Acting Deputy Director and Chief of Staff

By operation of GPO’s internal directive on succession, since March 6, 2018, Sherman has been serving as GPO’s Acting Deputy Director.

Appointed Chief of Staff in 2013, Sherman is responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and communication of the agency’s strategic initiatives. In carrying out these functions he oversees GPO’s Programs, Strategy, and Technology business unit as well as the agency’s offices of Congressional Relations, Public Relations, Employee Communications, and Internal Branding and Web Design.


Sherman joined GPO in 1980 and since 1985 has worked for the Office of the Director, gaining extensive experience with the agency’s budget, appropriations, legislation, strategic planning, and congressional and public affairs operations. From 2011-2013, Sherman served as GPO’s Chief Communications Officer, overseeing the agency’s offices for congressional and public relations as well as employee communications. Since 1997 he has been the agency’s Director of Congressional Relations, serving as the key liaison to GPO’s oversight and appropriations committees in the Senate and the House of Representatives. He is a past recipient of the Public Printer’s Meritorious and Distinguished Service awards. From 1986 to 2011 Sherman served as GPO’s representative to the National Government Publishing Association, an organization of state and other printing and publishing organizations, where successively he held the offices of Eastern regional director, treasurer, and president.

Sherman holds a B.A. and an M.A. in Government from The University of Virginia. Prior to joining the GPO he was a graduate teaching assistant in American history at Old Dominion University.