Circular Letter No. 1130
March 25, 2024
TO: Federal Agency Budget and Accounting Officers, Agency Printing and Publishing Officials
SUBJECT: Part 7 – GPOs Updated Readiness Schedule for G-Invoicing (GINV)
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has updated its readiness schedule and is providing the following to help customer agencies understand how to work with GPO while meeting Treasury’s GINV requirements. This is part of a series of GPO Circular Letters on GPOs GINV implementation. For the latest on GPOs GINV plans, including prior circular letters, see
GPO’s Updated GINV Readiness Schedule:
- April 1, 2024: GPO can support Standard Advance Orders (GINV Deposit Accounts). To schedule a planning session with GPO, email [email protected].
- To learn more about GPO GINV Deposit Accounts, refer to Treasury Trading Partner Spotlight Briefing on GPO Deposit Accounts.
- October 1, 2024: GPO anticipates being ready to support Non-Advance Orders using Standard GINV Processing.
- September 30, 2025: Per Fiscal Services guidance, all legacy IPAC billings must be complete or they will be considered In-Flight Orders.
7600EZ Status:
GPO has shifted its implementation focus from EZ to the Standard Process to accommodate
the largest segment of GPO Trading Partner agencies. GPO will reevaluate where EZ fits into
offerings in the future, but right now, we are prioritizing Standard to be ready to support our
Trading Partners in FY25.
Next Steps:
- Please share this information internally with staff involved in obligating, ordering, and
authorizing payments for products and services from GPO.
- Contact your agency’s GINV Implementation Team to better understand when and how your agency will implement GINV, and any impact it may have on how you currently process orders with GPO (Note: SF1’s, 2511’s, 4044’s / all Ordering Forms will still be required). If you require assistance identifying your agency’s Team, email the Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Service at [email protected].
- Once again, if your agency uses GPO Deposit Accounts and you would like to schedule a
planning session and learn more about how to transfer into GPO GINV Deposit Accounts,
please contact us at [email protected].
Visit GPO’s G-Invoicing Webpage for additional information regarding GPO’s recommended
GT&C Templates, GINV Circular Letters, Intragovernmental Working Group Presentations,
Treasury Resources, and Federal Publishing Council Briefings pertaining to GINV.
Managing Director, Customer Services Chief Financial Officer
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