[Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Volume 30, Number 36 (Monday, September 12, 1994)]
[Page 1737]
[Online from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Statement on the Observance of Yom Kippur, 1994

September 6, 1994

    I am pleased to extend greetings to all who are observing Yom 
Kippur, the most solemn of Jewish holidays.
    The holy day of Yom Kippur recognizes that all human beings are 
capable of transgression and of atonement. Judaism teaches that every 
person, from time to time, fails to act in accordance with his or her 
highest principles. Yom Kippur offers worshippers the chance to seek 
forgiveness for sins committed during the past year and to reassess 
personal behavior. Beyond this, the Day of Atonement urges the repair of 
torn relationships and encourages treating all people with kindness. It 
is a day intended for rectifying mistakes and for recommitment in a 
journey leading from thought to deed.
    As we strive to recognize changes that must be made in our own lives 
and for our entire world, we turn to each other for the strength we 
seek. Though the challenges of our world are formidable, and ancient 
animosities are not easily overcome, the past year has shown us time and 
again that peace is within our power.
    Let this day serve as a call to make the changes in our lives and in 
our communities that peace and prosperity require. Let us rededicate 
ourselves to caring for others and to teaching our children the lessons 
of compassion. In the spirit of reconciliation and renewal that were so 
evident in the Israeli-Jordanian peace initiative, let us work toward 
building a brighter world for the generations to come.
    Best wishes to all for an observance full of meaning and hope.

Note: This advance text is identical to a message made available by the 
White House. Yom Kippur will be observed on September 15.