[Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Volume 29, Number 27 (Monday, July 12, 1993)]
[Pages 1285-1286]
[Online from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Exchange With Reporters Prior to the Opening Session of the Economic 
Summit in Tokyo

 July 7, 1993

Trade Talks

    Q. Mr. President, what do you hope to accomplish at this first 
summit meeting?
    The President. My spokesperson over there, she has my proxy. 
    Well, we're off to a good start. We hope to get the Uruguay round 
going again, and we have very encouraging news on that. We hope we can 
promote growth in our economies and jobs for our people, all of us do. 
And I think we will do what we can to support reform in Russia. So there 
are lots of things----
    Q. Do you think there will be success on the Uruguay round, sir?

[[Page 1286]]

    The President. I certainly hope so. I think there will be an 
announcement on that later today.
    Prime Minister Miyazawa. ----made great headway.
    Q. Great headway, did you say, Mr. Prime Minister?
    Prime Minister Miyazawa. Yes.
    The President. Our people worked almost all night last night. A 
great advantage for the Americans, since they couldn't sleep anyway. 

[At this point, one group of reporters left the room and another group 

    Q. Mr. Prime Minister, do you have any message--world community as 
you lead this meeting?
    Prime Minister Miyazawa. ----contribute to the prosperity--of the 
whole world.

[At this point, one group of reporters left the room and another group 

    Q. Is there progress on the Japanese trade talks, Mr. President?
    The President. They're working hard. I think the big news today will 
be on the manufacturing goods in the GATT round, and we'll have an 
announcement about that later today. It will be a big deal for 
Americans, lots of jobs involved if it works. And we're hopeful.

Note: The exchange began at approximately 2:15 p.m. at the Akasaka 
Palace. A tape was not available for verification of the content of this 
news conference.