
Reading of U.S. Constitution, H89H96 [15JA]

Bills and resolutions

Budget: constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget and that each agency and department’s funding is justified (see H.J. Res. 36), H1427 [14MR]

——— constitutional amendment to require balanced (see S.J. Res. 1), S43 [22JA] (see S.J. Res. 6), S358 [29JA] (see S.J. Res. 7), S708 [13FE] (see S.J. Res. 20), S5667 [11JY] (see H.J. Res. 1, 2, 4, 5), H32 (see H.J. Res. 6, 11), H33 [3JA] (see H.J. Res. 17), H170 [15JA] (see H.J. Res. 24), H413 [6FE] (see H.J. Res. 35), H1427 [14MR] (see H.J. Res. 38), H1992 [12AP] (see H.J. Res. 49), H3653 [14JN]

——— constitutional amendment to require balanced budget and approval from a majority of State legislatures for increases in Federal debt (see H.J. Res. 10), H33 [3JA]

——— constitutional amendment to require balanced budget and greater accountability in the enactment of tax legislation (see H.J. Res. 18), H177 [18JA]

——— constitutional amendment to require two-thirds votes in the House and Senate to increase the statutory limit on the public debt (see H.J. Res. 57), H5344 [1AU]

Children and youth: protect rights by prohibiting funds to educational institutions that punish students for possession of toy guns, simulating guns, or expressing support for Second Amendment rights (see H.R. 2625), H4213 [8JY]

Citizenship: constitutional amendment to restrict citizenship of individuals born in the U.S. to those with one parent that is a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or active member of the U.S. military (see S.J. Res. 4), S214 [23JA]

Congress: constitutional amendment to require application of laws equally to all U.S. citizens (see S.J. Res. 25), S7414 [11OC] (see H.J. Res. 97), H6675 [22OC] (see H.J. Res. 98), H6769 [23OC]

Corporations: constitutional amendment to clarify application of the words people, person, or citizen in the Constitution to corporations, limited liability companies, or other corporate entities (see H.J. Res. 21), H222 [22JA]

——— constitutional amendment to clarify authority of Congress and the States to limit corporate spending in elections (see S.J. Res. 18), S4585 [18JN]

——— constitutional amendment to clarify authority of Congress and the States to regulate the expenditure of funds for political activity by corporations (see H.J. Res. 25), H413 [6FE]

——— constitutional amendment to exclude from rights given to natural persons, prohibit corporate spending on elections, and affirm power of Congress and States to regulate corporations and elections (see S. 525), S1710 [12MR] (see S.J. Res. 11), S1786 [13MR] (see H.J. Res. 34), H1357 [12MR]

——— constitutional amendment to exclude from rights given to natural persons and affirm power of Congress and States to regulate political contributions and expenditures (see H.J. Res. 29), H547 [14FE]

Courts: constitutional amendment to prohibit basing legal opinions or rulings on foreign laws, treaties, or religious laws (see H.J. Res. 54), H5050 [24JY]

——— support the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to counsel and ensure indigent defendants in felony cases are adequately represented (see H. Res. 196), H2404 [3MY]

Crime: constitutional amendment to protect the rights of crime victims (see H.J. Res. 40), H2246 [23AP]

Dept. of Veterans Affairs: clarify conditions under which veterans, their spouses, and children may be adjudicated mentally incompetent relative to their ability to purchase firearms (see S. 572), S1853 [14MR] (see H.R. 577), H412 [6FE] (see H.R. 602), H431 [8FE]

Economy: encourage job creation through trade, tax, labor, health care, and court reforms, a balanced budget amendment, Alaskan energy development, Federal workforce reduction, and regulatory flexibility (see H.R. 2674), H4483 [11JY]

Elections: constitutional amendment on congressional power to regulate campaign contributions for Federal elections (see H.J. Res. 32), H659 [26FE]

——— constitutional amendment on contributions and expenditures by corporations and other business organizations intended to affect elections (see H.J. Res. 13, 14), H53 [4JA]

——— constitutional amendment on contributions and expenditures by corporations or labor organizations intended to affect elections (see S.J. Res. 5), S329 [28JA]

——— constitutional amendment on contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections (see S.J. Res. 19), S4585 [18JN] (see H.J. Res. 12), H52 [4JA] (see H.J. Res. 20), H222 [22JA]

——— constitutional amendment on the authority of Congress and the States to regulate contributions and expenditures in political campaigns and to enact public financing systems for such campaigns (see H.J. Res. 31), H547 [14FE]

——— constitutional amendment permitting Congress and the States to establish limits on contributions and expenditures in elections for public office (see H.J. Res. 14), H53 [4JA]

Families and domestic relations: constitutional amendment on parental rights (see H.J. Res. 50), H3759 [18JN]

——— constitutional amendment relative to definition of marriage (see H.J. Res. 51), H4175 [28JN]

Firearms: eliminate the sporting purposes definition in gun laws (see H.R. 2277), H3250 [6JN]

Flag—U.S.: constitutional amendment to prohibit desecration (see S.J. Res. 17), S4481 [13JN] (see H.J. Res. 19), H177 [18JA] (see H.J. Res. 47), H2911 [22MY]

Foreign policy: constitutional amendment to prevent treaties, Executives orders, or agreements with foreign countries from diminishing rights or privileges guaranteed to U.S. citizens (see H.J. Res. 53), H5050 [24JY]

Members of Congress: constitutional amendment to grant Congress authority to enact laws to limit terms (see H.J. Res. 45), H2603 [14MY]

——— constitutional amendment to limit terms (see S.J. Res. 2, 3), S214 [23JA] (see H.J. Res. 8), H33 [3JA] (see H.J. Res. 22), H222 [22JA] (see H.J. Res. 23), H293 [25JA] (see H.J. Res. 26), H454 [12FE] (see H.J. Res. 30), H547 [14FE] (see H.J. Res. 37), H1568 [18MR] (see H.J. Res. 41), H2247 [23AP] (see H.J. Res. 48), H2911 [22MY] (see H.J. Res. 101), H6954 [30OC]

——— constitutional amendment to prohibit an increase in compensation from taking effect until a House election has intervened (see H.J. Res. 33), H1320 [6MR]

Prayer: constitutional amendment clarifying that the Constitution neither prohibits voluntary prayer nor requires prayer in schools (see H.J. Res. 42), H2393 [26AP]

Presidents of the U.S.: repeal constitutional amendment to limit terms (see H.J. Res. 15), H53 [4JA]

Privacy: prohibit any U.S. agency, including the National Security Agency, from searching telephone records of U.S. citizens without a warrant based on probable cause (see S. 1121), S4021 [7JN]

Public debt: constitutional amendment prohibiting the Government from increasing debt except for a specific purpose by law adopted by three-fourths of each House of Congress (see H.J. Res. 9), H33 [3JA]

——— increase debt ceiling by a certain amount upon adoption by Congress of a balanced budget constitutional amendment and by an additional amount upon ratification by the States (see H.R. 371), H279 [23JA] (see H.R. 443), H315 [1FE]

——— increase debt ceiling only upon submission to the States for ratification a proposed constitutional amendment to balance the Federal budget or limit Federal spending (see H.R. 355), H278 [23JA]

Slavery: mint coins in commemoration of the anniversary of the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution which officially abolished slavery (see H.R. 2633), H4308 [9JY]

States: constitutional amendment allowing States to call a limited convention solely for the purposes of considering whether to propose a specific amendment to the Constitution (see H.J. Res. 52), H5050 [24JY]

Supreme Court: misinterpretation of first amendment relative to Buckley v. Valeo decision on campaign contribution limits (see H. Con. Res. 6), H53 [4JA]

Taxation: constitutional amendment prohibiting Federal Government from compelling someone to engage in commercial activity (see H.J. Res. 27), H502 [13FE]

——— constitutional amendment to abolish Federal income tax (see H.J. Res. 16), H53 [4JA] (see H.J. Res. 104), H7152 [15NO]

——— constitutional amendment to limit congressional power to impose a tax on failure to purchase goods or services (see S.J. Res. 16), S3987 [6JN] (see H.J. Res. 28), H502 [13FE]

——— constitutional amendment to require a supermajority to raise taxes (see H.J. Res. 39), H2026 [15AP]

Territories: constitutional amendment on Presidential election voting rights for residents of all U.S. territories and commonwealths (see H.J. Res. 7), H33 [3JA]

U.N.: terminate funding if the U.S. agrees to any treaty that threatens U.S. sovereignty or infringes on U.S. constitutional rights, such as the right to keep and bear arms (see H.R. 575), H412 [6FE]

Voting: constitutional amendment on the right to vote (see H.J. Res. 44), H2603 [14MY]

Women: constitutional amendment to ensure equal rights (see S.J. Res. 10), S1127 [5MR] (see H.J. Res. 56), H5344 [1AU]

——— remove deadline for ratification of constitutional amendment to ensure equal rights (see S.J. Res. 15), S3326 [9MY] (see H.J. Res. 43), H2568 [9MY]

Remarks in House

Budget: constitutional amendment to require balanced (H.J. Res. 1), E4 [3JA]

——— constitutional amendment to require balanced (H.J. Res. 2), E9 [3JA]

Constitution—U.S.: history and explanation of ‘‘separation of church and State’’, H2382 [26AP]

Corporations: constitutional amendment to clarify application of the words people, person, or citizen in the Constitution to corporations, limited liability companies, or other corporate entities (H.J. Res. 21), H182 [22JA]

Courts: support the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to counsel and ensure indigent defendants in felony cases are adequately represented (H. Res. 196), H6975H6977 [12NO], H7034 [13NO], E1688 [18NO]

Dept. of Homeland Security: prohibit funding to be used in contravention of First, Second, or Fourth Amendments to the Constitution, H3192 [5JN], E873E875 [14JN], E900 [17JN]

Elections: constitutional amendment on contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections (H.J. Res. 20), H182 [22JA]

——— constitutional amendment on the authority of Congress and the States to regulate contributions and expenditures in political campaigns and to enact public financing systems for such campaigns (H.J. Res. 31), H631 [26FE]

Freedom of religion: ensure, H2425 [6MY], H7034H7036 [13NO]

House of Representatives: reading of U.S. Constitution, H89, H96, H98 [15JA]

Members of Congress: constitutional amendment to grant Congress authority to enact laws to limit terms (H.J. Res. 45), H2589 [14MY]

——— constitutional amendment to prohibit an increase in compensation from taking effect until a House election has intervened (H.J. Res. 33), H1551 [18MR]

Supreme Court: constitutional amendment to overturn decision in Citizens United v. FEC on corporate political contributions used for political speech, H10, H15, H17 [3JA]

Taxation: constitutional amendment to limit congressional power to impose a tax on failure to purchase goods or services (H.J. Res. 28), H2357 [26AP]

Voting: constitutional amendment on the right to vote (H.J. Res. 44), H2662 [16MY]

Women: constitutional amendment to ensure equal rights (H.J. Res. 56), E1202 [1AU]

Remarks in Senate

Budget: constitutional amendment to require balanced (S.J. Res. 20), S5684 [15JY]

——— constitutionality of legislation to suspend the public debt ceiling and hold salaries of Members of Congress in escrow upon failure to agree to a budget resolution relative to 27th Amendment, S428 [31JA]

Dept. of Veterans Affairs: clarify conditions under which veterans, their spouses, and children may be adjudicated mentally incompetent relative to their ability to purchase firearms, S2719, S2742 [17AP]

Flag—U.S.: constitutional amendment to prohibit desecration (S.J. Res. 17), S4483 [13JN]

Members of Congress: constitutional amendment to limit terms (S.J. Res. 2), S201 [23JA]

Privacy: prohibit any U.S. agency, including the National Security Agency, from searching telephone records of U.S. citizens without a warrant based on probable cause, S4203 [11JN], S6052S6056 [30JY]

——— prohibit any U.S. agency, including the National Security Agency, from searching telephone records of U.S. citizens without a warrant based on probable cause (S. 1121), S4024 [7JN], S4027 [10JN]

Women: remove deadline for ratification of constitutional amendment to ensure equal rights (S.J. Res. 15), S3342 [9MY]

Reports filed

Support the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution Guaranteeing the Right to Counsel and Ensure Indigent Defendants in Felony Cases Are Adequately Represented: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H. Res. 196) (H. Rept. 113–260), H6996 [12NO]

Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act: Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (House) (H.R. 602) (H. Rept. 113–159), H4825 [19JY]

Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act: Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (Senate) (S. 572) (S. Rept. 113–86), S6295 [9SE]


Protect2A Project: Several Citizens, S2540S2542 [10AP], S2576 [11AP]

Texts of

H. Res. 196, support the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to counsel and ensure indigent defendants in felony cases are adequately represented, H6975 [12NO]

S.J. Res. 7, constitutional amendment to require balanced budget, S715 [13FE]