GPO’s Return to Work Plan During COVID–19 and Beyond
On July 6, 2020, GPO Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern took GPO off Emergency Operational Status, which had been in place since March 16, 2020, due to the coronavirus (COVID–19) pandemic. Director Halpern has released GPOSAFE, a plan for returning to work. The plan outlines the agency’s strategy to ramp up productivity, including resuming passport and manufacturing production, while at the same time making changes necessary to protect GPO teammates. The plan offers a holistic approach to working in the era of COVID–19 and beyond.
The plan includes three steps to returning to work.
- Step One — Focus on Production and Distribution: (July 6, 2020) Step one will focus on resuming GPO’s regular work in the agency’s production and distribution divisions, including the production of U.S. passports and other secure credentials. The agency will continue using two teams, working week on/week off in production areas, ensuring GPO has reserve capacity in the event that a teammate gets sick. The workplace will have signage and additional PPE requirements and procedures, ensuring the GPO workforce is safe. Telework-capable teammates will continue to telework. Aside from those in production or distribution, teammates will not return to GPO during step one.
- Step Two — “Production Plus”: (est. Fall 2020) Environment allowing, step two will allow managing directors of business units that have primarily been teleworking the authority to initiate a limited physical presence in GPO’s spaces on an as-needed basis. Maximum telework will still be in place during this step. Before moving to step two, the agency will carefully consider local conditions and guidance from health authorities.
- Step Three — New Operating Posture: (est. Winter/Spring 2021) Environment allowing, step three marks the beginning of GPO’s new operating posture where the agency integrates the most successful safety and workplace practices into normal operations. Before moving to step three, the agency will carefully consider local conditions and guidance from health authorities, as well as the availability of an effective vaccine or treatment.
Download the full GPOSAFE plan here.