[Journal of the House of Representatives, 1994]
[Friday, March 11, 1994 (22), Para 22.13 Motion to Instruct Conferees--H.R. 3345]
[Page 264]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Para. 22.13  motion to instruct conferees--h.r. 3345

  Mr. CASTLE moved that the managers on the part of the House at the 
conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on H.R. 3345, be 
instructed to agree to the amendment of the Senate numbered 1, the Gramm 
amendment creating the Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund and providing 
a conforming reduction in the discretionary spending limits.
  After debate,
  By unanimous consent, the previous question was ordered on the motion 
to instruct the managers on the part of the House.
  The question being put, viva voce,
  Will the House agree to said motion?
  The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. MOAKLEY, announced that the nays had it.
  Mr. CASTLE demanded a recorded vote on agreeing to said motion, which 
demand was supported by one-fifth of a quorum, so a recorded vote was 
  The vote was taken by electronic device.

It was decided in the



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