Administration of Donald J. Trump, 2017

Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom in New York City

September 20, 2017

President Trump. Thank you very much. It's great to have Prime Minister May from the United Kingdom and her representatives, who are people we know very well through recent trade negotiations. I have to say, we'll be doing a lot of trading with the United Kingdom, and we look forward to it. And we have gotten to know each other over the last period of a year, and it's a real honor to have you here.

Thank you very much, Theresa.

Prime Minister May. Well, thank you very much, Mr. President.

President Trump. Thank you.

Prime Minister May. It's good to be here. And as you say, we've had many discussions between our representatives and ourselves on a whole variety of issues, including trade, which will be important for us, but some other issues: foreign policy issues, our security and defense relationship, which of course is the closest—the U.K. and the U.S. is the closest we have. And it's great that that continues.

President Trump. Well, thank you very much for being here. Thank you, Theresa.

Prime Minister May. Thank you.

NOTE: The President spoke at 3:30 p.m. in the Hubbard I meeting room at the Lotte New York Palace hotel.

Categories: Meetings With Foreign Leaders and International Officials : United Kingdom, Prime Minister May.

Locations: New York City.

Names: May, Theresa.

Subjects: New York : President's visits; United Kingdom : Prime Minister; United Kingdom : Relations with U.S.; United Kingdom : Trade with U.S.

DCPD Number: DCPD201700666.