[Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Volume 30, Number 28 (Monday, July 18, 1994)]
[Pages 1452-1453]
[Online from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Exchange With Reporters on North Korea in Naples, Italy

July 9, 1994

    The President. Good morning.
    Q. Where do we go from here on North Korea?
    The President. Let me say, first of all, I have extended sincere 
condolences to the people of North Korea on behalf of the people of the 
United States after the death of Kim Il-song, and I have expressed my 
deep appreciation to him for his leadership in enabling our two 
countries to resume our talks. We hope the talks will resume as 
appropriate. We believe it is in the interest of both countries to 
    Obviously, the people there are preoccupied with their surprise and 
their grief at this moment. But we have no reason to believe that they 
will not continue at this time.
    Q. Do you have any sign of any foul play?
    The President. No. All we know is what was reported. And it was 
reported that he died of a heart ailment, and that's all we know. We 
believe, as I said--first of all, we believe that Kim Il-song's 
leadership in starting these talks again was a very good thing, and we 
believe it remains in the interest of both countries to continue them, 
and we hope they will as appropriate.

Note: The exchange began at approximately 9:15 a.m. at the Hotel 
Vesuvio. A tape was not available for verification of the content of 
this exchange.

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