Congressional Relations Specialist

As Congressional Relations Specialist, Yalanda Johnson, serves as an official point of contact with Congress on behalf of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). Johnson communicates GPO news and other information to Congress and responds to inquiries from Members and committee offices. She also monitors congressional actions that have impact on GPO and helps coordinate GPO’s congressional testimony and legislative initiatives.


Johnson has nearly three decades of experience at GPO. She began her career at GPO in 1991 working for the Superintendent of Documents’ Sales Program. In 1993, she was selected along with four other candidates to become a GPO apprentice in the Bindery Division. In 2001-2002, she completed her apprenticeship as a Printing Specialist in Customer Services. She managed the production of the Congressional Directory for the 110th Congress and went on to train four additional Project Managers. Johnson has served as a Congressional Relations Specialist since 2007.

Johnson studied Architecture at Auburn University. She is a graduate of the 2002 Excellence in Government Fellows Program and received the Public Printer’s Distinguished Service Award in 2006.