Administration of Barack Obama, 2016

Statement on the Vermont Legislature's Passage of Legislation Requiring Employers To Provide Paid Sick Leave to Employees

March 9, 2016

I commend Governor Peter Shumlin and the State of Vermont for taking action to provide paid sick leave for Vermont's working families. This action means thousands of families will no longer have to choose between losing income and taking care of a sick child. It's a choice no one should have to make. So I'm once again calling on Congress to help us catch up with other advanced nations and provide this basic security to all Americans. Until Congress acts, I urge other States to follow Vermont's lead. And I'll continue to do everything I can as President to support working families, because it's the right thing to do to give everyone a fair shot to get ahead.

Categories: Statements by the President : Vermont Legislature's passage of legislation to require employers to provide paid sick leave.

Names: Shumlin, Peter E.

Subjects: Labor issues : Paid family and sick leave; Vermont : Governor; Vermont : Paid sick leave legislation, passage.

DCPD Number: DCPD201600131.