Resolution Trust Corporation: Real Estate Recoveries 1993 (Fact Sheet,
03/25/94, GAO/GGD-94-84FS).

Recoveries on assets sold by the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) to
help pay for the savings and loan bailout are falling.  From June 1991
to December 1992, estimated recovery rates for assets declined 9 cents
per dollar of book value, from 60 cents on the dollar to 51 cents on the
dollar.  In a June 1993 report (GAO/AIMD-93-6), GAO indicated that
although RTC's estimated recovery rates for receivership assets were
based on the best available information, changes in economic conditions,
interest rates, and real estate markets could affect the value of assets
in resolved and unresolved institutions.  Due to improving economic
conditions, RTC has realized higher rates of recovery on its asset sales
than previously estimated.  Because RTC's remaining assets are
considered hard to sell, however, it is difficult for RTC to predict the
recovery rates and timing of sales.

--------------------------- Indexing Terms -----------------------------

     TITLE:  Resolution Trust Corporation: Real Estate Recoveries 1993
      DATE:  03/25/94
   SUBJECT:  Real estate sales
             Cost analysis
             Savings and loan associations
             Federal property management
             Federal agency accounting systems
             Bank failures
             Federal corporations
             Property disposal
             Property depreciation
IDENTIFIER:  RTC Real Estate Owned Asset Management System

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