[Journal of the House of Representatives, 1994]
[Thursday, February 10, 1994 (9), Para 9.8 Independent Counsel Reauthorization]
[Page 83]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Para. 9.8  independent counsel reauthorization

  The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. GEJDENSON, pursuant to House Resolution 
352 and rule XXIII, declared the House resolved into the Committee of 
the Whole House on the state of the Union for the further consideration 
of the bill (H.R. 811) to reauthorize the independent counsel law for an 
additional 5 years, and for other purposes.
  Mr. TORRICELLI, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, resumed the 
chair; and after some time spent therein,