Circular Letter No. 999

February 6, 2018

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: FDsys To Be Replaced by Govinfo

The Government Publishing Office (GPO) has provided online access to Government information from all three branches since 1994 when we created the GPO Access website. GPO continued to innovate by launching the Federal Digital System (FDsys) in 2009, and in 2016, GPO debuted the modern, mobilefriendly govinfo (

In December 2018, GPO plans to retire FDsys, and govinfo will take its place as GPO’s source for official Government information.

While FDsys will remain available until its retirement, users are encouraged to transition to govinfo. Immediately before FDsys is retired, redirects from FDsys to govinfo will be enabled, but users should prepare for the FDsys retirement by proactively updating their systems and links to point to govinfo instead of FDsys.

Govinfo offers many enhancements over FDsys including:

  • Optimization for display on mobile devices
  • More relevant and precise search results
  • Integrated social media sharing
  • New Related Documents feature
  • Curated content and new ways to browse
  • Developer tools and data feeds
  • Expanded help and resources

Learn more about govinfo and the transition from FDsys at or contact us at

Thank you,

Managing Director, Customer Services

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