[List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA), January 2016]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]


Chapter I_Federal Trade Commission (Parts 0_999)

1.100 (a) amended...................................................2742
1.110--1.119 (Subpart P) Added......................................2742
1.120--1.124 (Subpart Q) Added......................................2742
306.0 (b), (i), (j) and (l) revised; (o) added......................2062
306.5 Revised.......................................................2063
306.6 (b) revised...................................................2063
306.10 (a) and (f) revised..........................................2063
306.12 (a)(4) through (9) redesignated as (a)(5)
through (10); new (a)(4) added; (f) amended.....................2063
306.13 Added........................................................2064

Chapter II_Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 1000_1799)

1109.1 Regulation at 80 FR 61732 eff. date further
delayed to 2-12-16.................................................2
1109.5 Regulation at 80 FR 61732 eff. date further
delayed to 2-12-16.................................................2
1109.11 Regulation at 80 FR 61732 eff. date
further delayed to 2-12-16.........................................2
1109.13 Regulation at 80 FR 61732 eff. date
further delayed to 2-12-16.........................................2
1500 Regulation at 80 FR 61732 eff. date further
delayed to 2-12-16.................................................2
1500.91 Regulation at 80 FR 61732 eff. date
further delayed to 2-12-16.........................................2

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Proposed Rules:
