The Office of Governmental Affairs advocates GPO initiatives to Congress, GPO’s oversight committee — the Joint Committee on Printing — and the appropriations committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. We facilitate the needs of Members of Congress, congressional committees and staff, and their constituents and we are an expert resource on GPO products and services, all of which meet the highest standards for accuracy, integrity, fairness, and professionalism.

Liaison with the Joint Committee on Printing

The Office of Governmental Affairs maintains liaisons with the Joint Committee on Printing. GPO liaison with the JCP is conducted under the requirements of the provisions of Title 44 USC, JCP Resolution 1, and JCP Resolution 2, which require prior approval of certain GPO actions before they can take effect.

Liaison with U.S. Senate and House of Representatives Appropriations Committees

The Office of Governmental Affairs provides testimony and other information to congressional appropriators in support of GPO's appropriations requests.

Congressional Testimony

Testimonies are arranged by Congress and available in PDF format by selecting from the following menu:

Select Year

Budget Submission Archives

Our Office of Governmental Affairs supports GPO appropriations requests to the House and Senate Legislative Branch appropriations subcommittees.

Select Year

Transmittal Letters for OIG Semiannual Reports to Congress

By law, GPO transmits to Congress Semiannual Reports of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

Select a Fiscal Year

Annual Reports Archives

Select Year Range

GPO Annual Reports dating from 1860 are available on Govinfo.

Operational Reviews

Independent reviews of GPO processes and products can be found here. Two of the most recent available are:

Services for Congressional Offices

Congressional Printing Needs

House and Senate Member offices seeking advice/assistance on printing and publishing requirements should contact the Managing Director of GPO’s Office of Government Integrated Print Services, Mr. Greg Estep (202-512-0707; [email protected]), for further information.

Obtain Print Publications

Print publications, include the Congressional Record, the Congressional Record Index, and the Code of Federal Regulations. You can change the distribution of print publications using the online form.

Publication Distribution Update Form

View Government Printing and Binding Regulations

Federal printing and publishing activities in general are conducted in compliance with the Government Printing & Binding Regulations, published by the Joint Committee on Printing.

Designate a Federal Depository Library

Members of Congress may designate libraries in their state or district as depository libraries, subject to availability and eligibility under Chapter 19 of Title 44 USC. For more information, contact the Office of Outreach & Support at 202.512.1119 or by email at [email protected].


All communications from congressional offices regarding official business or constituent requests should be addressed through this office.

U.S. Government Publishing Office
Office of Congressional Relations
732 North Capitol Street, NW
Mail Stop LP, Room C804 
Washington, DC 20401

ph 202.512.1968
fx 202.512.1293