[Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Volume 30, Number 14 (Monday, April 11, 1994)]
[Page 666]
[Online from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Exchange With Reporters in Cleveland, Ohio

April 4, 1994


    Q. Do the Serbs have a green light in----
    The President. I don't think they have a green light. We're looking 
at what our options are there. But it really depends upon in part what 
the U.N. mission wants to do there. We are committed to provide air 
support to troops if they go in. And whether we can recreate the 
conditions of Sarajevo anywhere else depends in part on the facts of 
each specific case.
    I would discourage any of them for doing anything just for 
negotiating purposes. They ought to go ahead and negotiate a peace and 
get it over with, is what I hope they will. It's not going to change 
their options----

Note: The exchange began at approximately 1 p.m. at Jacobs Field. A tape 
was not available for verification of the content of this exchange.