Updates and Notices

New GPO information and guidelines


Increase to the Direct Award Limit for Simplified Purchase Agreement Contracts - Work Orders, up to $5,000.00 (February 2024)

The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has revised the Printing Procurement Regulations, GPO Publication 305.3 to increase the one [1] quote threshold for micro-purchases, including Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) Work Orders issued by customer agencies, from $2,500.00, to $5,000.00. For more information, see Circular Letter 1128.

GPO Publish v3.0 Launch (November 3, 2022)

GPO Publish is GPO’s online printing and publishing ordering portal. It allows you to place electronic orders that were traditionally placed on an SF-1 (hard copy or PDF) and future releases will cover all GPO products. The 3.0 release of GPO Publish gives agencies the ability to:

  • create an account
  • securely create and submit orders
  • upload files and distribution lists
  • view your current orders and your GPO Publish order history
  • electronically sign your orders

To begin, register at Publish.gpo.gov/register.

Regional Agency Procurement Services (APS) Teams Realignment (effective October 1, 2022)

Effective October 1, 2022, GPO will be restructuring our former Regional Agency Procurement Services (APS) Offices into virtual Regional APS Teams. We have consolidated a few of our former offices to create teams to enhance support of our customers procurement requirements. Therefore, we are in the process of vacating our physical leased space. In doing so, we have renamed our Regional APS Offices to reflect the broader geographic regions they serve rather than individual physical locations. For more detailed information, see GPO's Circular Letter 1096.


GPO Circular Letters are vital communications between GPO and the Federal community. To receive a brief email message each time a new Circular Letter is published, please email [email protected] with your name and Federal agency.