Administration of Barack H. Obama, 2010

Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2011

April 5, 2010

Dear Madam Speaker:

I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed amendment to Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 proposals in my FY 2011 Budget. In particular, I am requesting authority to allow the Department of Defense to transfer up to $50 million of funds that will expire in FY 2010 to the Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration for improvements to the Port of Guam. Modernization of the Port is a critical prerequisite for the military construction program supporting the realignment of U.S. Marine Corps forces from Japan to Guam, a part of the overall U.S. strategy for military forces in the Pacific region.

In addition, this transmittal contains a FY 2010 proposal for the Legislative Branch. As a matter of comity between branches, appropriations requests of the Legislative Branch are transmitted without change.

The details of this amendment are set forth in the enclosed letter from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.



Categories: Communications to Congress : Budget amendments for fiscal year 2011, letter transmitting.

Subjects: Budget, Federal : Amendments; Budget, Federal : Fiscal year 2010 budget; Budget, Federal : Fiscal year 2011 budget; Guam : Port of Guam; Japan : U.S. military forces, realignment; Navy, Department of the : Marine Corps, U.S.; Transportation, Department of : Maritime Administration, funding.

DCPD Number: DCPD201000232.