Circular Letter No. 1128
February 20, 2024
TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government
SUBJECT: Increase to the Direct Award limit for
Simplified Purchase Agreement Contracts
-Work Orders, up to $5,000.00
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has revised the Printing Procurement Regulations,
GPO Publication 305.3 to increase the one [1] quote threshold for micro-purchases, including
Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) Work Orders issued by customer agencies, from
$2,500.00, to $5,000.00.
GPO’s SPA program gives users flexibility and control in acquiring printing, related publishing,
and digital services valued at up to $10,000 from commercial vendors. The threshold for a
single quote for SPA work orders has been increased from $2,500.00 to $5,000.00, provided
the price is determined to be fair and reasonable. This increase is effective for all existing
active SPA Memorandums of Agreements in place, regardless of the dollar amounts stated
For more information:
Managing Director, Customer Services
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