SHELBY, RICHARD C. (a Senator from Alabama)


Appropriations: making emergency supplemental for disaster relief, summer youth jobs programs, and SBA loans program, and rescind amounts from certain accounts (H.R. 4899), S4153 [24MY], S4449, S4459, S4460, S4464 [26MY], S4504, S4505, S4531, S4557 [27MY]

Dept. of Defense: authorizing appropriations for military activities, prescribing personnel strengths, and military construction (S. 3454), S7292 [21SE], S8717 [9DE]

Dept. of the Treasury: create the Small Business Lending Fund Program to make capital investments in eligible institutions to increase availability of credit for small businesses (H.R. 5297), S5708 [30JN]

FAA: extend Airport Improvement Program authority (H.R. 4853), S8853 [13DE]

Financial institutions: improve accountability and transparency in the financial system, end ``too big to fail'', end bailouts, and protect consumers from abusive financial services practices (S. 3217), S3009 [30AP], S3173, S3195, S3200, S3208, S3217, S3223, S3228 [5MY], S3373 [6MY], S3479 [10MY], S3524 [11MY], S3730, S3732 [13MY], S3833, S3840 [17MY], S3919 [18MY]

Taxation: extend certain expiring provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (H.R. 4213), S4851, S4859 [10JN], S4943 [15JN]

———extend funding and expenditure authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund (H.R. 4853), S8853 [13DE]

———impose a higher rate of tax on bonuses paid by businesses receiving Troubled Asset Relief Program funds (H.R. 1586), S1754 [18MR]

———retain estate tax with an immediate exemption increase and repeal new carryover basis rules (H.R. 4154), S803 [25FE]


Conferee: H.R. 2194, Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act, S1421 [11MR]

———H.R. 4173, Restoring American Financial Stability Act, S4170 [25MY]

Articles and editorials

Bernanke at the Creation, Wall Street Journal, S314 [28JA]

Bernanke Nomination, Wall Street Journal, S315 [28JA]

Bernanke Record, Wall Street Journal, S315 [28JA]

Bills and resolutions cosponsored

Armed Forces: mint coins in commemoration of Army Five-Star Generals and alumni of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (see S. 455), S7421 [23SE]

Byrd, Robert C.: tribute (see S. Res. 572), S5489 [28JN]

Dept. of the Interior: expedite review and appropriate approval of applications for shallow water drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico, Beaufort Sea, and Chukchi Sea (see S. Res. 608), S6884 [5AU]

Dept. of the Navy: redesignate as the Dept. of the Navy and Marine Corps (see S. 504), S3831 [17MY]

District of Columbia: restore right to keep and bear arms (see S. 3265), S3474 [10MY]

EPA: disapprove rule relative to endangerment findings and regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act (see S.J. Res. 26), S122 [21JA]

Gulf of Mexico: honor workers who died on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform and extend condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased crew members (see S. Res. 523), S3643 [12MY]

———recognize economic and environmental impacts of BP P.L.C., oil spill and urge BP to give all due consideration to offers of assistance, products, or services from States directly impacted (see S. Res. 582), S5850 [14JY] (see S. Res. 588), S6025 [20JY]

Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund: ensure that amounts credited are used for harbor maintenance (see S. 3213), S2377 [15AP]

Lee, Nelle Harper: anniversary of publication of ``To Kill a Mockingbird'' (see S. Res. 614), S6884 [5AU]

Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.: tribute (see S. Res. 397), S251 [26JA]

Murtha, John P.: tribute (see S. Res. 413), S536 [9FE]

NASA: prohibit funding for termination of the Constellation Program (see S. 3180), S2162 [26MR]

National Mediation Board: disapprove rule on recognition of a labor union if a simple majority of workers who cast ballots approved organizing (see S.J. Res. 30), S5787 [13JY]

National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: designate (see S. Res. 597), S6397 [28JY]

Poland: express sympathy to citizens and surviving families of victims of airplane crash in Russia, solidarity with people and Polish-American communities, and support for restoration of leadership (see S. Res. 479), S2295 [14AP]

States: provide special standing for State government officials to challenge proposed regulations issued in conjunction with the implementation of Federal laws (see S. 4020), S10304 [15DE]

Stevens, Ted: tribute (see S. Res. 617), S7000 [12AU]

Taxation: permanently extend Bush administration tax cuts and provide permanent alternative minimum tax and estate tax relief (see S. 3773), S7090 [14SE]

West Virginia: honor coal miners who perished in the Upper Big Branch Mine-South, extend condolences to their families, and recognize efforts of emergency response workers at the mine disaster (see S. Res. 487), S2377 [15AP]

Bills and resolutions introduced

University of Alabama: tribute to football team (see S. Res. 389), S52 [20JA]


Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (Senate) markup of S. 190, Federal Housing Enerterprise Regulatory Reform Act (2005), S3505 [11MY]

Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (Senate) markup of S. 1508, Federal Housing Enerterprise Regulatory Reform Act (2004), S3504 [11MY]


American International Group, Inc. (AIG): business practices that precipitated Government bailout, S296 [28JA]

Appropriations: making continuing, S10867 [21DE]

———making emergency supplemental for disaster relief, summer youth jobs programs, and SBA loans program, and rescind amounts from certain accounts (H.R. 4899), S4423 [26MY]

Bernanke, Ben S.: nomination to be Federal Reserve Board Chair, S296, S314 [28JA]

Dept. of the Treasury: create the Small Business Lending Fund Program to make capital investments in eligible institutions to increase availability of credit for small businesses (H.R. 5297), S6166 [22JY]

———establish Office of the Homeowner Advocate, S4036 [20MY]

———guarantee payment on bonds or notes used to provide loans to community development financial institutions, S4036 [20MY]

Depts. of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and related agencies: making appropriations for military construction and veterans' services (H.R. 3082), House amendment, S10867 [21DE]

Disasters: oil spill cleanup and relief funding, S4423 [26MY]

Economy: provide financial regulatory reform, protect consumers and investors, enhance Federal understanding of insurance issues, and regulate the over-the-counter derivatives markets (H.R. 4173), conference report, S5875 [15JY]

FDIC: establish Division for Consumer Financial Protection, S3312, S3327 [6MY]

Financial institutions: clarify applicability of certain State enforcement authorities with respect to regulating national banks, S3870 [18MY]

———improve accountability and transparency in the financial system, end ``too big to fail'', end bailouts, and protect consumers from abusive financial services practices (S. 3217), S2773 [29AP], S3139, S3148 [5MY], S3312, S3327, S3328 [6MY], S3493, S3494, S3503, S3505, S3508, S3515 [11MY], S3604 [12MY], S3870, S3874 [18MY], S4036, S4073 [20MY]

———improve accountability and transparency in the financial system, end ``too big to fail'', end bailouts, and protect consumers from abusive financial services practices (S. 3217), motion to proceed, S2556 [22AP], S2749 [28AP]

———improve accountability and transparency in the financial system, end ``too big to fail'', end bailouts, and protect consumers from abusive financial services practices (S. 3217), unanimous-consent request, S3896 [18MY]

———reform regulations for residential mortgage underwriting standards, S3515 [11MY]

FRS: require GAO audit of the FRS Board of Governors and publication of information on financial assistance provided to various entities, S3493 [11MY]

Government-sponsored enterprises: establish a term for conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and provide conditions for continued operations, wind down, and dissolution of such enterprises, S3503, S3505, S3508 [11MY]

Housing: reform the regulation of the housing-related Government-sponsored enterprises, S4073 [20MY]

Iran: expand economic sanctions against Iran to include importation of refined petroleum (H.R. 2194), conference report, S5401 [24JN]

Kagan, Elena: nomination to be Supreme Court Justice, S6702 [4AU]

Navy: littoral combat ship program funding, S10867 [21DE]

Securities: prohibit proprietary trading and certain relationships with hedge funds and private equity funds and address conflicts of interest with respect to certain securitizations, S3874 [18MY]

———regulate over-the-counter derivatives markets and improve market transparency, S3604 [12MY]

Stallings, Gene: College Football Hall of Fame inductee, S5109 [17JN]

U.S.-Russian Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START): renewal, S10795 [20DE]

Remarks in Senate relative to

Tribute, S3352 [6MY]


Callaway, Betty Rives Allen, S7958 [17NO]

Carr, Charles R., S8784 [10DE]

Flowers, Cedric E., Jr., S5695 [30JN]

Lefkovits, Sonya Damsker, S6196 [22JY]

Stevens, Ted, S7575 [28SE]