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Government Publishing Office, Assistant Inspector General for Management and Policy
James A. (Jim) Mattox assumed his duties as the Assistant Inspector General for Management and Policy, Office of the Inspector General, in August 2024. In this capacity, he provides oversight and leadership for a wide range of management, administrative, and operational requirements in connection with the daily operations of the OIG.
Prior to joining GPO, Jim served at the Defense Health Agency Office of the Inspector General for a year as the Director of Inspections and Deputy Director of the Organizational Inspection Program. His previous IG experience included five years with the Department of the Army Inspector General as the Chief of Records Screening and Oversight and the Chief of Systemic Inspections Division 1, and two years as the Command Inspector General at the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Jim has over 30 years as a career U.S. Army Field Artillery Officer and enlisted soldier serving in a variety of command, operational, and staff assignments. They include various overseas locations, deployments to Iraq, and assignment with the United Nations in Northern Africa.
Mattox earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Oklahoma State University, a Master of Science degree in Defense Analysis from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a Master of Science degree in International Relations from Troy University. He is a distinguished graduate of the Department of Defense Joint Inspector General Course and the Department of the Army Inspector General School.