[Journal of the House of Representatives, 1993]
[Tuesday, March 9, 1993 (23), Para 23.6 Unfinished Business--Approval of the Journal]
[Pages 171-172]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Para. 23.6  unfinished business--approval of the journal

  The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. BISHOP, pursuant to clause 5, rule I, 
announced the unfinished business to be the question on agreeing to the 
Chair's approval of the Journal of Monday, March 8, 1993.
  The question being put, viva voce,
  Will the House agree to the Chair's approval of said Journal?
  The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. BISHOP, announced that the yeas had it.
  Mr. SOLOMON demanded a recorded vote on agreeing to the Chair's 
approval of the Journal, which demand was supported by one-fifth of a 
quorum, so a recorded vote was ordered.
  The vote was taken by electronic device.

[[Page 172]]

It was decided in the



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