [27AP]


Dedication of North Cascades National Park to Henry M. Jackson, 14970 [9JN]

Depletion of ozone layer, 14820 [5JN]

Development of natural resources on Indian lands, 25473 [29SE]

Location of Black Revolutionary War Patriots Memorial, 31536 [10NO]

Montana wilderness lands, 27660 [13OC]

National Park Service, 13888 [28MY]

Preservation of Abandoned Mined Lands Program, 1896 [22JA]

Stratospheric ozone, 18002, 18007 [29JN]

Remarks in House

Diseases: remarks on skin cancer, 14406 [2JN]

Power resources: crisis, 4746 [4MR]

Record as Cabinet member, 17610 [25JN]

Reports filed

Michigan Wilderness (H.R. 148) (H. Rept. 100-29), 7238 [30MR]


Skin Cancer, 14818 [5JN]

———Margaret L. Kripke, EPA, 14370 [2JN]


Committee on Appropriations (House): BIA, D757 [27OC]

———Sec. of the Interior, D84 [25FE]

———Sec. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, and River Basin Commissions, D76 [23FE]

Committee on Appropriations (Senate): Depts. of the Interior and Energy Budgets, D63 [18FE]

———Energy and Water Development Programs Budgets, D152 [16MR]

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Authorizing the Sec. of the Interior to Lease Lands in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for Oil and Gas Exploration (H.R. 1082), D390 [2JN]

———President's Proposed Budget, D38 [29JA]

Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs: Alaska Wilderness (H.R. 39), D384 [28MY]

———Authorizing the Sec. of the Interior to Lease Lands in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for Oil and Gas Exploration (H.R. 1082), D384 [28MY]

———Dept. of the Interior Report on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, AK, D459 [24JN]

———Organization, D81 [24FE]

———Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (H.R. 1963), D248 [8AP]

Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Proposed Final 5-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, D374 [21MY]

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: National Critical Materials Council Reports, D216 [31MR]