[Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Volume 30, Number 27 (Monday, July 11, 1994)]
[Page 1423]
[Online from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Exchange With Reporters During Discussions With Baltic Leaders in Riga, 

July 6, 1994

Russian Withdrawals

    Q. Mr. President, did you make any progress in your conversation 
with Mr. Yeltsin?
    The President. I think we're making good progress. I think we're 
making good progress toward completing the troop withdrawals on 
schedule, working out some of the remaining controversies over the 
rights of Latvian minorities. I feel good about it.
    We talked about that here, as well as about our economic 
cooperation. And this agreement is, I think, just the beginning of what 
will be a long and very deep relationship between these two countries 
and with the United States and the Baltics generally.
    Q. Did Yeltsin give you a firm commitment on August 31 withdrawal?
    The President. Well, he certainly clearly wants to complete the 
troop withdrawal, and he's worked very hard. You know, this has been a 
priority issue between the two of us, and I think that it will proceed 
apace. I feel good about where we are right now.

Note: The exchange began at 11:30 a.m. in the White Room at Riga Castle. 
A tape was not available for verification of the content of this 